Guild Bank Missing Items Update

Yeah this is why I will never use streaming or any service like Game Pass. I will never touch any “cloud gaming” service, not even with a 100 foot pole. NEVER. I either get DVD’s or sail the high seas.

WOW is the only thing I really have that’s dependent on the service running to play. But there is no way around that with an MMORPG. Well, there are sort of ways but we don’t talk about that here.


I haven’t used my guild bank on my affected character since this started. I noticed it on Aug. 18. :frowning:

Now I’m afraid to put anything into it.


I am only point out the truth, nothing more.

You are getting what you are giving and being disingenuous is not a good look for you.


There is clearly a pattern, we just don’t know what it is (was).


No, you are calling people names just because they have a different opinion. I have been polite and cordial. You lob childish insults. Be better.

Just realized something. The second backup would also have logs of things removed from the guild bank in the time between. Factor that in and you have everything. Even if they backup every week during downtimes this is all they would need to do.

This makes no sense that it is irretrievable. They are lying.



Indeed.  Systems only do what they’re programmed to by a human (and don’t let so-called “AI” fool you), so there is a logic to it even if it’s not immediately apparent.

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I’m going to refer you to this for clarification :point_down: :point_down: :point_down:

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Thats your opinion. Im not disingenuous, i have a different opinion than you. Is that not allowed?

Just because you didn’t use swear words, or call people names doesn’t mean you were not being rude. You were belittling other peoples issues and saying they were taking this out of proportion. You didn’t call them names exactly, but you belittled their complaints and called them melodramatic. Also, you were just here to put down others issues. Your only real argument was that it wasn’t a big deal. That is rude, and pointless, and that is why you are getting called a troll. ie put down others ideas, dismiss them, belittle them, and add nothing to the conversation other than to try and derail it.

If don’t think it is a big deal, then don’t post about it. Let people who do post about it as well. Your opinion that it is not a big deal is for yourself. Everyone’s big deal is a tiny thing to someone else. Stop playing the victim in this thread, and just let people have their deals.


This right here is why it’s so laughable that people have the nerve to come in and shill for blizz in this scenario. Like, you can’t be naive enough to think this won’t set a precedent going forward in how much they feel they can shaft the community without significant outrage. We all should be united in loudly calling out terrible treatment of the playerbase whether it affects each of us personally or not. The corporation will ALWAYS choose the most financially sound option in the short term, which pretty much always is the worse option for the players.


Im not belittling anyone. If i dont think losing some items in a video game isnt that big of a deal, that is my opinion. Im allowed to express it. I understand some disagree and I know this situation sucks for them. Its ok they think that way.

Also, i am in no way a victim. I just pointed out the people that cant discuss things without resorting to immature insults.

Well let’s look through what you have said.

" at least one mature person on here" ie everyone is immature
" Its some pixels in a video game. You will be ok." Fairly harsh snark
“From a rational, mature perspective its not that big of a deal.” ie you are all being irrational and immature
“If your arent entertained then you shouldnt play.” just quit
“This is the problem that some of you cant differentiate between the two.” belittling others abilities
“Approaching this from a mature and rational perspective can be very helpful.” you are all not rational
“You should change your perspective.” your perspective is wrong mine is right…ie not just your opinion but belittling others opinions
“The more you try to act like you werent in the wrong the the more ignorant you appear.” straight up calling someone ignorant
"Im just saying, as someone reading this nonsense from the outside, you arent making yourself look good. " calling someones opinion nonsense
“The difference is, I am able to assign an appropriate priority to a silly video game because I have perspective” belittling others feelings about the issue
“Stop being so melodramatic” belittling peoples perspectives
“Only the hive mind is allowed, right.” belittling peoples reactions to you belittling them

You have done very little here but tell people they are less than you for having a reaction to this problem. You have been generally rude while doing it but using language that is not directly offensive. You are the issue here, not people who are mad about a product having an issue.

I hope you figure it out and walk away. If it’s not that big of a deal to you, then stop spending your time here belittling people who find it to be a big deal.

Not a big deal to you fine. Big to others fine. You telling others it’s not a big deal and the issue is with their perspective, not fine. Repeating to do that over and over again, trolling. Not sure I can make it clearer than that.


No, its completely fine. I am allowed to have a different opinion. If you treat the video game, like a video game your perspective will change. Assign the approprite priority to things and little inconveniences arent really a big deal.

And we are allowed to call you the troll you are and block you. Get some perspective :slight_smile:


Sure you can block me if you want. It doesnt matter. Calling people names because they have a different opinion is just what people do when they have nothing left. Some of you just cant handle it if someone disagrees. You should be better.

The problem is you insisting that your own priorities and perspective are the only correct ones, and saying others need to change theirs so they see it your way. Which you view as the correct way.

You are judging other opinions, not simply offering yours.

If you want to tell people how they should think so it matches your thoughts, I don’t see how you can be remotely surprised when they push back.


P.S. I’m still mad about my borrowed pixels.


I dont care if people push back. Thats what a discussion is all about. It seems many here have to resort to name-calling because they cant handle the thought that someone doesnt agree with them.

Can we please stop derailing the thread and focus on the actual matter at hand?

Asking for a friend.