Guild Bank Missing Items Update

Again, differing reports over whether the restorations are completed or still ongoing. Can a blue take a moment to at least confirm which one it actually is?


Can the powers that be take 10 seconds out of their paid time to post to say whether or not the mailing of restored items is complete or not. you knowā€¦ simple communication stuff that a clearly well defined community manager should be able to accomplish


Wow, am I understanding this correctly? If I didnā€™t receive my items in the mail I will not get them or any compensation?


Heya, my main since BC, KeĆ­r - Dalaran - Atmospheres (guild) lost all 7 tabs of stuff that Iā€™d been saving since Vanilla - and, rip, I had just transferred he and the guild from Zulā€™jin (ā€œFlowers for Auberdineā€ - the character Rainside still has a log showing stuff was deposited/withdrawn from 5 months ago - that info is not affected.) I have not received anything back. :frowning:

Iā€™ve felt devastated. I havenā€™t felt angry, but Iā€™ve felt so sad I had some grief and a bit of tears. It sucks. Most of my stuff is gray trash items and green holiday items. I had some reputation stuff stored in there, some pretty dresses, pets, silly fun stuff like snowballs, in case my family comes to play. Had a lot of green gear from other expansions to pass on to alts, if I was leveling them up. Some letters from Rathan in Maldraxxus and actual friends while playing the game. :frowning: Iā€™d love to have my letters back from old friends I havenā€™t seen in game in a long time. If I could ask for anything - just the first 3 or 4 vertical rows on the far, right side of my first tab labeled ā€œAuberdineā€ would be incredible. Thatā€™s all. That was where I saved most of my goofy, fun stuff. I had another tab labeled something like fun-stuff, but I canā€™t recall what was in it, offhand. They wouldnā€™t even have to worry about the other 6 tabs. :frowning:


edit: oh there was one thing that changed since the Friday ā€˜mail-restorationā€™, some info was listed on one of my tabs; this showed up after nothing being there since the wipe. Doesnā€™t show everything I had, but that may have been my part of the resto. :frowning:


Not to derail but Iā€™ve had that issue for guild banks/personal banks if any version of that item already exists since launch. It probably deserves itā€™s own thread in bug report.

There are some folks learning about this on the sub-reddit and discussing their loss, there. One was about a dad and child (donā€™t know the age) playing the game for years together; the dad liked to collect battle pets and stored them in the guild bank. They found out their stuff was deleted, too, and the child said the dad was not happy about it.



For anyone reading this thread because Blizz screwed you, please unsub. It wonā€™t be effective immediately, you can think it over, itā€™s your business if you want to resub. For now we need to send a message that this is unacceptible and we donā€™t believe them that they donā€™t have the data backed up somewhere. We just need to motivate them to put the cheetos down and pause their tetris game.

If they arenā€™t going to change course, well that shows you a lot about what the current state of this game is and what the future will be: worse, of worse deeds worse sufferings must ensue.

If youā€™re reading this thread because youā€™re a troll, please unsub too.


Iā€™ve been watching the blues nip those simple posts in the bud as soon as theyā€™re posted in gen or bug reports. (Sorry blues, Iā€™m sure maybe higher ups are telling you to do so, but it sure seems militant.)

They arenā€™t gathering up the gen dev threads on the issues with tanks, delves, mythics. Damage control. :frowning:


Thank you for sharing.

I hate it so much that theyā€™re doing so little for the players :confused:

This is how you lose your most loyal fans.


I wanted to thank everybody posting here for their hope, insight, concerns, and empathy for all of us experiencing this situation. I really appreciate it.

While my memories were in my gbank, I feel really bad for folks losing mounts, tcg stuff, millions in gold from either wbank or gbank. Rep?? Achievements?? I canā€™t begin to imagine. @_@ One player said he lost 3 million in gold and didnā€™t have it returned - thatā€™s gotta suck. I think about you guys. :heart: Since this started, Iā€™ve been grateful for any info you were able to provide from the EU site or anything in general.

