Guild Bank Missing Items Update

Yep exactly. If they did SOMETHING, it would at least show they care about something other than just the bottom line.


I am concerned as well.  I already lost my very sentimental classic-era shaman totems when Blizzard intentionally removed them from all character inventories back in Patch 5.0.4 (instead of simply making them able to be destroyed so one could choose but what would a “buff b****” know amirite).  I have so much rare/removed items across my characters’ banks on my account, and it would be especially upsetting in particular were I to lose the Unbestowed Friendship Bracelet I have sitting on my troll priest alt.  (I had wanted to use it on a person from a former raiding guild of mine, but around that same time they had already stopped playing due to real-life issues.)

And all the above aside, it’s frustrated me bit by bit how they are removing the artistic/creative vision that helped define World of Warcraft and replacing it with things that make it much more generic.  It started with small things like replacing the concept art used for the character creation screen and changing the font used for mail letters, to now wanting to replace bags with “modern UI” such as tabs.  What has happened to the RPG in MMO-RPG?  /rant

(Needed to vent, sorry, though I did try to remain at least somewhat on topic.)


I’m afraid there is even more bad news that popped up today

Someone in the bugs forum apparently had TWW swallow/delete one of their mounts from their mount collection. Supposedly he put in a ticket but the GM basically said the same thing (“tough luck”) and that they won’t be doing anything about his loss

It’s an obscure post, but if it’s true that mounts can suddenly disappear that’s “something else” we have to worry about now :eyes:


Nah, people have always had stories like that, going back to the beginning of the game, many many years. It’s usually someone misremembering. 1 story about someone not having a mount they think they had isn’t newsworthy. There is no evidence that anything other than the guild bank items disappeared.

Given how buggy/glitchy TWW has turned out, wouldn’t surprise me at all if there’s yet another new bug on the loose :rofl:


Not really. We just think that the amount they didn’t handle via customer service and communication is bs and they should answer for it.

They should be forced to explain how badly they screwed up. The we can’t restore line move along, is just not enough. They are claiming there is no way to restore it 
not that they have no backups. How did they restore some of they have nothing? It just doesn’t add up.

So blizzard needs to give us a timeline or not get our trust back. Every time something seems off now I am gonna wonder if an item got deleted. How will we know? The log is still messed up so how do guilds function with shared space?

It’s a huge screw up and the response is almost worse.


Considering the current issues that seems like a very odd reaction.


It’s not. We don’t need to make up stories to make it seem worse, when it’s already bad enough. I, my friends, and my guild (all of whom lost stuff in the guilds banks) checked all of our collections, pets, mounts, reputations, etc, and nothing was lost.

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Actually hilarious. I’m at a loss of words; deleted out of existence just like my guild bank items.


That doesn’t mean it’s fake man. They just had a massive data loss, and have one of the buggiest launches yet. The idea that it only hit the guild bank, and nothing else is probably less likely than it being a pervasive problem. Could it be fake? Sure. Right now jumping to that conclusion seems sily to me.

That said, the issue is we don’t know enough about what happened to tell. For all we know they got hacked and are just not sharing it. Were their backups encrypted? Did they get ransomed? We have no idea and that is a huge part of the problem if they want to gain back any trust.


I’m seeing way to many post suggesting that we’ve reached an end point where there is nothing more to be done except get over it. I know most of them are just trolls helping us keep this topic active, but it seems like some of the affected players are starting to believe it too, so:

  • Just because you personally don’t like any of the solutions discussed so far doesn’t mean that a solution doesn’t exist.
  • Just because you can’t think of the right solution by yourself also does not mean that a solution doesn’t exist.
  • Just because no solution other than a full restoration will ever be good enough, doesn’t mean we should let Blizzard get away with doing nothing.
  • Just because we don’t know how much they know, doesn’t mean they know nothing.
  • Just because they can’t verify some of their own data, doesn’t mean they can’t investigate the mountains of evidence they are being sent by affected customers.
  • Just because you don’t care about someone else’s pixels doesn’t mean those pixels weren’t worth something, and don’t deserve to be restored/compensated.
  • Just because you don’t believe Blizzard could/would/should offer compensation, doesn’t mean that they are not capable of doing so, or absolve them of their legal obligations in relevant jurisdictions.
  • Just because you weren’t affected by this issue doesn’t mean that Blizzard won’t try and screw you next, when something else goes wrong and they think they can get away with ignoring it.
  • Just because some of these solutions sound hard or expensive, doesn’t mean we should continue to support MSFT/Blizz paying their executives undeserved performance bonuses instead of spending that money fixing their mistakes.

