Guild Bank Missing Items Update

Ive put in two tickets about getting nothing back yet out of 575 items missing. The first was just a reroute back to this blue post. I just got back my second ticket from a GM and it looks somewhat hopeful. I was told that they “know some players didn’t receive their items back yet, it just a matter of time since we have a huge amount of cases that we’re working on it, and you will receive your items soon once we get it done.”
There was some broken English or un-proofread sentences in the response, and that + my shaken faith in blizzard has me still somewhat skeptical…but technically theres been reassurance that its just a matter of time waiting for restoration, something im totally fine with. I’d be curious if anyone else has gotten some similar official correspondence.


A thought came do my mind just now and though I am not sure how it might work from a Blizz standpoint…I was going to say it but then I DID NOT want to give them the idea if they hadn’t thought of it already…needless to say sneaky but clever nonetheless!

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You pull two backups and compare them. You know when the incident happened. So compare the backups from before the patch and right after the patch. Do it programatically. Compare both databases and show the difference.

Now you might need to deal with a day of differences in this as you might not have a backup after the patch but before players got in. That should be where the hedge…on the side of giving people too much by a day of usage.

I don’t understand why they can’t do that.


If anyone that lost items was running the addon Altoholic at the time and has a copy of their WTF folder from before the loss. You can open the file container.lua from the Saved Variables folder in Notepad and see what was stored in your guild banks.

I started from the bottom up since guilds came after characters. If you have trouble understanding the format let me know and I’ll help the best I can.


I had this saved ages ago (well something similar) but it should be a sticky tbh.

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The only problem with this is, this knowledge doesn’t really help us. Blizzard will not use addon data (or any data you supply them) with restorations.

The only thing Altoholic will do is make sure you know what you lost.


This has likely happened, the only difference we’d never know unless they said something, and I think we all know that won’t happen.

This seems like it would be hopeful but tbh, I don’t trust anything Blizzard says at this point.


I know they won’t use it and probably know better then we do what was lost. I wanted to know for myself since so much was going on at the time in 2 of my banks that I wasn’t sure what happened to some items.

Both were being used heavily during the prepatch and lost the most items. They both also had issues taking items out of the bank.


Agreed. That thing is a toxic troll who is attempting to derail the thread in hopes to get it deleted. The game it is playing (with liking its own posts w/its rolling alts) and what it is trying to do is obvious.

Ignore it and it will go away.


Well, that and his zombies will just either send him new ones or pay for it or farm it for him. It is rather sad to be honest.

Not to derail, but it looks like this behavior is going to be the trend going forward.

If you are not aware, there are a couple other issues that occurred at the same time as ours.

Another similar customer treatment:
Many older reputations were reset from EXALTED to NEUTRAL at the same time as our bug. It removed the ability to use titles, mounts, toys from the achievement rewards. It also made it so that you could not purchase from the associated quartermasters. Any attempt to gain rep would reset to neutral on logout. After a wait, much like ours, they are now being told that the bug will be fixed, but their raps may not be fixed and they will need to regrind all of them from neutral. None of the story quests will be reset, so I hope there are good dailies. This is a pattern of behavior of “fixing the bug” but not “doing right by the customer”.

Another serious issue that seems to be getting strung along:
They had disabled the “undelete character” button on the character select screen at this time due to a bug they did not discuss. At the same time, they introduced a bug that deleted the top character in the favorites section rather than the character you selected to delete. Basically, people deleted the #1 character, sometimes their main, and had no undelete option. Tickets went in, most were told to wait for the “undelete option” to come back (which did a couple weeks later). Some were manually restored. Now that the “undelete option” is back, some of the characters are not able to be restored due to an error. Now this bug definitely has the least number of effected people, but the highest severity. Imagine being strung along to thinking you will get your main back in a few weeks only to be me with a further bug that keeps you from your character.


This is a real thing in the ‘real world’. It’s called ‘bail ins’, your investments, your deposited money are not yours anymore. If they go insolvent or become corrupt/bankrupt they can take your investments/deposits. There is an ‘updated’ TOS a few years ago (small print)… thieves and liars. Also, it did happen in Cyprus, Greece.
Perhaps this is just ‘normalizing’ the corporate theft that’s is happening everywhere.
For instance, $Bils to Ukrane/Izreal for war and their “borders”? nothing for America’s “border” or for the devastation from the Helene hurricane … but a loan! of $750. That’s right! And I see reports of citizens being turned away trying to help, give aid…even confiscation.
Look it up, see if that is what you see too.


also, if you take that backup of the “good” DataStore_Containers.lua and place it in the SharedVariables folder , you can use the altoholic UI to see the items in the guild bank. don’t open the guild bank or it will update it with the current content.
for battle pets, altoholic doesn’t do much since it lists all pets in the guild bank as ‘pet cage’, for this you would need to cross reference with another addon that tracks your guild bank inventory, like TSM, or many others.


