Guild Bank Log/Money Log has no/sporadic updates

The logs for the guild bank are currently messed up. The latest update for the tabs are showing over 27+ days, and the money log seems to be messed up as well. I can see money log updates from when I started to look at the gbank, but not prior to that, and the last update was 26 days ago. It is happening to another guild on Bleeding Hollow as well, but not to one on Area 52.


I just wanted to jump in here and add that this happened to our Horde guild on Zul’Jin too and it didn’t start logging again until two days ago.

The worst part is that either by coincidence or because they noticed the bug we just so happened to have had 400 Feasts and a few other things worth gold (like a Shadowghast Ring used to mark the row with ring enchants) go missing during this interval too. Except for the feasts it’s not anything we wouldn’t expect someone to take or could have been accidental but the fact that the logs stopped working several items which had the most gold value by stack went missing is troubling.

You can literally see in the logs where I deposited the feasts a month ago, a log where someone took out 10, and then nothing even though the feasts are no longer there.

I’m having the same issue. Shows inactive logs for 2 months now even though members placed stuff in there yesterday.

This has been an ongoing issue for months now for us. I’m very surprised blizzard hasn’t even acknowledged it.

I too am having problems with my guild bank… The money log hasn’t updated for 5 months now. I just dumped a bunch of bags into the first tab and that log did show though.

My guild logs haven’t updated for 5 months, across all tabs and money logs. The CS have acknowledged it as a problem across multiple guilds now, but have no answers for when it will be fix or even if it will. It’s been extremely frustrating.

Having the same issue on Illidan. Bumping this to see if maybe someone will pay attention. I made a ticket, then was sent some “here’s something that could help” message that had ZERO to do with my ticket and it was closed.

Probably should have checked which character I was replying with. Haven’t used that one in YEARS. lol

Can we get a Blue post in regards to this issue.

Not in Bug Reports.

It’s strictly one-way: you report, QA forwards valid reports to developers, developers fix when their priorities and resources allow.

No one acknowledges bugs here, let alone promise a fix or a fix timeline.

Huge bugs affecting the majority of the player base and preventing primary game play get discussed in Customer Support, sometimes. But a minor issue affecting a minority of the player base will probably be completely invisible until you notice that the devs deployed a fix at some point and it now works.

More like, it’s strictly a one-way trip to the bottom of the trash can. If we truly could open bug reports, we would get a ticket number and be able to track it. But as it is, it’s just a black hole.

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I have been having this issue in my guild on Zul’Jin for months as well. Last logs show for 5 months ago. Once in a while, something current will show, but then either the next time I log in or the next day, it’s gone and back to 5 months ago. Blizzard PLEASE address this. It is very concerning to not be able to keep track of what is in the guild bank, and even gold use. The guild money log has the exact same problem. We haven’t had anything sketchy taken yet but we have new members coming in that will eventually get raid access and we keep track of the logs to make sure a person isn’t taking too much - I also like to keep track of who is donating because it’s good to compliment/thank them and I can’t see that anymore either.

At one point I had opened a ticket to Blizzard regarding something else with the gbank, and I mentioned this issue. They actually said that it was probably a bug because OTHER PEOPLE HAD REPORTED IT. This was at least 1-2 months ago. It still hasn’t been addressed. They definitely know about it. I made a bug report at that time as well.

My guild has same issue :frowning:

I am seeing the same issue here.
Also showing logs dated from May
The logs seems to be rolled back to the same place upon each server restart.
I had deposited items yesterday and the log did show them, then today, the log had rolled back.

Its like the database transaction to flush the current data to the long term logs isn’t completing.

Been having this same issue for many months. It will update one day and the next day only shows items from six months ago. I put a support ticket in about six months ago and was told to Delete add ons and reinstall the game. That didn’t solve the issue at all. But that’s the standard answer they give for most issues

Still no fix after the 10.2 patch. No guild bank logs for 7 months now.

Yes, I was hoping this would be gotten to by 10.2. Blizzard can we please get guild banks fixed ASAP?

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I have a small guild, and we had ~40k in the GB. A week or so ago, the only updates it had in the money log had been 19 days prior. I went to repair, and got a message saying I’d either reached limit or guild couldn’t cover the cost of repairs. . . For an alt with 24s worth of repair (have my Titan Panel set to auto-repair when I open a repair-capable vendor, like my yak).

When I looked on my main (also GM), it showed 0g, 0s, 0c. . .Just gone.

Not sure what’s up with that. . . But a couple of us pumped about 20k back into it just for repairs.

This is definitely still an issue. I put in yet another ticket and tried to insist I get some sort of response that acknowledges this is a known issue and got the following response (eventually) and was linked to this thread so they are aware of it.

Hey there,

I’m afraid the issue with guild bank logs not showing up consistently in game is still one that is under investigation. Guild Bank Log/Money Log has no/sporadic updates

We also highly recommend posting on the bug report forums so the devs can collect more data and hopefully correct the issue the future. Note that Customer support are not in contact with the devs directly, and cannot do anything more than you can with reporting the issue on the forums or the ingame bug report tool.

I hope this helps clear things up further, and I hope the source of that issue with the guild bank logs can be found soon.

Won’t get fixed until some streamer publicly shames them I guess.