Iā€™m too afraid to check my reputations - truly. Iā€™m not going to look. Someone mentioned in the sub-reddit that valor or honor is being reset almost daily after they try to build it up again. Another said their pvp tabard isnā€™t usable/wearable anymore because they no longer have that reputation maxed to exalted and it hasnā€™t been addressed by Bliz.

Iā€™ve heard some collector tabards were deleted around the time this started, maybe a bit before? I remember hearing about people not being able to click on stuff in the guild bank; I also think that was right before the deletions started. The stuff missing after being put in the AH, or people not being able to see it after it was put in the AH.

One thing that comes to mind for me that I thought was weird when I saw it in game, was I lost a shield tmog on my Alliance paladin character that I know I use on my main pally, who is a Horde. I was standing around the fountain and the inn in valdrakken on my tmog mount and thought ā€˜huh. thatā€™s weird. do i not have that, anymore?ā€™ - I went and checked my main and the mog is there. It just isnā€™t usable on my alliance toons. I guess. (Bright, yellow shield from Zandalar with feathers on it. Sā€™cute.)

It does sound like from others that tmogs may have also been disappearing.

Iā€™m genuinely afraid of what else may be accidentally destroyed at this point. If we canā€™t prove what we had in our guild banks because the backups were completely destroyed, and if a screenshot of the gb wouldnā€™t be accepted - weā€™re in big trouble. They could say they have no idea that weā€™ve played the game for 20 years, that any of our characters with honor/valor, achievements, Blizzcon toys/costumes, mounts, tabards, pets. Nothing. Not even a video of my BE Pally dancing in Icecrown around the Argent Tournament, which could prove Iā€™d been there - but itā€™s not viable by the company.

Weā€™re in big trouble. @__@

This is not good from a collectorā€™s point of view. :frowning: I am so bummed about this.

edits: bkz i type badly


Considering that there are still guild bank logs visible for the players it might possibly be the case that further investigation and restoration is just too much effort that isnā€™t worth the ressources (in the eyes of Blizzard). This is probably what they mean with ā€œtechnical limitationsā€. Not that itā€™s impossible, but too costly.
I remember back in MoP when I did the ā€˜Insaneā€™ achievement. At that time there was a bug going on where the Bloodsail rep was accidentally unchecked when lost by farming other reputations. CS reassured me that I should just submit a ticket when I was done with everything and they would add the achievement manually.
So three weeks later I did the thing. I was done, wrote a ticket and was told that they had no way to confirm that I had the rep once. According to them there were no logs and I got basically told ā€œTough luck, sorry. Do it again, we canā€™t helpā€. Extremely disappointed and frustrated because of all the time Iā€™ve invested for nothing, I went to CS forums and wrote a very desperate complaint how my trust has been shattered by this and that I see no point in continuing this way. Roughly two or three hours later I got a blue reply. One of the employees explained how they managed to find the logs in question. It took them a lot of effort and a bit of time, but they actually found the proof and offered me to log in so they could grant me the achievement.

This whole situation instantly reminded me of that experience.


After a week without updates here, I submitted the following ticket:

Guild Bank Restoration

Hello, of the items (estimated to be around 100 stacks of up to 1000 per stack) lost from my personal guild bank, Iā€™ve only had 2 restored. Has this process been completed or can I expect more items to be returned? If these are the only items restored, will there be some other form of compensation? Iā€™m looking at the loss of millions of gold in mats. This equates to well over a dozen WoW Tokens lost; hundreds of dollars or years of game time. I understand this has been an extremely difficult issue for Blizzard and I have been patient. I am willing to discuss other forms of reimbursement if the actual items cannot be returned (as implied in the forum post on the subject). The possibility of being left with just the loss is almost inconceivable and the goodwill lost with Blizzard may never be recoverable. Iā€™m hoping this wonā€™t be the case. Thank you

I got an automated response to that. I marked it as unresolved.




