Guild Bank Missing Items Update

Saying you are a troll is less “name-calling” than implying people are irrational, immature or ignorant, though.

I understand why people are upset about this. Not being the legal owner of the pixels doesn’t mean they didn’t invest time and money into them for years. If you purchase a physical game (or literally any other good) and it doesn’t work properly, they replace it or offer an alternative fair compensation. The game being virtual doesn’t mean you didn’t pay for it. It’s also a currently-serviced online game. Losses should be recouped. It’s the right thing to do. Objectively.


Furthermore! I am still highly insulted that my Partial Restoration™ included 4 snowballs. I do not feel like that is reasonable. There are dozens of other items listed right there in my recent logs. It’s a joke.


Yeah. I guess the decision was made that the fraction of affected users (at least those that noticed their gbanks were missing items…) is sufficiently small that those customers weren’t worth it. Again, this isn’t about lost items, it is about lost data - Blizzard is ok with it. When it happens next time - it’s not worth fixing to them. You as a paying customer aren’t worth helping. “we’ve worked through this difficult issue” if you don’t like our solution, too bad™.

If they can’t reliably store customer data, what are we paying them for? Unless you play this game like its a RTS and don’t care about character development, collecting stuff, or making a longer-term investment of time into yoiur character (which is ok if that’s your playstyle), those of us who prefer that playstyle expect to pick up where we leave off day to day, and receive help when issues like this happen. Part of the appeal of this game is that it isn’t RL - where being screwed, robbed, wronged, happens… here at least there were some things you could count on - not anymore.

I think what upsets me the most is how easily they’ve thrown away our trust, and let us know they don’t care. Linxy is just the messenger, but seriously what an arrogant non-apology and token carefully worded non-restoration. I wouldn’t expect that even from a used car salesman.


Why is this your assumption? When I read the blue post it sounds like they are sorry and trying everything they cam to get the items back.

Talked to my guild mate today finally …between her and her hubby and their daughter they have 14 private Guild banks…3 of those 14 which were 7 tab ones were emptied out by this bug and they haven’t received one piece of stuff in the mail from Blizzard now…they are not happy one bit now…they have been in game since 2008…16 yrs of stuff gone now for them…


Still not a single in-game mail with any sort of item(s) attached.

If you’d like a VERY partial list to work/start from… try checking my GBanks activity log.

How did restoration not even parse the very LOG you provide to us? The very LOG you host? The very LOG we have no ability to manipulate and can be considered factual info?


I can’t even, with the lack of empathy and effort shown in response to this.

This is not forgivable.

Do better. Do MORE.


Yeah, and unfortunately, that’s how they want it. I don’t remember the exact person, but someone in the industry said they didn’t want people to “own” games. I may seem like a crazy person when I say I LIKE physical items when possible - music, movies, etc., because I control its existence in my life, in how I use it, when to use it, when to let people borrow it and when (if ever) to let it go.

They (whoever THEY are, I guess) want us to move to a society where corporations own EVERYTHING and while we pay money, we are not guaranteed ACCESS to those thing - that they are at the discretion of the corporations - be it music, games, movies, books. I also feel like they want to shift everyone to smaller and smaller spaces (and make it look “cute” and “cozy.”) where they won’t HAVE space for such physical media, but that part is a whole other topic . . .

This whole everything-is-online thing is FAIRLY new and there needs to be better consumer protection when it comes to access, guarantee of preserved data, and enough warning before something is pulled from us. BUT the companies are big, powerful and only care about their bottom-line so I’m sure they’ll make that very difficult or impossible, I.e, we’re screwed.


It was someone from Ubisoft that said that…and Ubisoft is rapidly headed to bankruptcy because of it. Their last two releases have been complete flops (with most people saying they’re happy to not own Ubisoft games), and the company may very well go under.

And it will be well deserved. It’s been years since Ubisoft put out anything other than pretentious trash. Any company that insists on going down the “no ownership” path is going to find themselves out of busiess. Laws are starting to be passed to crack down on this type of exploitation as well.

