Guild bank empty

here Guild bank missing items - what happened? - #414 by Dalthis-alleria
and here


I noticed my guild’s bank is empty too. Last logs were 5-7 months ago so nothing was taken out recently. It used to be quite full too.

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I am also the GM of my guild and I had all 7 of my bank tabs depleted of all items. When I put in a ticket Blizz told me to reset my router. How is that going to fix my empty Guild Bank???


I’m not sure, but posting in General Discussion is a great way to engage with other players and have conversations about stuff…

If you actually want some customer support, consider posting in the Customer Support forums.

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Bro, we know…


Oh, no! Here’s hoping Blizzard fixes this immediately, if not sooner.

I’d take the loss if that threat was followed through.

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Same, logged onto my banker and guild bank was empty… All 6 tabs… Huge loss… Had a full tab of pets, one of bags, one of cards… Put in a ticket, doubt anything will come of it… Very dissapointed.

Of my two bank guild banks, I wish it was the other one that got wiped, but it’s perfectly fine.

Be sure to report the problem here.

Seems to be the main thread. Blizzard has acknowledged the issue on the EU forums, hopefully it will be resolved on the maintenance. :crossed_fingers:

There is a very long thread in the bug forums about this. I’ve also posted a similar ish bug for war banks. Be careful with item storage folks.

TL;DR Blizzard is aware. There is no solution as yet.

Support Article - Guild Bank - Missing Items

Blue Post - Guild Bank - Missing Items


lol and how does someone do that?


Nice an article, finally.

I submitted a bug report for war bank storage. The best I can find is that sometimes when you sort your bank it will magically remove various items from your war bank. Yes. Your character bank might impact your war bank. It’s all borked.

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The response from the level 3 support staff is funny.

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This is a really huge bug and they haven’t said much of anything but…we know. That is pretty spooky. Did we lose everything? Some form of assurance that we will get everything back would be nice right now because it feels like this might not be fixed before expansion launch which is bonkers.

Wondering if moving things around in the bank or adding things could overwrite and cause more issues. What if you over fill your bank now that there are empty spaces?

Blizzard please give us a running thread on this one. The gathering of stuff is a pretty big part of this game.


I have the same thing. What do we do? Put in a ticket? I couldn’t even tell you what is missing, just empty spaces where stuff was stored.


Our guild is missing tons of materials and reagents that we’ve been saving over the course of years. Not sure if we will ever recover… no logs, no one to take anything just poof gone.

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I just checked my guild bank and a lot of things are gone too. I don’t even know what. I know in my tab of expensive things maybe 10 spots are empty. That whole tab was full. Everything in there was crazy expensive stuff…

How does stuff just go missing and how are they going to fix this?

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The guilds I GM are all fine, nothing taken, nothing missed.