Greetings! Thank you for contacting Blizzard Customer Support. I apologise for long waiting times, we have been getting a lot of contacts lately, so our queues have increased. Iā€™m sorry to hear that your guild was affected by a recent issue and you ended up missing items from the guild bank. A forum post explaining the investigation into this issue and the outcome has been posted on the US forums which you can read here: Guild Bank Missing Items Update (US region) (EU region) Please make sure that you post your feedback in there. Unfortunately Customer Support is not in the position to offer restorations. Creating futher ticket about this will not resolve this issue for you. This is something that needs to be addressed by letting the developers know through bug reports via forums. Apologies for inconvenience caused. Should you have any other questions, feel free to contact us any time! Blizzard Customer Support.


So this is considered resolved by Blizzard. Iā€™m beyond disappointed and very shocked. Overall Iā€™ve been very happy with TWW, but this overshadows everything now. So much trust and goodwill has been lost. After 20 years, I think this may be the end. I understand WoW has moved into the ā€œcash cowā€ phase, but this is a plane in nosedive. How can you hope to last if you abuse your most faithful customers? Added to that we are talking about actual financial harm. I lost millions in gold which translates into hundreds of dollars through the token system. No doubt there are going to be lawsuits. The small claims alone will end up costing them tens of thousands of dollars, even if they win every case. This is so beyond short-sighted. This feels so bad.


For what its worth this is disappointing, for weeks our guild bank has been empty, and sure its not a raiding guild its just shared family storage, but like everyone else we were being patient and waiting for it to be resolved.

Iā€™ve still not received any mailed to me so I guess that is that.


Hey Linxy, I was sent to this link today from my 2nd ticket on the missing items. I have have been searching through all the posts to try to find the latest info on this. I have 2 guild vaults on 2 different servers and neither of my guild leader characters have received anything as of yet. When I hover over items in my characterā€™s vault it tells me there are thousands in my guild vault, so I know the data is there somewhere, but the items are not actually in the vault. Is the restoration still ongoing?


That is the most un-acceptable answer ever. I havenā€™t gotten crap back! The LOGS in WOW actually show deposits, and no withdrawls, and they couldnā€™t even figure out how to restore those items? This is some next level crap.


Weā€™re getting inconsistent information. Some GM tickets say the ā€œrestorationā€ is done, others say itā€™s still ongoing. Seeing items in the guild bank when hovering over characters is an addon, and they canā€™t use that information to restore anything.


Some folks on the sub-reddit were like ''if it happened to my personal bank, then Iā€™d be livid" - and I donā€™t know if theyā€™ve heard of the upcoming personal bank changes.

With that in mind, should we try to consolidate our reagent bank on a toonā€™s personal bags?

Will personal bags be safe? lol idk


Seems Vrak actually unlocked my thread for a moment just to make it clear he doesnā€™t have information.

Continuing the discussion from Guild Bank Issue - Clarification:

Guess that means CS ā€œofficiallyā€ knows no more than we do at this point.


I heard a song today that made me grin as it seems oddly fitting, thinking about the past few weeks. ā€œMan of Constant Sorrow.ā€ (I like the version from ā€œO Brother, Where Art Thouā€ eh?)


I am a man of constant sorrow
Iā€™ve seen trouble all my days
I bid farewell to olā€™ Kentucky
The place where I was born and raised

For six long years Iā€™ve been in trouble
No pleasure here on Earth Iā€™ve found
For in this world Iā€™m bound to ramble
I have no friends to help me now

Itā€™s fare thee well, my old true lover
I never expect to see you again
For Iā€™m bound to ride that Northern Railroad
Perhaps Iā€™ll die upon this train

You can bury me in some deep valley
For many years where I may lay
And you may learn to love another
While I am sleeping in my grave

Maybe your friends think Iā€™m just a stranger
My face you never will see no more
But there is one promise that is given
Iā€™ll meet you on Godā€™s golden shore

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I might have reached ā€˜acceptanceā€™ yesterday, I wasnā€™t feeling as sad. Today, it sucks again. Grief does that. Back n forth a bit.

This experience has been its own kind of ā€œFeat of Strengthā€ - it didnā€™t happen to everybody. ā€œInto the Voidā€ it could be called. The GMā€™s could get the title ā€œDeletedā€. >,<

I wish it was different. :frowning: