Guild Bank Items Missing! Bug Issues Unresolved!

Dear Blizzard WoW Team and Management:

I just logged into my WoW account and discovered I am missing a ton of mats and a bunch of items from my own Guild Bank as well, aside from the damn Gold bug issues that have been going on since last month! These issues and now missing a bunch of items in our Guild Bank has seriously crossed the damn line!

Excuse my frustration, but I never experienced anything like this happening with WoW and it is very concerning and disappointing to see this happening. I hope these serious issues are fixed and resolved soon, Blizzard WoW Team! You can all do better.

Thank you for your attention. - JJ -

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I am afraid whoever told you that would do anything misled you. You don’t own the game, you don’t own “your” characters, you don’t own the items in the game. Blizzard has the right to change or any aspect of the game at any time. They have the right to shut down the game forever even. You are not guaranteed access to the game 100% of the time nor is it promised to be defect free.

Makes sure to send them a copy of the EULA when you do this. This is the contract that both you and Blizzard agreed to.

The QA team does not read the CS forums. You are well aware that bugs are reported in the Bug Report forum. When a bug is fixed the update will be in the hotfix notes or patch notes.


It is a bug. You know it is a bug. You are not being “scammed” or misled. You have reported the bug and that is all you can do. Bugs in games suck, does not make it illegal.

You have no legal rights to the game items.

The game having a bug that does not show warbank or guildbank items is not “unlawful”. There is nothing misleading about it being a bug.

You are free to try to convince the FTC or NY AG if you feel like it though. It is your time and money lost :woman_shrugging:


How do you know it’s negligence and neglect and not a case of “issue is proving difficult to isolate and resolve”?


The bugs are being worked on.

You don’t need to threaten Blizzard.


Blizzard does not work on your time schedule. Bugs get fixed when they get fixed. There is no law that says Blizzard has to fix a bug within 30 days. There is no law that says they EVER have to fix it. Blizzard did not promise any estimated time for a fix.

Bugs are fixed when they figure out what the problem is, figure out a fix, program the fix, test the fix, and put it in a patch to release. They don’t WANT items to not display properly.

You are paying to access the game. A game that you don’t own anything in. A game that is not promised to be defect free.

Here is the applicable section.

Limited Warranty. TO THE FULLEST EXTENT ALLOWED BY APPLICABLE LAW, THE PLATFORM, ACCOUNTS, AND THE GAME(S) ARE PROVIDED ON AN “AS IS” AND “AS AVAILABLE,” BASIS FOR USE, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF CONDITION, UNINTERRUPTED OR ERROR-FREE USE, MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, NONINFRINGEMENT, TITLE, AND THOSE ARISING FROM COURSE OF DEALING OR USAGE OF TRADE, and the entire risk arising out of use or performance of the Platform and the Game(s) remains with the user. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Blizzard warrants up to and including ninety (90) days from the date of your purchase of a license to the Game, that the physical media on which the Game was distributed, if any, shall be free from defects in material and workmanship. In the event that such media proves to be defective during that time period, and upon presentation to Blizzard of proof of purchase of the defective media, Blizzard will at its option: (a) correct any defect, (b) provide you with a similar product of similar value, or (c) refund your money. TO THE FULLEST EXTENT ALLOWED BY APPLICABLE LAW, THE FOREGOING IS YOUR SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDY FOR THE EXPRESS WARRANTY SET FORTH IN THIS SECTION.

If you are a resident of Australia, the benefits provided to you by this Limited Warranty are in addition to other rights or remedies you may have under local laws related to the goods to which the warranty applies. Our goods come with guarantees that cannot be excluded under the Australian Consumer Law. You are entitled to a replacement or refund for a major failure and compensation for any other reasonably foreseeable loss or damage. You are also entitled to have the goods repaired or replaced if the goods fail to be of acceptable quality and the failure does not amount to a major failure. The provisions of this clause containing the Limited Warranty and the clause containing the Limitation of Liability and Indemnity below apply only to the extent permitted by the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth). The entitlement to a replacement or a refund for a major failure is not subject to Blizzard’s option. To submit a warranty claim to Blizzard, please call 1800 041 378 or send to PO Box 544, Pyrmont NSW 2009 Australia. The user is responsible for the costs of returning media to Blizzard.


The FTC and AG will laugh you out of the room. Although good luck getting an attorney to stop laughing at you long enough to even file a case. You do not own your characters or items, Blizzard does, and they can do what they want with it.

Btw, EVERYONE’s guild bank items are missing. Yes, it’s a bug. The items are probably not actually “gone”, they probably just can’t be seen for some reason. Fake legal threats will not help the situation or get it fixed any faster, they will just make people laugh at you.

Also, even IF there were legal action that could be taken (there’s not), a player to player help forum is not the place to post a legal notice. This would be like posting a “legal notice” in the bathroom stall at Mcdonald’s because your Big Mac had lettuce on it.


We get that you’re frustrated too, but I can guarantee to you that the people who built this game, care about the player experience and game’s integrity.

They’re working on it. :slight_smile:


That is actually a physical good someone pays for though - with an ingredient list. Not quite the same.

This is more like walking into the McDonalds and being upset they are out of lettuce for burgers and issuing a notice to them to resolve it in 30 days. Even though there is no law that says they have to offer specific ingredients - they just have to have an accurate menu.

Blizzard only promises access to the game, when it is up. Not that everything in it is available at all times or that there are not things bugged.

