Guild Bank Missing Items Update

It was the best CS at the time. :slight_smile:


yah :frowning: nothing back from 7 blank tabs. :frowning: :frowning:


Unless they haven’t actually sent out like a million+ mails yet of things actually missing. Likely handpicked and checked to a degree. That would take a while. But that’s more than people are expecting at this point because its been so quiet. If a CM chimed in and said its done or it hasn’t started yet we wouldn’t be here having the saddest fanboy contest.

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I’m legit afraid. :frowning: I loved blizzard so i have a lot of their games n’swag. i got to go to a blizzcon before wotlk came out. i love the music, art, gameplay. :sob: idk what to do now.


(post deleted by author)

if i made an error that resulted in this kind of data-loss at work, i wouldnt have my job anymore.

this is frankly unacceptable and needs to be blown up all over games media


What do you do for a living? I imagine it must be something outside of the video game world.

I’m sorry you are still without a resolution.


None of those did I ever reply to other than when I told you:

  1. I never quoted you out of context
  2. You are a troll for saying I did
  3. When I told you show me exactly where I quoted you out of context - of which you never showed me.

So you are 100% either a troll or you have zero grasp on reading comprehension.
Feel free to provide a DIRECT quote here where I quoted you out of context… Since you can’t you are just wanting to a aruge to derail the thread at this point.

Wonder if they possibly are needing to go item by item which would be awful way to have to track down whats missing.

Would explain the explanation that they have to pack up and send items.


See, if that was actually the case, I’d be fine with that. But if that truly is happening, 1) why haven’t they said anything, and 2) why have both CS blues and some GM’s said that the restoration is complete?

It’s terrible customer service whether it’s actually not restoring anything, or not providing accurate communication about what’s going on. I still have some hope that it’s just poor communication and the restorations are still in process. But it really looks like they just want to sweep this under the rug.

It’s costing them already. A LOT of long time players are outright leaving, after being excited for the expansion. They will not come back after something like this, unless something is done SOON.

Unfortunately the only evidence of that are 2 GM ticket replies. All other sources say “restoration is done, noone is getting anything back”. So either those 2 GM’s are mistaken, or everyone else is mistaken, or the left hand just doesn’t know what the right hand is doing.


I had a yearly sub and so mine won’t run out until April next year.  Haven’t really done much of anything in WoW since the update about the data loss.  I’ve done reputation world quests, and progression heroic raiding since the guild is pretty much my only social circle.

It used to be that I would play every day doing lots of activities (minus PvP) because it was what I enjoyed.  So far, I have not logged into WoW since Thursday and I feel I won’t be until Monday to maybe do some last minute things before reset.

What is ironic about all this is that I had been seriously considering retirement from the game even before the data loss.  Twenty years is still practically unheard of when it comes to playing the same video game and it would be fitting to call this tenth expansion, with the upcoming 20th anniversary event, the final hurrah.

Well, I still intend to participate in the anniversary event and get goodies, help my guild to obtain the AotC achievement for Nerub’ar… But afterwards?  No, I don’t think I’ll be sticking around for the rest of The War Within.

I’ll just have to figure out what to give to whom before I log for the final time.  :thinking:


They fired the unpaid interns and replaced them with unpaid interns. Game development on the cheap.

(post deleted by author)

Yup. One of my Guild Leaders got one mail on Friday when the Blue made this post and that’s been it since. I have been checking every day.


NONE of those people are me - try reading sometime.

I mean same attitude same mog color. :dracthyr_shrug:

Sorry not sorry.

Actually, it is not.
I never once stated anything negative towards you until you finally pressed me to call you out for either not reading or being a troll. I will admit the last one you posted before this (but now have deleted) I thought hmmm… I wonder if they are confusing the portraits.

What we’re both with a blue background? Not the same mog at all…Pally vs Rogue, Plate vs Leather.

Of course you are not sorry… You are the type that hates to be wrong.
Sounds like you do PR work for Blizzard and if you don’t, you have a good job opportunity.
Sorry we nuked all your Guild banks, not sorry.

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Thank you, come again.

You literally replied to me in the middle of debating that other guy. Purple mog, you look the same at a glance on mobile.

Don’t come in hot out of no where next time?

Could have simply stated something along those lines instead of saying I can’t read. Mobile is hard enough to forumlate replies and quote things without deleting things.

It’s not easy. I love the world, and have so many great memories. Hearing music, like Ashenvale music or Stormwind triggers a place in my mind that keeps a lot of those memories. Also, my biggest thing that’s always kept me there (and I’ve almost quit a few times) were my people - friends and especially, my guild.

I know that the RIGHT thing is probably to just quit, walk away, and “talk with my wallet” because what Blizzard, Microsoft, Activision, whatever has done, ESPECIALLY now, is heinous and I shouldn’t forgive them. But I log on and see the chat in guild, or have a long-talk with one of our officers about his real life situation (which I get it - could be done through text or discord or whatever) and I turn to jelly. Or see some of the little quirks in my guild, the phrases we use and I feel at home, even if I feel more detached from the game than I used to be. It doesn’t make me less angry at the situation. Or less sad, disappointed, or in fear that other data could one day disappear. I can’t imagine losing my main toons to the nether. Or achievements/titles that I consider hard-fought, like “Of the Black Harvest” for my lock. But leaves me conflicted, which gets me back to being angry again. My choices are to “let it go, and somehow, get over what I consider huge losses” or “give up on something I loved.” And having THOSE as my choices makes me furious.

The music and environment in Hallowfall had me falling in love with aspects of the game again, but that was soured by all of the stuff happening with the guild bank, Blizzard’s (mostly non-)response, and just the awful AWFUL way they did “restoration” which felt not just low-effort, but also, an insult.