Guild Bank Missing Items Bug -- Aug/Sept 2024

So do you feel compelled or a strong need to come back and post in a forum for a game you don’t play so you can call others addicted ???

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That’s not why I’m here, just an extra observation. I’m here to mention the guild bank fiasco at any opportunity till WoW shuts down, just without supporting the company that screwed over tons of people out of tons of their time.


Unfortunately, you may be right.  I still recall the time when Blizzard added Cross-Realm Zones (CRZ) to the game at the start of the Mists of Pandaria expansion with no warning.  Forums blew up and the feedback was overwhelmingly negative.  Company response was a polite form of “tough @#$%” and proceeded to have CRZ as a banned topic for awhile (and those breaking it being given a forum vacation).

I doubt there’s enough people still around that would care about our issue to the same extent, though.  Quiet death and all that.


I am 67 and buy a walmart game time card every other month so I can spend time playing with my 5 grandchildren who live out of state and get tired of being called an addict because of it.


Imma go out on a limb here and say, someone who is posting on a forum that does not play the game calling others addicted is addicted themselves (and even more so).


I 100% agree.

I explained this a long time ago in this thread but it has been a while so I’ll sum it up again.

I lost my entire guild bank – every item (except slots of goblin gilders). I am really unhappy about it. Did I lose anything of value? Who knows – it is all gone. No logs, no nothing. I didn’t lose any gold so at least there is that.

I play WoW with friends (locally and around the world). We enjoy killing things, talking and goofing off and doing things while on discord. If it were not for my guild(s), guildmates and friends - I would have left this game l-o-n-g ago. None of my friends were impacted and they are also in disbelief in how it was handled but they still enjoy playing and as such, I still enjoy playing w/them.

I really don’t need a lecture (btw: not saying you are just a general statement) from someone (again not you :slight_smile: ) telling me I’m addicted because I don’t quit, nor do I need to be told the ramifications if I stay.

The moral of the story is, don’t trust Blizzard. Don’t trust they will do the right thing. Proceed with caution. Never forget what they did. Mostly importantly just like any company on the planet, they are only here for one thing - to make money at any cost, everything else is secondary and anything contrary to this is spun marking nonsense to get more money from you.


I feel kinda ill reading this. It doesn’t sound truthful?

I wonder if the Social guys will see our thread or hear about our situation and say “Hey! Maybe it’d be a good idea to help these folks with something simple and throw them a bone.” Or maybe the Social guys will realize what Bliz really needs is to fund a game-breaking, bug-fixing-department.

I wanted to say other things but I’m too tired and the logic about honoring the community in some way isn’t meshing well, at the moment. It sounds like they’re policing their employees to behave themselves with each other.

I wonder how the $90 Bruto Mount worked out for the company? That wasn’t monetary or had any value? Did it?

There’s that part in the TOS and EUA about not stealing Bliz’s digital works and making money from it. So apparently, it’s worth some kind of monetary value to them. ><“”"???

Well, if Blizzard really no longer values my money and the investment I’ve put into their games; fine, I’ll go…

Very strange.



I mean is it gaslighting? Irony? It seems illogical?

What it should maybe say instead is:
“We do not consider these customers and their real world money to hold any value.”


edit: I never wanted any “MONEY” from Blizzard for losing 20 years of my memories and game data; I wanted them to be gracious and fix it. Or give us an Achievement for it! Anything. Don’t be a ROBOT, Bliz!


Maybe they will build pits in our new houses where our pets can fight to the death and kill each other for sport.

It doesn’t have to be “never play ever again” or “refuse to give up and play 24/7”. If you continue to pay for Blizzard products, you’re endorsing their behavior and saying it doesn’t really matter. Realistically speaking, the only way they’ll change what they’re doing is if numbers start dropping and they stop making money. I don’t know how many people are affected by the guild bank theft and have left because of it, but a lot of people are leaving for various reasons — the $90 mount being one of them, game breaking bugs going years without being fixed, etc.

If you can’t stop playing, even for a little while, then yeah it’s an addiction. Justify it however you want, but you’re still saying “I hate what you did and I’m so mad I’m gonna… do absolutely nothing about it here’s my money please don’t delete more of my things.”

Does it suck? Yes. For sure. But there’s a lot of other games out there, there’s lots of ways to spend time with friends and family other than in WoW. I’ve been playing Viscera Cleanup Detail with some ex-WoW friends, we’re having a blast. If you’re gonna support Blizzard despite their awful handling of this issue, then at least have the guts to say so.


This. 100%. Data integrity means nothing to them. If guild bank items can be blown away, so can ANYTHING. ANYTHING. It’s all just data. And if we can’t trust the data, then we can’t trust the company to maintain it.


Old Blizzard would never have allowed this. “New” Microsoft-Activision-Blizzard only cares about subscriber numbers… NOTHING else.

Our data is not important to them, and they legally don’t even consider it our data.

If massive amounts of player characters were deleted, Blizzard would not care, they would approve a $100 toy or $250 mount and laugh all the way to the bank.


Here is my response :point_down: :point_down: :point_down:

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All those who have quit the game should also stop using Microsoft since the are Blizzard, and quit paying taxes since some of that goes to Microsoft and by dilution to Blizzard, This forum, sorry owned by Blizzard and your posts here generate traffic revenue.

Ah yes, the most old-school response.

No you!!!

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I, and others in this forum thread (at least one for sure but I suspect others) are tired of hearing you preach about how we’re all addicted because we are not following your recommendations and therefore you are projecting how you are superior.

Before you say “I never said that” – you implied it and you 100% implied it regardless of if you want to admit to it or not, you did and with that feel free to get whatever last word I know you want to get in, but I’ll never see it… Muted.


I believe we ALL are addicted to a certain level…myself, I haven’t had a steady sub for years but still glance at the forums every day out of habit, I guess.

I don’t think I’ve found the forums interesting since the job forums went away, I spend maybe 10 minuets here.

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I’m tired of seeing people complaining about the deletion only to follow it up with “I literally cannot stop giving them money I need those pixels or I will literally die”. Just say you don’t care your stuff is lost and go away. Brain-eating bacteria would starve in your head.

I’m not giving blizzard my money because they stole from me. I’m not superior for it, I’m just not being scammed lol. Anyway I know a Nigerian Prince who would love to donate some money to you, if you give him $90 he’ll throw in a free mount.

Not sure the details but…


I lost my 3 million mount due to the AH malfunction back in August. Blizzard didn’t care. I actually believe that life is better without wow now.