Guild Bank Missing Items Update

My BNet calls your bluff, good sir. :smiley: Wishing you a good stream, though!

Today, cleaning house. Literally cleaning my house. Bro-in-law is coming by later with a truck to help us load all our garbage on and then off to the dump!

We have 3 garbage bags full so far, I had no idea we had this much crap sitting around, lol.

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It multiplies exponentially when you’re not looking. :smiley: I remember that when my mother sold her house shortly before she passed, it took two and a half 20yd dumpsters to clear out the place. To be fair, she’d been there thirty years and there were three of us kids using her huge garage as store-and-forget space :smiley:


Oh no, I’m just all upset…
How ever will I sleep at night now that a troll no longer wants to chat w/me on the forums.

:sleeping_bed: :sleeping: :zzz: :sleeping_bed: :sleeping: :sleepy:

Time to get back into the game. Was just checking to see if there were any new posts relevant to the thread offered by people who did not have private profiles to disguise their intent. Nothing new.

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It totally adds up and adds up quickly.
I have an entire 1000 square feet of finished basement storage off my den and a second
basement garage that needs attention this fall/winter. Been thinking about renting one of those dumpsters and piling it all in there (for those things that can’t be donated).

Nope, nothing new especially from those toxic “pretend I’m a streamer” who thinks they are clever but they are not and no one cares two flips about, nor will anyone lose any sleep over it.

Back to the tok for you Nessy

I wish I could stay and offer support, but I really can’t take the bickering anymore. Sorry.


(post deleted by author)

loss of customer data is absolutely unacceptable.

it seems like simple logging was enabled on the database.

willfull logging be enabled for database transactions going forward? so that there is a detailed list of records updated/deleted etc when significant changes are being rolled out?

i know it will take additional resources,but it is what we as customers expect.

If a drive fails we expect their to be a backup.

if you are altering data, we expect a recent database backup to be made prior to making the changes

20 years of items and more importantly memories could be gone.

many have met their spouses in wow.

some have lost loved ones and those memories have been lost.

i had a pair of dark iron dwarf baby booties in a personal guild bank - several years ago it was intended for a guildie that was going to have a child soon but one day they logged off and never came back.

i am sure they just decided being a parent was more important and i wish them the best but i had that item in the bank and it held that memory.

this is just 1 item of 1 tab of only 1 of many banks.

if the data is unrecoverable i could not even imagine a possible alternative compensation

i dont need gold cap or a 20 year subscription id much rather have the bank items


Same. I’ve made every effort to communicate in a positive way, and have made some new friends along the way, but a handful are just here to fight and namecall, and I am over it. So I hope to see you on Azeroth :yellow_heart:

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Still waiting to have my gbank restored.


(post deleted by author)

According to Blizzard, they sent us back everything that they could recover (in my case, basically nothing across all my guilds, I got one stack of 16 leyblood’s in 1 of 21 guilds, everyone else, NOTHING, including 5 guilds that are now 100% empty). Ignore those logs of deposits with no withdrawls, evidently only we can see them, not Blizzard. shrugs, I’ve thrown the towel in on this.


I can easily send them a list, if they need help. This is bordering disrespect. I had too much stuff in there to give up yet. But I feel you.


Same, I have a backup of my settings from the morning before the launch of the pre-patch (I take a backup of my settings prior to any patches that might break addons). In there I have altoholic save files (datastore technically) that contain every item I have in every guild bank. I know what I lost, the issue is Blizzard doesn’t seem to care. Take it (keep subbing) or leave it (unsub) is basically what I read the post as.


What I really want to know is, did ANYONE have their items restored? I keep reading about “some” guilds having yet to receive items. Is all of us some guilds? I want to read about a success story.


I think the most I saw was someone who got 8 stacks / items back. But yeah, that would be good to know. What was your sucess.

Mine was as follows

21 guilds, 5 of which are 100% empty now, the rest easily lost 80%+.

1 guild the GM got 1 mail which contained 16 leyblood, that’s it. The other 20 guilds GM’s got nothing.


Nothing yet. I still only have 3 x stacks of goblin gliders :frowning:

You are the one accusing me of “white knighting” so tell me, whom am I “white knighting” for? As far as I’m concerned, the only one I “white knight” for is myself.

I never quote out of context so I going to assume you have no idea what it means – no surprise really and kind of is (giggle) “disengenuous”

I have not feigned ignorance at all, but you really should look in the mirror – both of you. Your abilities to troll while trying to seem reasonable are a 3 out of 10. More practice and you’ll get better.