Guardian in 10.0.5

Welp that was a short expac, guess I’m parking the guardian until further notice, or whenever Blizz decides to actually log onto guardian.


The new talent tree is actually so trash. The tree has too many bad options and you cant create an actual good build. I do not know why berserk is still broken out into three nods and why bear has 20 talent choices in the last row. Arcane damage is mixed with physical with many talents feeling worthless or bad to take. Raze does no damage and bears mastery is still terrible. I am really disappointed with the Dev who worked on this, what a half-baked job. They honestly should rethink being a dev with the awful job they have done.


Yeah most will

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I think you’re assuming a dev worked on this. I think they just gave the guardian tree to a bunch of third graders with crayons and told them to go ham.


I was so excited this week to finally get my 4piece after weeks of being shafted out of gear… only to log into this massive dumpster fire of a spec. This makes me so unbelievably depressed. I already felt weak enough as guardian and now it’s worse… Been playing a Druid since MoP and for the first time ever I feel like walking away.


So i got a question with berserk there was a sneaky change between older berserk and current being the fact that its not 100% CDR for THrash anymore… Its 50% and idk if that was intentional or if its supposed to be a mistake


My new druid spec is great, it’s called warrior.

Seriously though, guardians are so screwed its not even funny.


I think druid tanks understand the situation better than people in GD who keep screeching “NERF TANKS AGAIN!!!”

Apparently it was intentional. It made berserk far less useful.

I logged into a 60 and saw I had 10 points that needed to be respent on the druid tree. There was not a single useful talent I could select until after spending 4 points on talents I have no use for.


That sneaky nerf to Berserk: Ravage makes me a sad bear. Like as if the tree change wasn’t annoying enough lets stealth nerf Berserk.


surprise! its a straight up power nerf which we of course suspected but couldn’t really reliably test before patch because all the bugs to the other new abilities subsumed and obviated any meaningful opportunity to experiment in this regard on ptr.

last night got to actually try out in raid and guess what? not only is it the straight up power nerf we vaguely assumed but it also makes incarn way LESSS FUN. because all the other new talents straight up blow my build doesnt functionally change whatsoever but this straight up nerf… i just dont get it

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It basically killed the interest I had in incarn. I’m running convoke and it feels better to me. I actually ran a bit of a split talent set yesterday that I more or less ignored berserk for. Basically laser bear but with Ursoc’s for the extra absorb here and there.
Too many years of being able to spam during incarn and then we get this junk. It just feels like they broke that part of the spec.

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i wish i had the time to mess around with stuff before raid last night but i didnt and just copied pumps lazer bear update moments before raid which of course i immediately altered to take earthwarden after terros because bear mitigation still very much blows and its just too much of a pita worrying about more or less random one shots in full heroic gear ON HEROIC FARM (before raz of course) if i make a relatively minor mistake use the wrong defensive at the wrong time and raid wipes on a farm boss

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Ya thats bear rn, cd or die. For some reason thats the playstyle they want bear to have. Essentially turned us into a significantly worse version of a bdk and prot warrior.


well i suppose the nice thing is my cotank is a very good blood DK so if i randomly die on farm he can basically just facetank the rest of pull solo… ohhhhh i see, maybe we supposed to bring two tanks in m+ because prot war often does more dmg than dps so pwar can sort of be our backup when real tanking is needed in a key. kind of like with meaningless end of season sports where you start your bench players for extra reps with nothing on the line

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Lol says the guy who has only gone over 15 on the easy dungeons…

They still have more credibility than someone clearly posting on an alt, with a post history that seems to be nothing but trolling guardian threads, and insisting that warriors are not currently outliers in terms of strength in complaint threads about them.


i know you are using him here to bump but honest question… is he really this dumb? like he is changing no ones mind not even a little bit and he’s clearly too thick to be even a bottom feeder troll so i just dont get it? like there are definitely more important things in life than proudly manifesting your completely insignificant meaningless stupidity in a relatively secluded corner of the internet.

is this somehow cathartic for him? im genuinely interested when objectively stupid totally uncool monkeys insist on covering themselves in feces to make us remotely smell it? its weird only animals ive ever seen sleep on their own crap and piss are horses but this guy clearly a naked ape

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Im gonna give it a week, if the problems arent fixed there will be no reason too play this spec. Bad tree with bad scaling and nerfed incarn.


ty for returning me to the actual topic at hand. :slight_smile:

My experience has been that it’s usually one of the following:

Resto druids that operate under the (probably real) belief that blizzard balances around one spec for hybrids, and they want to advocate in a way that increases the odds that resto will remain druids “guaranteed good” spec.

Other tank specs on alts, that don’t want their own “ranking” to fall in relation to bears. Or in some cases, people that are still salty about getting benched by bears in legion.

People who genuinely believe guardian is fine, because they’ve not started doing anything high enough where their inherent problems start to manifest. Guardian can face roll m0s, they look great in the lead up to higher keys, but then brick wall hard since they don’t scale as well as warriors do.

Then there’s just the run of the mill trolls that like seeing reactions. Some are subtle, some not so subtle.