There used to be a online game platform kind of like steam called Gametap. You would buy games through them for cheaper while paying a monthly fee to continue to have access. One day they just closed up and never gave a refund or anything. Even if you had them downloaded you could not play because launcher was 404.

Sadly as we go more cloud we own less of what we buy.


Why are you so nasty towards others that have a differing opinion? Calling people names because they dont agree with you isnt ok.

I’ve worked in Customer Service (in some form or fashion) for nearly 20 years. There’s many, many dog-eared playbooks on how to respond to and remediate scenarios like this and it’s clear whoever word-smithed this statement has 0 Customer Service experience, it sounds like it was written by someone in legal/compliance to CYA.

Here you go, IFIFY:

First, we apologize for the long wait for an official statement or any updates regarding the guild bank issue. We understand how frustrating the lack of information has been for players. As you will read below, the nature of this issue has been complex and difficult, and we've been spending the last several weeks doing everything we can to understand what happened, how we can remediate and how we can prevent something like this from ever happening again.

What happened: About a week after we launched patch 11.0.2 in August, we began receiving reports of an issue where some players were discovering items missing from their guild banks.

As we investigated over the next couple of days, we found the culprit—a technical update that was made to support cross-realm guilds. An unexpected bug caused one of our maintenance processes to make some items–in some cases, entire guild bank inventories–disappear. Many of these items were related to professions materials, but tickets and reports from players have also indicated that it was possible for pets, mounts, recipes, copies of in-game mail and various other items from their guild banks to have gone missing as well.

Remediation: For the last few weeks, we’ve been packing up what missing items we were able to specifically identify as being lost by this issue, and we will soon mail those to the guild leader character for each affected guild. This mailing process will occur over the next 3-5 days and players will have approx. 90 days to retrieve the mail.

Due to how some of the data was lost, we’ve reached a point where we are unable to commit the additional time and resources that would be required to retrieve additional items, or additional restoration attempts will cause additional, larger issues that will have a net negative impact to the player base as a whole. As a result, for the majority of impacted guilds, restoration will be very limited and, for some guilds, no items are able to be restored. We apologize that we will be unable to make all guilds whole again as a result of this data loss.

In addition to the item restoration mails, we will also be issuing each impacted guild 500,000 gold, which will be deposited directly into the guild bank over the next 3-5 days. We understand that, for some guilds, this amount is a far cry from the value of the items that were lost, especially those items that may have held sentimental value, and we apologize.

How we’ll prevent this from happening again: We understand how frustrating and difficult this situation is for impacted players who rely on our company to ensure the stability and integrity of player and game data. We deeply apologize for this loss of your hard-earned items, your time and your trust. We understand some may feel that this error was unacceptable for a company of Blizzard’s size and acclaim and we agree. This was unacceptable and we have already begun investigating the underlying practices and processes that caused this issue to occur. In the coming months, we will be making the necessary changes to ensure the stability and integrity of player data going forward.

We really appreciate your patience and understanding as we’ve worked through this difficult issue. We will be keeping this thread open for the time being to address any additional questions or concerns you may have. New forums post or threads that are made regarding the guild bank issue will be redirected to this thread and we will be directing those submitting additional support tickets for the guild bank issue to this thread as well.


the thing i’d wondered about if there was some kinda pattern to the data lost, like if we were from the same server. maybe we were just next to each other in the location in the data loss area at blizz; if that makes sense.

i was the only character/GM of my guild bank. the alliance gb i have was untouched.

worried about the changes to personal bank tabs, i’ve just been dragging my stuff around that i don’t want to lose. my copper coins from the alliance guy who wants to grow a glorious moustache lol, murky’s coin saying the water is cold. :heart: one from a hozen saying why ppl throwing perfectly good coin away like this. :heart: they’re soulbound but i’m afraid to have them in my personal bank now.


Sometimes I wonder if a scant few people intentionally forget this is a sticky thread for a widespread ingame issue, where the majority of people impacted are being told to come express their frustration and impact on them (sensibly, of course).


Not to take this further OT but this will affect many companies…

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