Guild bank empty

So I log in this morning, and all 8 tabs are empty. Nothing in the logs, it’s all just gone.

Last night it was borked, I couldn’t deposit anything, now this.

Yes, I am the GM, or rather my Druid is in charge. I’ve had this guild over a decade, I know what I’m doing.

Funny thing, my banker alts guild vault is fine.

Anyone else experiencing this “bug”.


I just checked mine, and stuff is still in there

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No adds running, multiple characters seeing an empty vault. I put in a ticket, about all I can do.


I’m in the same position of inheriting two guilds and I’ve taken to removing access to the guild bank for anyone that hasn’t been on for 90 days. On the rare occasion folks show up I can give access back after confirming this is the person I remember.

Hopefully, in your case, it’s just a bug that Blizz can easily fix.


Just checked the bug forum, it’s an issue…


yep, quite lengthy thread there formed since maintenance.

Not everyone is empty, but lots of stuff missing.


Missing a ton of stuff in my account only guild bank. Would love to see how they’re going to fix this…


Have you considered posting in the Customer Support forums?



i just logged on to my rogue/ engineer to learn a good 20 to 30 engineer plans that i had bought off another realm put them in my guild bank last night then found out about the bug and hurryingly logged back on to see if i could get to the back on any character and found nothing it cost me close to 1m gold buying these plans i hope blizz can fix this or reimburse me the gold / engineer plans that i lost to their problem


Happen to me too. Not everything, but 90% of the itens. Lot and lot of mats.


We did the end of the expansion purge on our guild bank a week or so ago thankfully. Pretty much sold everything in there for gold for guild repairs.

I am hearing from a couple different people that they their missing a lot of items from their guild banks. So may definitely a bug on blizzards end


“sorry…guild banks are broken and your crap is gone…you can use the new warbank instead”
I said a couple weeks back, you just watch and see if something screwy doesnt start happening to our personal guilds to make them unusable now.


I have over a million gold just in mats in my guild bank.
I think if it gets taken, lost or screwed over this’ll be the straw that broke the hozens back enough to finally make me quit. Too much time investment urinated away because they either cant keep their game working right…or are secretly trying to force us into this overly pricey warbank crap.


So, you put me on your ignore list, and post in a thread I created. What gives Lio?


funny that theyre having ‘trouble’ with guild bank right as we get this new bank with all the costly tabs, lmao


Reminds me of a story where a rogue joined a guild, gained their trust, then robbed them clean.

They reported him and the GM said, sorry rogues are gonna rogue.

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This is a pretty widespread issue. It has affected every guild i belong to, and all of my different personal bank guilds that only i have access to across 4 different realms.

Talking with guildmates, it has affected everyone to one degree or another. Some people are missing only a few items from each gbank tab, others are missing everything or nearly everything from most of their tabs.


My guild bank is empty, hundreds of items are gone. I opened a ticket and got canned bot responses.


My guild bank is also empty. I’m not sure if this helps. But I noticed guild banks on the same realm as my character has no issues. I became a guild leader for another realm and everything in that guild bank is missing.


Someone on ur guild cleansed empty the bank

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