Guild bank empty


its gone, they’ll send an apology, and hype us up for next week
but if this happened to me, id be mildly livid

This explains the 620 BearTartar TSM insists is sitting in my guild vault. I’ve been through there 10 times looking for it, lmao.

one of my guild banks is borked and the rest still have all their stuff. I am the only person in six of my seven guilds. Only one of them lost all its stuff. The one with all my past expansion mats in it. Not a huge loss as most of that stuff isn’t worth anything. But it had my spare Scarlet Key in it. I was going to give it to a friend, but it and everything else in that guild bank has gone poof. I guess Blizzard is aware. Maybe they’ll give my stuff back some day.

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Having this guild bank issue 6 full tabs been roughly 2 weeks now and rapidly running out of options to store stuff since TWW launched. I check it every day just in case lol, have seen nothing anywhere did all the usual game things to try fix this addons no addons delete folders blah blah, cant even report and rant a little .


All our stuff is still gone and no acknowledgement from Blizzard. The Support post has been deleted with no update. I’m posting in every related thread. Maybe if they all bump to the top someone will be forced to respond.


mines completely empty aswell, except the gold anyway but cant remember offhand how much gold was there but everything else is jsut gone, getting some reply about addon UI updates etc but seriously i dont have any stinking addons its the guild bank and their issue to fix yet they say they cant do anything :frowning: by the look of all the other guilds having this exact same issue they should be all over this but seems they arent…


It’s been 30 days, this is crazy. 30 days and hundreds of my items are still gone out of my guild bank.


Well there is this:

Notice it’s on the EU forums.

It’s a (insert favorite adjective string) travesty a blue have yet to respond here, or the bug report post on this with 2000+ responses.

As far as they know, the bug is fixed and the vaults can be used again, the lost items are still to be restored.

But what if something from last expansion overwrites an item from TWW when it’s restored? Use at your own risk is how I feel about it.

We tested putting something in the vault, and it wasn’t stored in the log. Moving it at another tab was logged, but not logging the first deposit is kinda fishy.

@Blizzard a blue response, pinned at the top of general would be helpful. Or direct me to the proper place to get up to date information on current bugs.

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I check every so often…knock on wood, nothing missing from mine yet.
its ABSURD this is taking THIS long to fix.

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This is one of the worst response times I have seen from Blizzard on something this big. It’s making me paranoid and thinking other items are disappearing.

This is no longer fun for me. I play games for fun. These constant bugs, the lack of customer service. I understand microsoft has laid off a couple thousand gaming related employees since the blizzard purchase. I see that some people asking for their money back are being told no. My entire guild bank wiped out. So many constant little bugs and the customer service related to them… for example I had a level 10 with xp off that I enjoyed just maxing gear on and could even solo dungeons on. Did it get me anything special, no not really but it was FUN. So I hadn’t played it in a while and there was a gear update available. I figured what the heck maybe something is better than what I have. Problem was it turned on the xp again and I leveled before I realized it. Customer service first told me that it was intended. They back peddled later but eventually told me to start over with a new character. Point is that there are so many little bugs and that customer service is repeatedly and consistently lackluster that I have VERY little hope of getting this bank issue resolved. I have screen shot of all my guild bank content in list format from an addon describing the content from before the wipe. I was told they didn’t want it.

At this point even should they “fix” it, I do not plan to reinstate my sub. I have since wow’s 2nd year and it feels so weird to talk about leaving over this. I understand issues can happen. But I reiterate. Losing everything like this and being kept in the dark along with all the other bugs rampant in the newest release… the game and the time spent just isn’t FUN, and if it’s not then what is the point???

This wasn’t originally meant to be a rant but to emphasize that lack of communication is going to drive other hard core warcraft players away besides me. Perhaps I’m not the target audience anymore…



I had everything disappear on me’Hordie’s gb. Stuff I’ve saved from vanilla or bc I put in the bank. A lot of it is sentimental. Some stuff was usable. :frowning: