Guild bank missing items

My guild bank has suddenly randomly lost some items from it. It is most noticable with a bunch of the awakened and rousing elements where seemingly at random a bunch are just gone. The logs dont show anyone having removed any since yesterday, and since its a alt bank im the only character in the guild so i’m pretty sure no one else would even have access. It also appears that a bunch of other items are missing as there are random gaps in the organization where previously there were none, but since there is nothing in the logs im not even 100% sure what went missing.


Same here, and with six other people as well. Looks like you found the thread, though.

I wonder if it has something to do, albeit late in happening, with the cross-faction cross-server access.


All of a sudden tonight I’m unable to move anything less than a full stack in or out of the guild bank (something that broke and was fixed like a week or two ago?). We still have the inability to properly move gold out too. It seems Warbanks ooked the whole banking system in the dook.

(edit to add: the next morning half my guild bank was missing, reported in other threads, but just felt like updating this too)


Yup; happening for us as well, 2 separate guilds.


I’m in a guild that is currently on 40 servers. Several of our servers guild banks have items missing as well. Some servers are fine however.


Replying here instead of starting a new thread. Opened a ticket in-game. Have multiple guild banks across different servers for both horde and alliance, from playing with different people at different times over the years. They are all missing items.

Worst off is my main bank which is missing ~75 stacks of items.

I don’t think I was hacked. I use the authenticator and there is no suspicious activity on my account or withdrawals listed in the log. This example is a bank alt as well, so they’re the only member of their guild.

The items missing seem to be completely random as well, many of them having little or no gold value.

I can’t figure out a pattern to the missing items. I suspected maybe they were stacks I’d added to recently, but some aren’t, and it’s also hard to know what’s missing since I don’t have a record of what was there a few days ago.

I did merge a couple guild banks now that cross-realm and cross-faction support is there, but that was done over a week ago, and everything, as far as I can tell, was fine until yesterday’s maintenance, but maybe an underlying bug?

Hoping they can resolve this. This isn’t just old stuff. My main shared guild bank is missing 1/3 of all the rousing / awakened elements for crafting, amongst other things… =(


Likely tied to the memory leak issue, but I had this issue today as well. Yesterday I was unable to put things INTO my guild bank. Then today my guild bank went from nearly full on 5 tabs to nearly empty. Each tab having about 10-15 items in them.


I just checked and my main personal guild bank is still missing most of its stock.

I logged onto a bank alt who is in a separate personal guild and THAT guild bank appears to be intact.

…for now.

I took screenshots of everything as backup, but it’s too late to account for the stuff in the main bank.

Not holding out much hope but fingers crossed. I had several full stacks of current DF crafting mats that are now gone, as well as items and mats from several past expansions as well.


I’ll note that I’m having the same problem: lots of items missing (seemingly at random), in multiple guild banks/tabs, nothing listed in logs, in personal guilds where I am the only member. I can add items to tabs suffering the issue in slots that I know were once full. Very weird.

FYI: All addons disabled, non-guild banks and warbank appear fine.


I’m having the same issue, just submitted a ticket. There’s no rhyme or reason to the stuff that’s missing, it’s as you said, it’s totally random.


Same. Except my missing items weren’t random - It was ALL the items in my gbank in my personal guild with nobody else in it except for one alt.

7 pages that were each about one third to half full of left over mats, enchants, gear and pets. Including some stuff that has since been removed from the game and may be quite valuable. Nothing in the gbank logs about withdrawals, and nothing else is missing on any of my characters, it’s just the gbank.


Same for me. Large number of items missing from each guild bank tab.


Lost around half the items in the guild bank of our old wrath-era guild. I checked the logs and it only shows recent deposits. Like others have mentioned, the items missing are random. I opened a ticket but that wait time isn’t reassuring.


I run three guilds and it only happened to the guild I created on Sisters of Elune. At least 95% of my items across 8 tabs are gone. I’m the only active player in a family guild. As an example I can verify for sure concerns the log for one tab showing me depositing about 7 bags on one tab over a few months, removing 1, and depositing another type yesterday. ALL bags except the bag I deposited yesterday are gone. This was in a bank tab that had at least two columns of bags made by my tailor.


Two of my guild banks are affected, with one missing 3/4 of the items, and the other missing absolutely everything. One just had dragonflight stuff (and some assorted reputation/archeology stuff), and the one missing 3/4 of stuff had a tab per expansion as well as a tab full of battle pets. I wouldn’t have enough time to even list all the stuff missing even if I had an eidetic memory to do so. This really needs a resolution


All the tabs seem to be affected in some way. It’s not a huge ton of items for us, but its definitely enough from each tab to notice. As previously stated by those above, there is no log record of anyone removing any items.


Same here, the items are a collection from before BC expansion.


Same here. I am the only one in the guild and various items I put in there to post on the AH are missing.


Our guild is also missing stuff from the guild bank.


My main guild “Better off Dead” (OG Creation/Guild leader on Cenarius) is missing everything but 2 items. A stack of runecloth on tab 6, and a stack of Unbroken Tooth on tab 5. All 8 tabs were mostly filled at the start of the week. This guild now has cross-faction /server players in it.

My old guild “Pride” (OG Creation/Leader on Thorium Brotherhood) appears to be mostly (?) okay. I haven’t paid as much attention to it as normal but the tabs are all at least half full. This guild has no cross faction/server players.

My guild “Void” (OG Creation/Leader on Cenarius) appears to be untouched. (I think?) I haven’t logged into this character for weeks, and it has no active members other than the leader.

I did screenshot the items in the last guild and will check again later on to see if any have changed. This is super worrying though, I lost a LOT of items from my main guild but wouldn’t know how to even start coming up with a list of them all