Guild Bank Empty

My guild bank is showing as empty but should have seven nearly full tabs. I am the gm and my log does not show withdrawals other than expected. I see that there is a known issue related to guild banks but saw no where to indicate that my guild bank was impacted.

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Known issue post in bug forums.


Supposedly, all the items are still there and this is merely a display error, but I’ve seen no official confirmation from the development team that this is the case. This has been going on for quite some time, and as of now, there is no end in sight. I hope it gets resolved for you soon.


Keep the posts to this thread. As long as everyone in there behaves, hopefully it will remain open and we can get updates there.


Nor would you. Developers don’t post. Instead, as you’re well aware, we’ve had our amazing Support Forum Agents confirm this as that’s the info they’ve been given.

You mean that they’re not providing an ETA, so you don’t know if it will be resolved today or in the near future. Thankfully, we do know that they’re working on resolving it and there was a post that mentioned that they were hopefully close to a resolution. That’s a far cry from “no end in sight” :wink:

#Dubious Facts Misinformed Beliefs


The Support Forum Agents and the Development have no communication with each other, so the SFA’s know the same thing we know.

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To be clear, they are in communication with them on hot topics and larger issues. However, the development team doesn’t post on the forums directly.

They will provide information to the blues here and in other forums to pass along though.

So when a blue posts that they’re aware and that it’s a display issue based on what they’ve been told, that’s info from the devs that they’re passing through to us :wink:


Sometimes they post through a mod. But yes, the Gold Text posts appear to be a thing of the past. :cry:

Oh. All I saw was that they said it appears to be a display issue but they were still investigating. But if it’s confirmed to be only a display issue, that’s great news!

Yes. You want to paint it with a less pessimistic tone, that’s fine.

I’ve not seen that post. Can you link it? That would be great news, indeed!!

heh heh… you’re liking this little tag, huh? That’s a pretty good one. :wink:

Gold text is NOT a developer, or even a Blizzard employee. Gold text is community council, which are players that have been selected to post in a specific forum and it gives them gold text. They are not employees. Developers themselves have almost never posted on the forums. I’ve seen it maybe 2 or 3 times in nearly 18 years. Blue text is usually either community managers (everywhere but CS) and SFA’s (in the CS forum). They will post the information they are given when they have it. Which is usually not ongoing status updates, but things like “this issue is known and being worked on”.


Maybe Orange Text? There definitely used to be a color for developers.

Really? Ghostcrawler used to post all the time. A few developers used to post regularly. Alas, those days are long gone.

Nope, in the rare occasions that developers posted, it was blue text just like every other employee. Ghostcrawler had blue text. Ion (who went by Watcher the last time I saw him post) had blue text.


Yes… I am aware of that. But more recently there was another color added specifically for Developer posts with a tracker button for dev posts separate from the regular blizzard post tracker.

There has never been any color other than blue on the WOW forums for Blizzard employees. Nothing has been added or changed. You might be thinking of some third party tracking site. WOWhead has a blue post tracker.


There is a deep orange color that the devs use on the Overwatch forums.

But similarly to Vralok, I’ve never seen it used on the WoW forums.


Ah…yeah I have never played Overwatch so I have no idea what their forums look like. But that may be what the other person saw.

Maybe that was it. Was there ever another color for the Hearthstone forums? It’s possible I could have seen it there, too.

But the point was that Devs DO, in fact, post on these forums, far more than “2 or 3 times in 18 years”. Not like they used to, which is disappointing, but they still do post, even if it’s filtered through a mod’s account.

The Devs posting through others on the WoW forums, that’s been through the CMs (not the mods), and is/was part of the normal tasks for the CMs.

But as for the devs posting directly to the WoW forums, that has always been exceedingly rare.

But we digress from the topic of the thread.


yeah… I kinda use those interchageably. Probably should have been more specific.

Nothing is “filtered through a mod”. Moderators do not generally post, outside of comments when logging or otherwise moderating a post.

Support Forum Agents are not liaisons with the Developers. The information we have about bugs is information we have access to, not specifically from a Developer.

Community Managers are the only liaisons with the Game Developers. They may occasionally post about something, that is often at the behest of the Devs.

Game Developers have posted in the past, not many of them, and not often. They often do not have the time or expertise, and for World of Warcraft it tends to cause a bit of a commotion, so they mostly stick to what they do, work on the game.


On that note, anything new from last week?