Guild Bank Missing Items Update

You won’t be able to. Everyone who got mail only got a small amount returned. My guild that was hit the hardest has received nothing, my guild that lost a lot, but nothing of great value had one cooking recipe (Savory Deviate Delight) returned.


(post deleted by author)

Guys … it’s all pointless bickering. Everyone has their own point of view but hopefully at the end of the day we can all agree that Blizzard have not handled this well (and if you don’t, then fine … I’m not going to argue about it :stuck_out_tongue: ).

If someone is annoying you here with “trolling” or “bickering” or “arguing” or anything else … just don’t respond. If they ARE here to do any of those things, then you’re just feeding into that. If they’re not … then you’re arguing over roughly the same thing but coming at it from different angles. It makes absolutely no difference in the grand scheme of things and it helps not at all in this context …


Interestingly, there is still a bug report open for this:

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I second this.
Do. Not. Respond.
Bickering will get this thread closed and they won’t allow a new one.

On topic - no new mails from the Postmaster today. I don’t know why I keep checking at this point. I’ve been farming up ores and herbs lately for my stockpiles. It feels like wasted time, because I should already have all this stuff. :rage:


I found one more thing I lost. One 200-ish (somewhere in there) stack of Shadowlands cloth. Just whatever extra I had after the reagant banks on my tailors were filled. I got extremely lucky and didn’t lose anything that had any value.

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Its whats going to need to happen is for a huge huge mass dropping of subs they need to feel it in the pocketbooks and the investors need to feel it in drop in stock prices…both Blizzard and MS…its what happened before WoD went live and Ion stated months before there would be no flying in WoD…guess what happen they folded hence the birth of that nasty thing called Pathfinder which since WoD its been whittled down almost to nothing but still effect disabled players and those that still get sick with Dragon Flying…but for most part its about gone now…and we had flying given to use in WoD…sure it took a bit of time but we won.


LOL I am not laughing at your Guilds lose now…but one thing that drops like crazy in the barron’s now is returned…that is so mind sickening now…


I’m curious … the people who are reporting the very sad and small number of returns … are you checking every day and they’ve only just arrived, or have you only just noticed it?

Just trying to work out if there’s still stuff coming out to people or if the new reports of people getting stuff are only because they’ve only just noticed the return and it was actually sent/received a while back.

*Basically just wondering if I should hold out hope of getting ANYTHING back.


I want to thank the Blizzard team. I have been a wow addict for 19 years now. Started with patch 1.4. I honestly have invested myself so much in this game it is… well lets just say a lot. I have never once thought I would quit and never come back. I have never said that.

This year after multiple bugs and multiple times where I’ve been told over and over again sorry nothing we can do. I grant there have always been bugs. Always have been issues. Lately though its not just the increasing frequency nor the severity but the utter lack of actual compassion or ability to make things better. From have an XP-Off character getting the XP turned back on when choosing a gear update and being told this is per design then being told later that was a mistake but there is nothing they can do. That I should reroll and embrace the adventure of starting a new. Gearing an XP-Off character is time consuming and somethings can not even be gotten any more. Mutliple other minor bugs… and now this. Wiping my private guild bank. Several items that are no longer available. Rare items worth millions of in game gold. Years and years of my time. I get 35 preserved holly back, which by the way is not the total amount of even that item that was in the guild bank. I’ve been told that there is nothing they will do and they are sorry. If I had been hacked I could have understood. Blizzard did this though. They know they did it. How can anyone be expected to believe or trust in anything in the game again? This drains all the fun out. I have had no urge to play since they made their statement on the 20th. None. I can’t imagine ever wanting to invest time and energy into WOW again. At least I can finally post in the forums again. After they changed the requirements to posting and set me to level zero I did everything I could to follow the guidelines to be able to post. Turns out they had in the background enabled parental controls on my account that blocked posting so no matter how many posts I read I would never get level 1. Another odd error/glitch. I see reports of how many people have been let go since Microsoft acquisition of Activision/Blizzard and it shows. Pumping out features faster then the bugs can be fixed. I get that I’m one in millions and that they won’t miss my $15/mo.

But I stand by the fact that people play games because it excites them and is fun. This is no longer Fun, I am not excited to see whats next. I am fearful of what may be next. If a 19 year addict that has never considering permanently leaving wow before is so dissatisfied that they are completely done, can probably believe he’s not the only one.

So I say again. Thank you Blizzard. I am finally cured of my wow addiction.


Well we know why hardly anything is getting returned that was lose to this bug now…“Activision Blizzard is laying off 393 employees across its Irvine, Santa Monica, and Playa Vista studios as part of Microsoft’s cost-cutting measures in the gaming division.” Reported by Icy Veins…and Microsoft Gaming to Lay Off 3% of Global Workforce, About 650 Employees, in Additional Post-Activision Blizzard Cuts…


There was only ONE mail to each guild leader with the pathetic “restoration”.


It’s already happening. People are unsubbing in huge numbers. I’m hearing of entire guilds (60-100+) quitting at once. If nothing is done and this trend continues, Midnight could very well end up cancelled. War Within could be the end of the game.


Current ticket response I got today, after waiting for like 6 days.

Your ticket has received the following response:

Greetings REDACTED !,

Thank you for reaching out to us at Blizzard Entertainment. I’m Game Master REDACTED.

I understand that you’re missing items from your guild bank, I get how frustrating this must have been to you, so no worries, I’ll be more than happy to look into this for.

Digging deeper into this, we’re aware about this unexpected bug and for the last few weeks, our team of developers have been collecting the missing items that we’re able to identify as lost by this process, and the items are getting restored to the guild leader via mail.
As you have read in the post that it will be an incomplete restoration for some guilds, Game Masters cannot intervene with this process and we’re unable to restore the missing items manually.

To bring as much attention as we can to this particular issue, I would love to ask you to fill out a bug report forum, in order to provide our developers as much information about all the missing items, so they can Identify the item that you’re missing, add it to the list of missing item and restore it.

Your feedback is incredibly valuable to us, because it’s a major factor in making WoW a better place for the whole community!
For that reason, just please make sure to utilize the bug report feature in-game, so this information can also be picked up by our QA and dev teams.

You can also submit a bug report on the forums from the following this link:<> />
Please accept my sincere apologies for this inconvenience, and we really appreciate your patience while our developers look into this for you.

Kindly accept my sincere apologies for this inconvenience, and I hope that I was able to clear things up for you a little bit, and I wish you a lot of fun in your coming adventures. If you require any further assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us at any time. Until then, take care!

Warmest regards
Blizzard Entertainment

my gosh this sounds horrible. @__@

Please point me in the direction that I called you out or quoted you out of context.

It was certainly rough at the time. But that was 15 years ago. Things have gotten a lot better since then. Minus this bug, and those of us affected by it, the game is in a really good place right now. I just miss having humans in customer service. These AI canned responses are just not very… personal. Back in the day, an actual GM would send me a message in response to the ticket. They always had some style, some empathy, and ended with a corny WoW pun or joke. Now, the same email one person is getting, most of us are seeing, and the response is just impersonal.

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I literally quoted it above…

And you claimed we are trolling… shesh.

Um…that’s a…different response. Perhaps they are still looking into ways to restore more? Probably wishful thinking but still.

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Yea that was the first time.
Get out of here w/your flawed logic. Before that I never quoted you out of context nor ever replied to you… Unless that is the only one you got, you intro’d that way after.

I’ll wait while you show me where I quoted you out of context…