Ugh. Why am I still up!


Yeah good point. This would be like posting a “legal notice” in the bathroom stall that they have 30 days to getlettuce in. Right next to the silly toilet poetry.


There was a bug found in Tetris just a while ago, where code could be read out of the high score memory area and used to manipulate the game. This was recently used to bypass another bug, where the game crashed once you completed a certain range of lines.

Tetris isn’t a new game.

I mean, sure, it’s a serious bug affecting bank contents, but software bugs are a fact of life. Sometimes they’re minor. Sometimes they aren’t. You’re never going to find bug-free software. All we can do is find the bugs, then fix them. Sometimes that’s hard. I imagine it’s especially hard if you’re dealing with active, live code where the issue needs to be resolved while the game is being played.

You’re free to stand by your principles and file with the FTC, but I’m not sure what fining Blizzard (or other government process you foresee) is going to do.


Okay. How many man hours have been devoted to this bug? How many would it take to fix without causing worse issues? You must know the answer to these questions, after all, you’re saying it’s gross negligence to not have it fixed on your timetable.

But you can be more reasonable than “I want to cause you legal trouble because I’m impatient” and “I’ll post this notice wherever I like, even if it won’t go to the people who can effect the changes I’m demanding.”

You’re basically tapping your foot, huffing loudly, and pointedly eyeballing your watch, all because you assume without basis that Blizzard isn’t doing anything.


That’s not true. For years there have been players that have had not just their bank items, but their gear and bags disappear. Just like this issue the problem was a display issue. The items were still there. The only difference now is the volume of players affected. Your items aren’t missing, they just aren’t showing.

Your post is just posturing. A truly legal letter to resolve would be posted by a lawyer to Blizzard’s lawyers, not a player to a public forum.


You can justify all you like, but once again, I respectfully disagree and for you to say that Blizzard doesn’t “EVER” have to fix these erroneous bug issues affecting players accounts from the in-game gold we paid Blizzard for, to our missing in-game items in our Guild Banks, and for the actual game and the monthly subscription, and for Blizzard to actually not do anything to fix, restore and resolve these serious issues and problems while Blizzard takes our hard earned money, is not only wrong but would be very neglectful and misleading to all players who pay and support the game as I do.

To think it would be okay to leave these serious issues and problems unresolved while taking money from consumers is not only wrong, but would be an awful mistake for any company to do this to their customers. Failing to fix and address these issues would be very wrong of Blizzard, and that would be crossing the line no matter how much you try to justify it. Not to mention, trying to justify this epic disaster in the game is NOT helping!

But I will mention it once again, I hope Blizzard does the right thing and fixes these serious issues in the game, because I am sure they are aware this is not some minor issue and it needs to be fixed and resolved soon. That is the point of my post, and if you fail to understand that, and understand the frustration, concerns and disruption these serious issues are causing players who pay and support WoW, then that’s on you.

It’s not right or acceptable to leave these types of serious issues unresolved, and no excuse or justification will help either. So again, I hope Blizzard fixes and resolves these issues sooner than later. I can’t be anymore clearer than this. - JJ -

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You can, however, stop assuming Blizzard’s doing nothing.


Blizzard doesn’t have to fix any bugs. They by right do not have too. They can give us the most buggiest game outright, and can do nothing. But we know Blizzard doesn’t work like that, and the development is trying to get down to the buttom of the source to find what is causing the bug, and trying to fix it.

Things can not be resolved with just sticky tape and glue, things take time to get fixed, considering Blizzard has to go through all the source code for everything, to find what is causing the bug to happen, and to try and patch it up before it becomes a bigger problem. Somethings take time! They are aware of the bug, and are trying to fix it. But they can’t just fix it at a snap of a finger without knowing the outcome to the problem that is causing it in the first place!


Like all bugs and problems that occur in this game over the years this is a storm in a tea cup. Let Blizz work out what is causing the bug so that it doesn’t break something else or the entire game. When they get around to it in their own good time all will be resolved, just take a seat and watch a movie you really need to chill a little. Getting all worked up over pixel’s ain’t good for your health.

Also, keep in mind, the only employees from Blizzard Entertainment that visit the Customer Support Forums, are the Support Forum Agents. Completely different team to those who fix bugs, and do not interact with the development or the development team.

You will find your bugs will not get fixed faster here on this forum, as well as giving a deadline anywhere will not get the bugs fixed any faster.

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You only pay for access to the servers. Blizz could completely delete guild banks tomorrow and you would have no foot to stand on.

They will get to the bug when they get to it, isolate the issue, test fixes, make sure the fix doesnt create a more disruptive bug in turn, then roll it out. Just be patient and take off your Karen pants. A display issue is not a game breaking bug. Its a minor inconvenience, We are 3 days from a new xpack drop, they will triage bugs. An ultimatum wont do anything. Bugs can take months to fix. The game is written on old as dirt spaghetti code and everything is connected with everything else so its actually quite hard to isolate a cause and initiate a fix. Because fixing it could create a snowball effect where something else happens that is worse or actually game breaking. Its not being left unresolved, its being worked on in order of importance. So just be patient.

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The bug has been acknowledged. You just need to be patient. They can’t just wave a magic wand to fix a bug.

As you are not privy to what caused the bug and what is entailed with fixing the bug, you are in no position to decide how long it is going to take. Posting in Customer Support will go nowhere towards getting this resolved. Legal threats will get the post locked or deleted and could impact your posting privileges.