Guild Bank Items Missing! Bug Issues Unresolved!

I didn’t.

I do.

Name-calling is trolling. The only one who resorted to this is you.


FYI: A consumer complaint is not legal action. Learn the difference before assuming and twisting the facts. But harassing trolls seems to be well and good with you and the rest of those that wrongfully attacked and harassed my post. - Like I said, I can’t help people that don’t understand what I wrote, especially not harassing trolls. - JJ -

Orlyia was here later last night, so it will probably be Vrak. What a thread to walk in on first thing in the morning, before coffee.

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The Attorney General serves the public interest of all New Yorkers in matters affecting their daily lives, enforcing laws to protect consumers, tenants, patients, workers, investors, and charitable donors. The office coordinates statewide civil and criminal investigations, promoting economic and social justice, encouraging harm-reducing public health strategies, and preserving the state’s environment.

While the Attorney General acts independently of the Governor, the Governor or a state agency may request the Attorney General to undertake specific criminal investigations and prosecutions. The Attorney General’s authority also includes the activities and investigations of the Organized Crime Task Force and Medicaid Fraud Control Unit.

The office employs over 1,700 staff, including investigators, analysts, scientists, forensic accountants, legal assistants and support staff, and over 700 assistant attorneys general, serving in over two dozen locations across New York state.


In otherwords, legal action.


Yep, while it’s certainly inconvenient, and a huge issue, I can live without my guild banks for a few days. It’s not the end of the world, I have other things I can do, and I know that once the issue is resolved the items will be back.


Legal action is not always a court process. Bout time you learnt that.

I’m sorry for doing my part in helping keep the forums clean. You’re the one who has been attacking with the name calling, not me. What else you want me to say?


The only threat made is you here giving Blizzard a deadline to fix a bug or you’ll take legal action against them. Like seriously…


No one is harassing you. We understood what you posted. You don’t seem to understand what we posted.

You not liking what other players post is not them trolling. You name-calling other posters is.

Your screenshots won’t help you. Blizzard goes by their logs. The NY AG isn’t going to look at this. Letitia James doesn’t have jurisdiction over things outside of New York. Definitely not over posters outside of the US.


Or you could stop playing the victim…


You might want to show that to others if you expect to get it yourself.


You seriously need to get a dictionary and learn what “threats” actually mean.


Encouraging someone in any bad manner, including towards trolling, can lead to action by the moderation. That is not a threat. That is warning someone about what not to do.

EDIT: Thanks Orlyia.


Like your original post?


BTW, just to point it out, the blues can see edit post history and can see the quotes from others. Said quotes don’t get deleted if you changed your post.


I’m not harassing you. I’m not hypocritical. I’m a Gnome, not a Troll. I understood what you wrote. You threatened Blizzard. You are trying to use bullying tactics to get your way. Followed up by name-calling and bullying others because you didn’t like what they had to say.


Yep, and pointing out that someone might receive a forum vacation if they keep it up is not trolling, or harassment. It’s not even a threat, because we’re not the ones that make posting privileges go away.


No one here has trolled or harassed you Jonjustice.

You’ve been given accurate information. Both in terms of this particular bug, where to post about bugs, and forum decorum. The only one breaking forum decorum is yourself.

I’ve clipped and cleaned up the thread. I don’t believe this one needs to remain open.

Yes, known issue. Yes, they are working on it. No, I don’t have any more info or an ETA at the moment. I know this is important - so does QA and our devs. You are perfectly entitled to be upset, but please don’t let that spill over here in ways that may endanger your own ability to post.

Thank you.