Three of my alts can no longer access my guild bank. “Dragging” an item won’t work because clicking on the bank won’t even open it. Blizz, PLEASE FIX THIS. It started right after the last update.
After a few days of getting my guild bank access back (where I couldn’t click on an item to add/remove and had to drag everything) , again I can no longer access the guild bank, at all.
Well. At least the client doesn’t crap out this time around.
Still no access to guild bank here. Perhaps, I am blind, but cannot locate any info on the cause and ETA for resolution.
Is this intermittent, or on-going for all?
This is getting really old. Fix it already.
This same issue has recently happened to my guild, we were unable to move anything or take anything out. Cut to 2 days later we check and most of the guild back has been emptied with nothing reflected in the logs.
Of course creating a ticket was useless, they didn’t even read the details, they sent me 2 email template responses then closed the ticket as resolved.
Guess I’ll just go *&%% myself…
Blizz have the worst customer service I’ve ever experienced…seriously what are we paying for? There are free to play games with better service than this