Guild Bank Log Broke, Items Stolen, Support Won't Help

Ticket#: US91763093

There was a recent bug that affected some guilds where either the bank logs were deleted or they failed to update for several days. During this period either by coincidence or intentionally we had someone take the most expensive stacks of items from several tabs (there is a stack limit on withdraws). We are aware that there is the potential for someone to steal regardless, but we rely on the bank logs to address such situations.

Instead we are left with a bank log that shows me depositing 400 Feasts (52k worth) and they are missing with no log of who took them. Other items are missing that seem to indicate the person was intentionally taking the items with the highest sell values such as:

  • The biggest stack of r2 Enchants we have in a tab for new players.
  • The Shadowghast Ring we use to help players find which row has the ring enchants (this ring is almost completely useless since people aren’t making Shadowlands legendaries)
  • Some r3 Hunter Scopes.
  • A stack of herbs.
  • Aforementioned 400 Feasts
  • Etc.

Altogether nothing that is going to break the guild, and we expect people to take things or for mistakes to happen. But with the guild log temporarily broken (it seems to be working now) we are left without an option to address the issue and support says they do not “consider this to be a bank theft of any kind” since the characters had the ability to withdraw those items and can’t provide the names/details due to privacy reasons. Which doesn’t even make sense because the bank log is supposed to provide those details so why can’t you? Why shield someone who might cause further harm to guild members because of a bug in the game?

This is not an isolated incident - there is a bug report from someone else with the same issue during the same timeframe:

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What it boils down to is Player A has every right to the stuff in the guild bank they belong to everyone as long as they have permission they can take what they want is it a crappy thing to do sure. Unfortunately Logs only last so long and GMs tend to be hands off unless it was due to a comprimised account.

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This isn’t an issue of the log timing out - I would understand if that was the case. This is an issue of the logs simply failing to work at all. The log still shows when the items were deposited but doesn’t show a more recent record of when things were withdrawn.

For all we know this is a compromised account - but since nothing was logged we can’t tell if this was someone who hasn’t been on in awhile logging on, taking items, then logging off like might indicate that.


They are correct. That person had permission to take things, so they did. And they cannot give you names, because it is a privacy violation on their part. The game may give the information, but the GMs cannot through a ticket process.

It’s a bug that was fixed. There’s nothing more that can be done.

Then that person is going to figure that out on their own if it was.

Unfortunately, there’s nothing to do at this point and nothing a GM can do.

My suggestion: limit the number of items people can remove and split your stacks to much smaller ones. I have an entire tab dedicated to phials and potions. They’re split into small stacks that we’d need for our runs, so 4 phials and 5 potions. The guild bank goes by stacks as withdrawal numbers, so that will help alleviate any future issues.


Because if you aren’t seeing it - we aren’t either.

And the response was correct, if someone has permissions to remove items, it is not considered a violation.


Another thing to add - anything in regards to the guild likely needs to be handled by the guild master. It is their property, so to speak. They set the bank permissions - anything that happened, happened because they set things up as they did. Assuming that since you’re the one posting here, you’re the one that submitted the ticket(s). The roster is showing you as rank 4, so if you’re the one working on this, there are likely limits on what the GMs can do with you.

If you guys cannot trust or police your guildmates, then the guild master needs to lock down permissions and perhaps only put things into the public use tabs in smaller stacks. Keep the expensive things locked up into a tab or two that only the highest-ranked folks can access. There are ways to prevent any further sticky fingers. It sucks and will possibly create a bit more work for the officers of the guild, but even with the bug borking the logs? There are things that can be done in the meantime.

I am sorry you guys are going through this, but logs or no logs, your guild master gave the okay for this to happen due to the way they set their permissions. Orlyia punctuated what the GMs said, but under normal circumstances? It needs to be addressed by the guild master.