Guild Bank Items Missing! Bug Issues Unresolved!

And I think it is time to break this out.

Spamming or Trolling

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  • Excessively communicating the same phrase, similar phrases, or pure gibberish
  • Creating threads for the sole purpose of causing unrest on the forums
  • Causing disturbances in forum threads, such as picking fights, making off topic posts that ruin the thread, insulting other posters
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People are trying to give you pointers in the right direction with helpful advice. If you want to be like this, then that is on you.


It feels to me you’re passionate about this game, but feel powerless to really do anything to progress this issue. Hence you’ve put in effort to, as best you’re able, attempt to encourage Blizzard to [devote more resources to?] this problem.

I’m moving on. Good night!


You can stand by your ideas as much as you like, what you dont seem to realise is that this is simply a player help player forum, there are no Blizz GM’s here, just a couple of forum monitors who keep things in line and provide guidance in relation to lodging a ticket for example. No one is going to pass this on to Blizzard or record the feedback. Add your details to the threads already existing and Blizz will update the known bug list when a fix is found and when it will be rolled out.

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You think people are misunderstanding you, and you think misunderstanding is trolling, and justification in calling someone a troll?

I’ll put it this way, and Orlyia and Vrakthis will back this up, there is no justification in calling someone a troll. And it isn’t trolling if misunderstanding. But you’re opening post, on top of how you’re replying, does actually show they are understanding on what you meant, you’re just resorting to trolling the forums because you’re upset that a bug exist, and you giving Blizzard a deadline to fix a bug when you hold by no weight in order to do so.


Time to lock this thread up.

Good luck with your legal action

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You know what, I’m not going to bother continuing this with you. I’m just going to flag and move on.

Hope you enjoy the rest of your evening.


Do you honestly believe Blizzard doesn’t want to fix them?

Of course they are going to fix them.

But what you obviously don’t understand is just how complex this game is. They need to find the cause, develop a solution without breaking anything, and implement it.

This. Takes. Time.

You sounds like a petty first year law student with absolutely no clue about how the world around you works, and have to resort to pathetic name calling when others don’t share your skewed point of view.

Get a grip!


Probably best to just let either Orlyia or Vrakthis deal with them as soon as they start work.


Pooh, you are not helping in this situation, but more encouraging this sort of behaviour. Please, do not encourage this sort of thing, it can also lead to you losing forum privileges.


Yep, this is not the place for “venting”, it’s not the place for reporting bugs, and it’s especially not the place to make fake legal threats. This issue has been acknowledged for several days. They are gathering data about this in the bug report forum. This is just going to get locked down as soon as one of the SFA’s is in the office.

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Reporting to the NY Attorney General is taking legal action.


Well, no where on the forums is for threatening Blizzard with legal action, but the bug reports are the place for reporting bugs.


Yep, such threats are not allowed on the forum. I mean, yeah, the AG will laugh the OP out of the room, but that’s beside the point. If the OP truly wanted to take some kind of legal action, they would have to have their attorney contact Blizzard’s attorneys.

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I meant the bug report forum is the place for this issue, not making threats. I’ll go back and clarify my statement.


No need. I understood what you mean, I just thought to add that bit for anyone else reading that part incase of any confusion.

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All you had to do was file a Bug Report and let those that deal with these sorts of things, deal with it.

You could have also simply posted in this thread too:

It’s where Bug Reports go.

5 days ago I put in my Bug Report.

I’ve been happily playing Pre-Patch while people do what they do to fix this.


Then may I suggest, with all due respect, that we move on for now
 at least from this thread. You’ve said your peace. We hear you. And I, for one, empathize with your plight. And more importantly, you’ve created a bug report.

Perhaps now you might try something entirely new in the game for the next day or two. Level a new character class or race. Maybe try for a few new achievements. Run some old dungeons from the past. Something that won’t require any interaction with your guild bank. Then in a couple days, check your bank again. If it’s still not fixed, maybe add another post to the bug thread
 even if it’s just, “Hey Blizz
 still not fixed. Please hurry!” Or something like that. It’s not like it’ll make them go any faster, but it certainly won’t cost anything
 well, a few electrons maybe.



Have fun with that. :slight_smile:


Oh, this would be interesting, I would love to see what the New York Attorney General would do about someone who lives in Sydney, Australia on your own toxicity.

I mean, people here have told you, people here have even shown you, and you have ignored everyone. And on top of that, you have resorted to trolling the forums because you don’t understand the rules people are presenting before you, let alone the facts.


Orlyia or Vrakthis, or who ever else is going to end up dealing with this thread in the end, you all need a payrise after dealing with this thread.