I am dismayed and appalled at how bad this game is now. I’m talking about the raw bugs and broken content that has NEVER been present in the last 15 years.
I’m not talking about a story arc you didn’t like. I am deeply concerned about the brokeness and bugs and just everything that DOESNT work!
WHAT IS BLIZZARD DOING? Did they fire every good programmer?
I’m angry my 19 years collection of items are gone (deleted by Blizzard).
For me, it was about a quarter million items. Remember that most mats can stack in lots of 2000. I was heavy on those types of mats with a full 7 tab guild bank.
Gold wise, it was probably in the hundreds of millions.
Time wise, it was years, I know for sure. Sad.
B L I Z Z A R D does not care. They are laughing at us. They are laughing that they deleted our data and we are still paying them.
just like many people are still having a Netflix abo after all the crap they did, many will still have a WOW sub, despite being unhappy about the company.
For many it´s just a habit of having a sub, but not an addiction.
To cancel is an additional step and not having a sub could also mean not meeting your friends online or being able to follow a certain show. As longer you are a customer, as more tolerant you become to issues, as you just become more resillient to trouble.
A much more reasonable approach is to no longer buy additional products if you are unhappy, as those count.
So if Netflix offers a live event you have to pay for just don´t make that purchase, just like you don´t buy MS products anymore, or an expansion pack.
The sub money is not an additional purchase, or do you cancel your internt provider, appartment just because of some incident?
Calling people addicted is silly and a slap in the face for people who truly suffer from addiction. For most folks however these 12$ are just not worth their trouble and they keep it running like they always did.
You can call it bad money management if you like, why pay for something you rarely use? But an addiction is a totally different thing, as that does not leave you a choice and the addiction rules your every day.
Thats a big part of the problem, a lot of people don’t take game addiction seriously…not like smokes or drink serious, those two take a big toll on your health, but Wow is also sitting all day how’s that not bad for you? Plus snacks?
If you can’t give up something for a small period of time, well that’s addiction imo.
I sit all day for work. I don’t get paid if I don’t work. If I don’t get paid … I’d still play WoW because I have subs paid for another 11 months (and I didn’t pay that 12 month sub, it was a gift).
Does that make me addicted?
I actually drink and eat less if I’m playing WoW than if I wasn’t. I spend a heck of a lot less on computer games than if I wasn’t playing WoW.
I’m just someone who enjoys a hobby that doesn’t involve going to the pub every night, or smoking every 30 minutes, or drinking a bottle of vodka a night. Who enjoys the variety but also the familiarity of WoW, enjoys the social aspect of it running raids/events with my guild or just chatting about holidays, family, cooking, etc. Who (weirdly) enjoys the admin that goes alongside running a successful guild for over a decade …
It’s something that engages my brain and my social skills and, I have to say, is probably better for me than some I know who spend all their free time passively just sat in front of a TV.
Don’t want to lose connections with friends? Play other games with them. If you keep paying, they’ll never change. And people can be addicted to anything, even video games, and anyone who cannot stop playing for any length of time is addicted. It’s not a difficult concept. That’s literally the definition: Addiction is when you have a strong physical or psychological need or urge to do something or use something.
Justify it however you want, but an addict’s an addict’s an addict. Just say you can’t stop giving Blizzard money and be done with it, some of us actually care that our stuff was lost and you’re not helping in the slightest by continuing to fund these grifters.
Seriously though … @Radalpho is correct here. You’re derailing the point of the thread. It doesn’t matter whether we’re addicted or not.
If we were addicted, would that make the fact that Blizzard lost the contents of our guilds vaults and then refused to return, resolve or engage, okay? No.
That is pure victim blaming.
OUR motives for playing has no relevance in this case and we should not need to justify them.
Still expecting our stuff, Blizzard!
Still haven’t forgotten.
Still haven’t forgiven.
Give it back!
Hire more people to get the job done!
You can hire temp people if needed.
Give it back!
It’s not about victim blaming or any other ridiculous notion, it’s about the fact that as long as they keep making money, they’ll never change. Bug reports haven’t done anything. Complaining on this forum or their various socials hasn’t done anything for months. Legal action won’t happen in the US. The only way to make them listen is by not giving them money. Why is it so difficult to understand?
It’s not derailing the thread to point out that whatever excuse you use means nothing if you keep giving them money. If they get money, they know that it doesn’t matter how badly they mess up, their addicted fans won’t stop giving them money. So there’s no need to hire anyone to fix bugs or test features because they can just release a broken product and you’ll keep paying them for it.
As a consumer, you have very few avenues to affect change. One of them is letter writing and the other is your wallet. If you’re not willing to use the limited tools available to you to their fullest then don’t be surprised with poor results.
As I’ve mentioned several times though … I’m not paying them any money. I have a 12 month subscription that was gifted to me. I used to buy stuff from the shop fairly regularly, which I no longer do. I’m not paying them a dime. I’m their worst “customer” … using their “services” and not paying for them and, to boot, no doubt being a very small thorn in their side pushing bug reports in-game and on forums, making negative posts on external sites.
The amount of people who play this game, even if everyone who had complained on this forum about this just stopped paying and playing, it would still be a drop in the ocean that they’ve never even notice. However, if all those people continued to play their subs out and continued to hold them accountable, continued to complain on external sites … THAT would make more of an impact. Even if it was just one of how other people start to view Blizzard.
Once upon a time, Blizzard were viewed by a lot as pretty darn awesome … I’d buy their games solely because they were Blizzard games. Now there are more and more people turning from that.
If you have game time already you might as well use it, but I’m specifically referring to people who have continued to pay for a sub, or store items, or what have you, while still complaining about the bug. Even paying with tokens still gives Blizzard money — and more money than a sub, even. The best thing to do is let subs expire, and make sure they know that people are leaving because it’s a broken, buggy mess of a game that deletes things with no recourse.
Otherwise if people keep paying for more stuff, they have no right to be surprised when Blizzard next accidentally deletes entire guilds, or people’s main characters, or their entire accounts. Because clearly none of the data is safe, and their response will be to make one pathetic post about it and ignore it, because they know people will still pay.
I have been waiting for some sort of compensation not just a “so sad” or “sucks to be you”. At this point, am I crazy or has anyone seen a return or compensation of any sort?
The only time anything was mailed in-game was the same day this thread went up on the General Discussion, September 20, 2024. There has been nothing since and if there was to be more, Blizzard Entertainment would have said so.