Guild Bank Missing Items Update

Could you please stop responding to the trolls who are only here to pour more oil into the fire? That would be great.


Someone already posted this: Please ignore trolls.

Like Vacancy just wrote, this thread is not just about the data loss, but the loss of trust too. Why pay a company that chooses to screw you and won’t restore data from a backup? If you honestly believe they don’t have a backup - why pay a company as sloppy as that? They can restore characters deleted years ago, and yet they can’t take the time to write a script to sort through guild banks from a backup?


Thank you, I needed the reminder.

They said what the issue was, that the cause was identified, that they were sending out the items able to be recovery, and that other items are not able to be restored.


you’re wasting your breath. a lot of people are convinced there’s a secret backup file and if enough people just get mad, blizzard will say “okay, fine, you wore us down” and restore it.


From the ticket response someone received, it said within a few weeks.

No one can assure anyone of anything.

To me, when they said:

That means, “some of y’all are just screwed.” Like me and my guild.

Eh? They’ve always stickied this type of thing on the General Forum and this is official communication.

Because there is no compensation they can give. Gold? Can’t inject that into the economy. Game time? Why do I care when that doesn’t restore my items? And the items themselves cannot just blindly be given on word of good faith from people.

This post is the official first and last word on what happened and what they could do. There really isn’t anything else to be said or done.

It’s why most of us just moved on. It was a nail in the coffin for me. The last one was nerfing and neutering Dracthyr. So… sub canceled.


PS: since the trolls are getting of lower caliber and hide their profiles, you can still ignore them. It’s difficult (thanks MSFT/BLIZZ), but still possible:

Littlerascal gets all the credit for the original:
In case others are not aware, here are the procedures to place someone on ignore if they have a private profile.

  1. Click your profile picture in the top right
  2. Click Preferences “Icon on the top that looks like a person”
  3. Click on “Preferences” again in the list
  4. Click “Users” in the left hand menu (*mine was underneath, not left)
  5. Click the “+ Add…” button
  6. Type in their character name in the “Username” field (it should auto-populate with their profile after typing).
  7. Select the length of time, “Forever” works great
  8. Click the “Ignore” button

Congratulations, you just put someone with a private profile on ignore!!!

You can also manage who is on ignore here by removing their names in the top portion of this same window


Sure hope they do I may not have the issue you all have but don’t want you all to lose the thread if it ends up just being mud slinging.


Then they need to come up with some type of compensation. I have been playing faithfully NO break in services, brought people back to the game after they left and had a completely full guild bank. 17 years of game time spent.
What makes me mad is no action to try to compensate… just a lame blurb…
I get I could go play some other game but I don’t want to. I just want them to try and make this right…


They tried. They tried to recover the data, and recovered what they were able to. Beyond that, they just don’t have the data or they would just restore what went missing.

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Problem is who do they and at what extent do they compensate players. I may or may not have lost items. If I did, I don’t know, because it was just pixels worth something to someone else if I sold it. I might be wrong, but Blizzard pretty much said that guild / players affected will probably not get everything they lost back.

They’ve been very hush hush on their plan of action other than that. It took them a while to even acknowledge and won’t be transparent enough to make players understand the issue in a language players can fully understand. So unfortunately, if someone lost something and it hasn’t been returned by now, hope for Christmas?

Otherwise as a customer you have the right to show Blizzard what you think of the Great Bank Heist of 2024. Unsubscribe, fill out the reason why and this will tell them more about the effects this had, and maybe just maybe they might compensate better if at all.

Side note, just because the value of lost items might be worth millions of gold, it is subject to the market value of which Blizzard has no control over. Yesterday it might have been millions, tomorrow it might be billions, but today its worth nothing as it’s all gone.

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What has me particularly concerned now is their (presumably) planned rework of personal banks; converting to tabs instead of bag slots.

I have a serious concern that they will mess that up somehow too.


This is quite a conundrum for Blizzard. There is no winner here. We are all losers. I wholeheartedly believe that Blizzard has done everything in their power to fix this. Unfortunately, they can’t. Not that I agree with this scenario but compensating players based solely on their word is not going to happen. I am assuming there is no record of the files deleted or we would have our stuff. Blizzard is not going to look at the big pink elephant in the room. They will stay quiet as a church mouse, lick their wounds, and move on. They are hoping over time the temp will drop and all will be forgotten.


Yep. Same here.

Also: I don’t want tabs. I want my bags the way they are. The entire concept is horrible to me.

Leave my freakin’ bank alone!


Good lord that sounds like a nightmare, guaranteed to be a :poop:storm of bugs/glitches if TWW’s various “rework” changes are any indication

…and judging by their track record (for example: how this bug was handled), we can safely assume that players won’t be made whole when (not if) some players inevitably experience bugs/glitches with the new “revamped” personal banks and loss stuff/lose items to buggy data loss


You know, English is not my first language but the blue post clearly states that they do recover stuff for most guilds and that a few may not receive all items back.

The truth however is, that not even 1% of the guilds got all the stuff back, but 99% didn´t get a single item returned. In my case, I received some cloth, that I can farm in 10 seconds at Outland…

I have no idea if our CM just worded things poorly, if someone worded it for her or if my understanding of this language just suxx, but ya I feel mistreated and insulted by their response to this problem of ours.

They also don´t seem to even think about a compensation, some players may have lost millions of gold worth in items and we all know how valuable gold can be. Some may be paying their subs or expansion packs with it, while others were maybe saving for the warbank tabs and again some others for a black market deal.

At least these folks could be compensated, for the rest of us that lost personal letters or unoptainable items, the ship has sailed I guess.


Or the first slot character deletions.

I will say from what I saw someone mention earlier, it is a lot harder to test these kinds of issues on ptr and beta/alpha. War Within’s had two actual connected servers, the other two(?) were different parameters for testing different parts of the game. I don’t think we could have tested everything regarding warbands and cross-realm guild banks if we tried, though I doubt the data loss issue had much to do with that from how it’s been talked about.

Imagine if they decide to say, “update” or “rework” mount collections tab in the future

Imagine if say, someone’s Invincible mount suddenly disappears immediately following a Tuesday maintenance/reset. Like… I can’t even - I can’t even imagine the horror of that happening considering just how hard-to-get/rare some of these mounts are :flushed:


If they have no way of knowing who was hurt by this then they should do something for every guild bank as a way to say they are sorry. I don’t care if its gold game time or what but it should go out to every guild based on the number of tabs they have.


Why do you feel the need to lob immature insults at people? Cant you have a mature discussion?