Guild Bank Missing Items Update

I know you weren’t serious (or at least not completely) but honestly, i’m kind of diggin’ that idea. There’s added benefit in that it might make the haters squeal harder, too. :stuck_out_tongue:


It is hoarding. Its a mindset and an act. You are assigning value to essentially worthless items.

I also don’t know why this is such a touchy topic lol. Its okay to hoard items.

If you keep a bunch of redundant items, you are hoarding. Most of them have no real value other than what you give them.
Like those countless mats from 6 xpacs ago that you haven’t touched in 10 years. Or that loremaster tabard. Currency that was removed and has little to no gold value.

Its hoarding, but there is nothing wrong with that. Its literally pixels. And your inventory. No one has a say in how you keep your stuff or what stuff.

what i wrote here sounds dumb. lol X) but my 7 tab gbank was totally wiped w/no resto. :heart:

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Collections are hoarding? Does that go for the 400 mounts-kinda hoarding? O,<" This makes no sense. Why else do they have collections?

Funny in-game stuff was my collection. It wasn’t hoarding. :slight_smile: :heart:


It’s a touchy topic because it’s acquired the baggage of being synonymous with the train-wreck television shows that equate amassing large amounts of things with mental disorders. I think the ingrained reaction these days is to assume that you’re being attacked if someone uses the term. It’s unfortunate, to say the least.

Editing to add: I’d really like to have back the considerate, baggage-less, neutral English language back for Christmas, please. :smiley:


Well you haven’t packed up a single item of mine i had 20 years worth of items, boes, items removed from game i was storing. Guid name (is BoE)
server is Medivh im absolutely gutted to have everything lost and the response is “oh well its gone” restore my stuff please


It is hoarding, but its also your stuff so who cares.

I hoard stuff. I even posted a screenshot of the stuff I keep lol.
Its okay to be a hoarder.

That makes sense. I can understand irl it being a problem. Heck Ive had to deal with it with family members, but ingame?
It affects no one but yourself.

Its just weird to me that you can do the same act in a video game and irl, but ingame its not the thing lol.

That would be lovely lol.


Hoarding has a negative connotation, which some folks take issue with.

The real point is that in this video game, items, achieves, reps, currencies… they are all data in some SQL database. If they can severely goof guild banks, it can happen again. Losing items sucks, but the real shock here is the response, or lack thereof, by what I used to regard as a top company. If it happens again - when it happens again - we know what their response is going to be, and apparently unless you’re popular streamer it isn’t good.


Exactly. In real life hoarding can cause issues (depending on what you’re hoarding and how much restraint you have). In game, it’s just numbers in a database, so who cares. People can keep whatever they want. If I want to fill my guild bank with grey vendor trash I can do so and it doesn’t affect anyone.


Ahhh . . . a merger. Explains the growth in threads! If you are new here in this thread I offer a welcome and a ton of sympathy.


This is what really bothers me, too. I’ve seen games break before, just never wow.


CS handles support for individual customers. For game-wide issues that affect everyone, there is nothing they can do, and they won’t be told anything beyond “tell people to post here if they want the people who make the decisions to see it”.

The reason CS can’t help at all is because there is nothing that can be done on an individual basis.


For whatever reason, reading your post about blizzard CS made me envision multiple groups (of 4) boomkins running around in circles spamming “resolved” to this and that ticket.


This is what we’re basically paying for at this point.


I created a thread here: Unable to right click stack items from back to bank For those with the “stacking” issue.


When I log on now, I don’t trust that anything in my bank or bags will be there.

Not even sure my characters will be there.


Why are we in radio silence, except for a blue post 5 weeks after the deletions? So many people are affected, this thread is constantly being posted to by players.

Can we please hear from the head of development? From the head of customer support? Where is the Blizzard leadership?


Honestly this is typical. Anything they say at this point is going to be scrutinized instantly. So they are going to have to clear any statements made through legal. Right now they are probably frantically trying to decide what to do.

It’s roughly similar to the Real ID fiasco or the WOD no flying ever again fiasco. Silence until the announcement.


Because anytime someone speaks up, they are verbally assaulted.


It is likely going to take a lot more cancelled subs before anyone that high up will care.

They’re likely making plenty on wow tokens from RWF and early expansion material expenses. Especially with how silly crafting has become.

The few of us that decided to unsub don’t really matter at the moment.