If nothing else, this thread is a record of just a small fraction of the damage Blizzard is doing to their own reputation by failing to adequately address this issue.
They let it go on long enough, the knowledge will spread, and soon enough half the internet will know not to use any Blizzard services ever again, for fear of unresolved data losses.


Warband bank problems, warband currency problems, and certain reps resetting were (are?) fairly widespread.

A single mount lost by a single player is hard to confirm. If it did happen it would more likely be a data loss than a code related bug. What if you are the unfortunate player whose bits get scrambled?


This isn’t something that should have been tested only on Alpha and Beta because of exactly this, and I HOPE that wasn’t the only place it was “tested.” If it was possible, they would have needed to have recreated an environment close to what they would be working with. Take created guilds (many), put things into the guild banks, invite people from other realms, have some guilds with NO people from other realms, etc. . . . pretty much what you’d see in game but on a smaller scale - make whatever changes they needed to to allow cross-realm access and TEST it. Break it. Observe, report, keep breaking and testing until it doesn’t break. I have never been a QA person, so they would know the process much MUCH more than I would, but they are the pros (and they SHOULD be familiar with WoW and its its environments) and should have had their hands all over it.


I got nothing back. No mail. Just nothing. I know it was all just old xpac crafting mats for the most part, but it’s incredibly annoying to not get anything at all.


Another video on the subject. Hopefully it will bring more awareness to this disaster. Not my video. Give the creator some love. Looks like then need subs too!

The Great Blizzard Bank Heist: Update 2 - YouTube


This is going off memory, so take it with a grain of salt, but lack of live server numbers has always been blizzard’s reason for not catching some of the more serious bugs out there and outages that happen. This also makes this an odd predicament because beta this expansion was also buy in via preorders. But I can’t remember seeing a bigger influx of people due to this, nor were there more servers listed to test cross-realm guilds so it’s questionable if even this helped prevent any worse issues. That’s also why I’m wary to say it’s connected or would have helped in this case. For the same reasons, though, we can’t really replicate the regional AH in alpha/beta to see the issue that happened there. Not enough people and folks do wacky things anyway like post a basically beef at gold cap or w/e.

A different beast, unfortunately. QA hasn’t exactly been treated or paid well for the majority of wow’s life, I think they might have finally gotten a bump up recently and more power via unionizing (for w/e’s left after all the rounds of layoffs and shuffling), but I would highly encourage reading about some of their stories and articles if you haven’t.

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But do you know that 100% for sure? You somehow have every single mount, pet, and every reputation and collection memorized? And every item in your guild bank memorized? All of you? Sorry but I doubt it.

My husband and I had a break-in like 15 years ago. Obvious items were taken - movies off the shelf, game consoles, etc. and our insurance asked us to make a list of everything missing for replacement purposes. We gave them detailed documentation.

Several months later we went to pack to go on a trip and realized all of our luggage was gone. Suddenly realized that was how the criminals took our items out of the house. But also, we didn’t notice or even think about our luggage being gone until we needed it, much later. Insurance didn’t cover this.

At first glance things may seem fine. Until you go to work on some obscure old reputation and realize it has been reset. Or someone gets out an old obscure mount and you’re like, “Oh I have that!” but you can’t find it. The longer this goes on, the harder it’s going to be for people to link it back to this situation and get any acknowledgement or compensation. Or even to add to Blizz’s data for investigation. This issue is more widespread than any of us have realized. And consider that only a fraction of players even use the forums - how many people haven’t even noticed yet?


Prince Blizz of Nigeria has again failed to put anything back in my bank account that he emptied.


Every morning when I get up and every day after I get home from work I check this thread to see if there have been any changes. Of course there never is.

What is everyone else playing? Any cool new games out there? I’m looking mainly for PC, I’m just not interested in console games at the moment.

I have just received the following confirmation on my CS Ticket;

I’ve taken a look into this and I believe that the fix issued by developers is attempting to restore all affected items, yes!

How much longer it takes, whether it ultimately works, and how they will follow up if it doesn’t, remains to be seen.
Hopefully they put out an official update soon if it is indeed to be the case that they are now anticipating total restorations.