Guild Bank Missing Items Update

Is it realistic to tie purchase date of the game with availability of items.

Run a standalone database that gives everyone with proof of account date a limited but unlimited option to collect items that have gone missing.

Create a massive email reach out to all affected individuals where people spell out items they had.

Let’s ignore the idea of rare and unobtainable at this point since that’s simply manufactured scarcity and they recently made old Sholomance available.

Simply open up a window and do a massive PR recovery event dealing with people.

And yes that means devaluation of the mats, reputation, gear, mogs etc. But is the gamble of losing people to this worth no response or effort

Are they gambling with the hope it will just all be swept under the rug or blow over ; pick your metaphor

I’m not blizzard, but I’d just gather data from the players in direct communication and account date verification and open a one time (fully agree to what items are missing) and provide them with these items and under no cost.

I mean what other option exists? Roll back to some ancient date and merge things? Sounds expensive no matter

Me personally wouldn’t want to deal with yet another PR fiasco and just communicate a transfer of data that works for the best of all affected individuals.

Even if it meant hiring a lot of people or services. I have a feel old Blizz would just have been like

old stuff on the house till November y’all

And let the AH sort itself out

The players didn’t cause the issue. If I were in charge I’d have to just give people a golden goose for 3 months.

Call it 20 year anniversary early gift to all

:crab: :person_shrugging: :crab: :izakaya_lantern:


This is not helpful. Please stop posting this.


I mean… it’s more helpful than what you just posted. If people want to talk about hoarding, then why would I stop posting about it?

It’s not offensive. However, telling someone to stop posting is, as well as ignorant.
You shouldn’t be afraid of just discussing things.
If you don’t want to talk about it, don’t engage.

Update on guild Classwar - Zuluhed

7 tabs, they were all almost completely full (a few of them completely full) with mats and pets and assorted BoEs from all eras.

Not a single thing restored as of yet, either via bank or mail.


I’ve been watching this debacle unfold since the beginning, I’m going to say my piece and be done with the matter.

I honestly don’t know how to describe how terrible this feels as a returning player. I had left the game for over three years due what I felt was a terrible expansion (Shadowlands), and this is how I am treated as a returning customer willing to try the game again after Dragonflight’s positive reception.

When I came back to the game, the last thing I expected was for my entire vault to be wiped out. Though I mostly had general materials, flasks/pots/food and alt-crafted bags, they were the definitive progress of my account as a whole. Time, sub money and commitment which has all vanished through no fault of my own.

I hope Blizzard seriously reconsiders the decision on this entire matter and the ramifications of such a breach in the stability of this game, compounded with the broken trust from many affected players and potentially any which read these threads.

This entire situation is inexcusable. To the people who lost thousands upon thousands of old-world mats, recipes, xmogs, letters, mementos, and all that incredibly rare stuff, I feel totally disheartened for you. Blizzard needs to make this right.


I just want to say that I deeply appreciate all the people posting here who have a handful of posts or less under their belts. We’re attracting new people to the forums and people who just lurk and don’t post.

Your voices are heard and appreciated.


Yep, someone posted a great analogy earlier. It’s like going to a fancy restaurant for a celebration, where you ordered a custom pre-made cake. And when the server brings it out, they walk out backwards, balancing the cake in one hand while talking on the phone in another. They trip over a chair and the cake goes all over the floor. All the staff disappears for an hour, and then a different server scrapes up a small piece of cake from the floor and puts it on a plate in front of you, with no apology or even attempt to do anything about it.

It wasn’t even an “accident” because it was caused by pure carelessness. Pushing untested code live, and then trying to sweep the problem under the rug rather than taking the servers down when it was apparent there was an issue.


Talk about being either unaware of your own words/actions or you just want to continue to be a troll.

Your whole dismissive response in this thread indicates you are being a troll… and no one believes for one min about you woke up in a good mood blah blah blah.

Please do continue on with your nonsense.


“You are assigning value to essentially worthless items.” There are no ‘essentially worthless’ items, as worth is not a noumenal element that exists in any essential state. Ultimately, all value judgements are fundamentally subjective. And while you can make an appeal to the masses, most modern rational people would consider it problematic to impose their personal values on another, as you did here.

You are perfectly in your rights to explain how you don’t value something or talk about how you were able to cope with losses of things you did value. But telling someone “That thing you are feeling? You shouldn’t be feeling that.” is fundamentally and universally flawed.

I may not share your value system in romantic partners, that doesn’t mean that I have any right to tell you that your feelings are ‘worthless,’ or that your stated preferences are all ‘a mindset and an act’.

Yes, values are all in the head, including yours. Feel free to share yours. Kindly refrain from acting like they are the only ones, or somehow fundamentally better than others.


You replied without reading.

