Guardian in 10.0.5

As of right now, it is unbearable.


The new talent tree does not do anything to address bears problems. Nods are all over the place and inconsistent. Why does the bottom row in the bear tree have 18 choices, that is insane. Locking Rage behind arcane build is ridicules and it should be moved to where the first berserk talent is and baseline berserk. Move thorns somewhere else because it is physical damage not arcane. Take frenzy regen off GCD because it feels awful, and everyone knows it. Nerfing incarn with only have 50% cd for trash and mangle is just crazy because bear is already weak, and this change also nerfs UFR which is already bad. Also, buff bears mastery so we can be meat shields again because bears lack tools to deal with magic damage. As of right now, bear has no identity unlike the other tanks and lacks tools to deal with all the damage this expansion.


Bear is even weaker in ptr than it is now. The spec is gone forever now.


Don’t you mean…
glances around

It’s… :bear:-ly the spec it once was?


It’s essentially :bear:-bones.


Is this guy fur real right now?

It’s downright em-:bear:-assing!


Right now it feels even more disjointed than it already is. They have some really cool talent ideas but they are just completely disconnected. There’s no flow to the choices that make sense. Too much arcane stuff required for non-arcane build is flat out dumb.


I have 0 problem with bear tank. Its just most people have no clue how to play and build

I’m trying to decide on this druid as guardian (very fun imo) or my protection paladin. They’re both fun, but I’m not sure which one is more effective as a tank. I kind of feel like guardian feels more active whereas protection paladin feels quite reactive.

I havent played guardian this season because I feel the current guardian’s design, tanking around 2 min cd incarnation, doesnt fit the current dungeons’ dmg profile.
However, I feel 10.0.5 left side build will give guadians more consistent tankiness and self-heal. I dont think it will make guardian top tier but better than the current situation.
Regardlessly, the significant buffs for brew in 10.0.5 may push guardians to be the worst out of 6 tanks.


Thats exacly why people are bad with bear tank. You need to build either side. You go with Dream + Heal on Arcane + Incarnation + Rage. You dont need Galactic nor blood frenzy.

People only pick 1 side or the other while on the case of the druid both side complete each other


No one is talking about how to play bear. We talking tree problems. Denying the talent tree has massive issues is just being ignorant intentionally or clueless.


People fixating on dream of cenarius, is the biggest tell that they don’t actually play guardian beyond low level keys. It’s almost universal too, for people claiming guardian is totally fine, and has zero problems with the spec.


Eeeyup exactly. They truly dont understand how rage and this spec works.
Guy is basically saying to remove most of your rage generation to gain a heal.
Even though the rage gen would cause you to heal and tank for significantly more.


I love how they break up berseark into 3 different nodes in the spec tree. /NOT


Spoiler: Dream of Cenarius and Wildfire aren’t saving anybody – you will eventually fall if you don’t have the DR that you’re shooting through FR charges like M&Ms.

What kills me are one-shot oopsie poopsies (e.g. Jade strikes) and I don’t have a DR CD at the ready. None of these talents answer that conundrum – truly a problem of our times.


Except you have to forego a lot of synergy to grab everything. Bear has too many bad nodes. Survival instincts should be baseline and talented into lower cd (not just an extra charge), infected wounds should be baseline and replaced with a node that synergizes with the mangle/maul combo, berserk needs to be scrapped altogether and baked into incarn with all 3 passives, and incarn needs a much lower cooldown so bears have a place in the meta without being gimped between pulls & tank busters if they’re main tanking.

Pwars get so much shield wall and shield block uptime while sustaining through it while bears have to burn rage just to wait 1.5 minutes to even compete.


Bear is good in its current form, hopefully they dont mess with it too much. Only one class at a time will be in the Meta which means the others will always feel slighted. I suggest you ignore the meta, play what is fun, and not worry about the tree placement of talents. Bear is a very good PUG tank at the moment

Same experience. When my cooldowns run out, I just die. Or my favorite, I still technically have FR, but the incoming damage is so extreme, that I die during the GCD lock, because FR is still not changes to be off GCD. Even though it’s such a critical component for bear tanking.


I was honestly focused on the fact that now we have a AOE Maul ability… but Currently Tinkering/looking at the .5 talent changes vs our current ones it feel like I’m being gimped in a lot of ways now I’m only able to take certain talents with this newer build compared to the live version which iDk how i feel about that, Honestly i feel like most of these newer nodes they could’ve combined into some of these Single talents throughout our tree