Sailing the high seas is making a BIG return as well, after being on the decline for a long time (since Steam and Netflix gave a legal alternative that was compelling). But now that companies are trying to claw that back, a lot of people have said “enough” and are turning to piracy.


It was when one of the Uru games released as a continuously online game and had an EULA that stated you did not own it., but were paying for the right to play it until the servers went down. This was a way to try to jump on MMORPG market. It was full of bugs and expensive for the time.


Yeah. It’s a shame too because I once associated the name Ubisoft with greatness when Assassin’s Creed was in its prime. Oh well. No company lasts forever.


Ubisoft absolutely deserves what is about to happen to them, and it will be glorious to watch. “Get used to not owning our games!” More like “Get used to not getting our money!”


Yup, me too. When my kids want a game, we buy the physical copy rather than download it. If something happens to the console, they still have the game. They can also swap games with each other.

I just hope physical copies of games/movies don’t go away any time soon.


i am curious as i too but i was having issues with depositing and withdrawal on certain characters in my own guild probably since the spring i want to say.

i would use specific characters to withdraw and deposit before i completely stopped using my guild bank for fear i would overwrite something valuable as i awaited the warband bank system rollout.

i received a vague none answer message that it was fixed when it was certainly not and so i began using my character banks instead back in the early summer after i noticed that i had been able to deposit an item ontop of another item and it poofed but then after i relogged the changes were reverted as if i had not moved anything.


which is fine, but due to your obduracy and repetition you have earned a spot on my /ignore list

(although it appears this is like your 30th posting alt)


It’s hilarious how many times you put others down but then claim the victim. It has nothing to do with disagreeing. It has to do with your treatment of people who have an issue. You look down on them and have said so many times. That’s the issue. You enjoy telling people they care too much about this and are mocking them…then you turn around and act like everyone else is attacking you. It’s gaslighting 101. To the block list you go.


Dang I wish I could be a moderator for a day. I don’t work for Blizzard so I can’t be, but I would clean up all the trolls, lol.


so uhm how goes things?


Just a reminder that Blizzard STILL HAS NOT FIXED the Guild Bank Log issue that’s been going on for MONTHS, at least for some guilds. While it OCCASIONALLY records activity, I’d say MOST of the times, it does not. I put some buff food in my active guild. One of my guildies (a Warlock) said he was “stealing” some stuff from the guild bank (LOL - they’re SUPPOSED to take them, so not stealing as long as it’s something they can use and a reasonable amount of it). I looked and there were no Stuffed Cave Peppers in the tab I put it in, but NO LOG ENTRY that it was taken. MOST of the log entries are from 7 or 8 months ago.

I realize that this is a slightly different topic but could very well be related. HOW is it that even after this entire mess of ENTIRE GUILD BANKS going missing, they haven’t even FIXED the logging issue that I’m sure many of us reported MONTHS ago?? HOW???

(This is another one that seems to have hit randomly since I see a lot of people saying that their bank logs have been working fine).


This is Sad…Very Sad Only
Blizzard Lost all of the items we worked so hard for
Hour’s Day’s Weeks’s Month’s and Years’s
Very Sad Only!!!


I don’t know if this happens to any of you:

  • I am a very rational person, not at all superstitious or mystical;
  • I have 2 guild banks, one was completely emptied - I manage it from a Garrison -, in the other - I manage it from the Pandaria engineering auction - nothing was missing;
  • I can’t put anything in the bank that was emptied “the Garrison bank.” I call it “the cursed bank.” If I put some things it is for a while until I find another space for them on another bank.

I know it’s absolutely irrational and doesn’t make sense but hey, I can’t use it.
Today I had to save 6000 meats (6 stacks) and I didn’t have place in that GM’s backpacks. I “lean” the meats on the cursed gvault, found a place for them in another character and sent them by mail.
They are pixels - say what you want - but it is the impact of what happened on me, that is it.
Example: my living steels from Pandaria (10 years!!!) were in the 3rd flap, far right column, 4th slot. Every day transmute, keep on the bank. Till 2014 to 2 months ago.
Tell me about how to modify visual memory.