Don’t worry, you aren’t the first, and you won’t be the last.
Below is the rest of the post you were quoting in which I say YOU are the one giving the value, not others.
Aka subjective, like you said.

I like how your entire post was based on a false assumption of what was said.
It’s also sad how others continue to like your post because they have no other context other than you “calling me out”.

So next time, please follow the thread before calling someone out or trying to white knight.

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Yep, by that logic, nothing has any value. We’re going to die someday, the sun will go red giant, and there will be nothing left of this planet or anything anyone built here.


Trolls are actively trying to stir up drama. I believe you are doing so out of ignorance, which can feel the same to those who are being harmed by your actions.

If I hire someone who is racially of a majority because they were the first qualified applicant and have to reject three equally qualified minorities because the job is filled, I may not be a racist, but it wouldn’t surprised when they brand me with that label after having lost a job they thought they should have.

As the person above, you have come into the thread with a different value system than the majority and have assumed that your values are somehow superior or universal. They are not, and acting in such a way is harmful, if on a very small scale. Yes, you could say that everyone needs a thicker skin, and you wouldn’t necessarily be wrong. Thick skin is a great survival skill, as the world is full of abrasive individuals, some intentionally so, others not.

Most of your posts in this thread that I have seen are perfectly fine, and largely unoffensive. But you do have posts where you are actively abrasive and act as if you have some moral rectitude that the unwashed masses lack. But by failing to act with tact, you poison the well and it becomes easier to slap the label of ‘troll’ on your posts and assume the worst, which makes further careless microaggressions even more abrasive.

The way to know if you deserve the title of troll is to see if you grow from correction or lash out and double down.

Nihilism is one way of approaching things. It is as valid as any other.

I’d say that recognizing that worth is assigned and effectively ‘beauty is in the eye of the beholder’ is just as valid. People are allowed to find value and worth in things I find valueless. That is their prerogative and I should act with that in mind.


I come back with a polite conversation, to re-explain my position and my stance. Yet all you can muster is calling me a troll. Sounds like instead of a weak argument, you have no argument. Would be nice to see you removed from this thread so the civil individuals can discuss the topic and not continually be berated by a one trick pony of a parrot who simply calls anyone who disagrees with them a troll. Maybe you could offer some level of substantive conversation, or are you solely here to insult other posters? I’ve made my position clear. If you are ACTUALLY here to talk, and not just insult, maybe you can quote that post and respond. The ad hominem is getting stale.

You literally just trolled. Out of ignorance. :roll_eyes:

You are typing paragraphs at people, taking quotes out of context.

I mean he came in and quoted both of us out of context making himself out to be a hero. It’s not surprising lol.

I mentioned it before but I do think the new crafting (started in DF but continuing with them doubling down on making the BEST quality items even more rare) are designed for Whale crafters or even people just desperate enough to drop an extra $20 to get mats to get some good quality work orders done. Much fewer people that I personally know, have been engaging in practicing their professions. While my guild (outside of me and a few others) have not been HUGE into crafting, we used to have enough people that we could funnel gems, herbs, etc. to help them skill up AND get goodies for the guild bank (I mean, back when said bank felt a lot more secure). Some of the stuff, I farmed, and some, esp. early on, was paid for by guild funds. I bought some to get my enchanting up (and putting the scrolls into the now-insecure bank) and skill up/knowledge up since that would ultimately help our guildies (the main reason I do professions anyway - for myself, friends and guild) BUT the cost of the mats were SO HIGH I could barely even get the BASIC stuff to make a handful of scrolls.

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I have not lashed out at a single person, nor do I ever double down. I am glad to discuss my stance with anyone and have an adult discussion. At my age, I have neither the time nor the patience for people who delight in the aggravation of others. I’ve been completely civil in this thread. Even the mods have removed flags from 3 of my posts because they saw no trolling, or baiting, fighting, or insulting. So maybe instead of multiple people in this topic calling me a troll because they disagree with my opinion, we could sit down and discuss it. I’m being nice, I’d just like the same courtesy.

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Bumping this specific comment for visibility

Seriously… the radio silence is one of the most unsettling things when something like this happens. Constantly hitting the “refresh” button, constantly checking the bugs forum for any new Blue-posts, all the sifting thru secondhand rumors/hearsay and re-posted ticket response text for any clues, etc etc

If they would take the time to clarify one way or the other, people would at least get some closure

A simple “yes, more is on the way” or a simple “no, there will be no further items mailed out” would suffice from a Blue - barely even 1 sentence


I’ve been trying to give him the benefit of the doubt. It would seem the only thing I am guilty of is being naive about who they are as a person. Too bad really. I was hoping for actual conversation and interaction.

It could simply be a case of “no news is good news”.

Silence could mean they are working on it and have no new info to share or they are trying to quietly sweep it under the rug.

It’s impossible to know right now.