Guardian druid “unpruning”

I’m simply asking you to try it for yourself. You’re too quick to dismiss differing opinions when I’m willing to bet you haven’t even tested it out for yourself.

I have, and I find it to be quite useful. It’s certainly saved my butt and reduced incoming damage and reduced time from my run more often and more effectively than vortex or charge could have.

If your argument is simply that’s it’s the weakest talent in that row, therefor it must go. Then the same can be made for every talent we have. They’re all pretty lackluster, imo. Hardly constructive.


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I love coming in here every now and then just to see what the argument is going to be about on that day.


lmao, no you didn’t.

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Indeed I was.

Another fun fact.
I post on my main because I’m not a coward.

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For All Druids you were 18th on your Realm.

You misunderstand…

18th ranked guild in the USA.

For server, ya boi was #1.

This is irrelevant though, as we’re talking about 2012. People want to stir the pot and make personal attacks and put my experienced in question. It’s not constructive. Be better than that.

(Yes, I know, I’m guilty of it too)

How many touchdowns passes did you score in that one game back in HS? Because now that is what you sound like talking about playing a Druid in 2012.

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I’m not the one who called my experience into question. I agree, it’s very silly and not relevant to this topic.


No, you weren’t.

Post proof. Because searches show otherwise.

First and foremost, I’d like to thank you for toning down the argument a bit. I really am open to a more civil discussion.

You’re right: I’ve never tested it - and I don’t want to either. I can read the description and make a fairly reasonable assessment based on that alone. That’s why they have the description. The fact of the matter is that I, personally, don’t need a buffed Dash. Dash works perfectly fine already. I’d much rather run WC and have an extra movement ability - and one that’s incredibly flexible, mind you. It’s really a “No brainer” for me. This is also partly the reason why the community doesn’t like Tiger Dash. This is why it’s considered to be a sub-par talent. Like I had been saying, we didn’t need it. Note the word, “Need.”

Another thing you really ought to bear in mind when discussing Tiger Dash with me, and asking for me to make a personal assessment of it, is that you’re discussing Tiger Dash with a player who doesn’t have the problems you do. I definitely don’t need Tiger Dash! Consider:

  1. I don’t run high corruption - right now, I’m at a grand total of 0 corruption; as such, I don’t need to constantly dodge negative corruption mechanics
  2. I don’t run high Mythic+ keys; as such, Dash, WC, pots, and/or Stampeding Roar is certainly good enough
  3. I don’t raid; as such, I have no need to be concerned with dodging raid mechanics
  4. I primarily PVP, where Tiger Dash is considered to be pretty much the worst talent choice you could pick on that tier in every circumstance

I’m a fairly casual player. If I play anything even remotely seriously, then it’s PVP - not PVE. You really need to be discussing this with the high-end PVEers… and they aren’t going to agree with you at all.

That all said and done, I’m not “Dismissing differing opinions.” I’m dismissing an argument - and a fairly poor argument at that. Let’s be honest here: most of the “Facts” that you’ve presented in defence of Tiger Dash have been purely anecdotal, and were quite subjective to boot. Just because Tiger Dash has some situational uses, and just because it might be “Fun” to play around with, doesn’t mean it’s a good talent overall - especially by comparison with both Ursol’s Vortex and WC. That’s as much as I can really say about it. If you’re expecting some other argument - from me anyways, then I think you’ll be sorely disappointed. I think that what I’m saying here is pretty clear: Ursol’s Vortex and WC are just better in the majority of situations. That’s what I’ve seen on my level, and that’s what high-end players are saying is true on their level. I’m not merely agreeing with them like some thoughtless lamb; rather, we are more coincidentally in agreement.

At the end of the day, play what you like. WoW is as much your game as it is mine. If you like Tiger Dash - if your think it’s “Fun” - then do it, no matter what others think. I’m a perfect example: I’m always trying quirky builds and wacky stat balances, etc. - even when people say, “That’s stupid!” Yeah… they’re probably right, but it’s also fun sometimes, right? Sometimes what’s “Fun” and what’s best are not the same thing. Stop trying to argue. The arguing is pointless.

This is especially true when you try and argue with people who actually know better than you. That’s just being proud and arrogant, and it makes you look ridiculous. That’s just refusing to admit that you - like myself - are practically a nobody when it comes to the subtle nuances of really high-end play. I mean, come on… you’re running +15s… most of the people I know, who are also nobodies, run +15s on the reg.


You’re at the level of Emerald Dream RPers - the people I was talking about, not cutting-edge PVEers. The people I know run +15s in character because a +15 has become trivial for most players hovering around 470+ iLvl and stacking select corruptions.

Thanks for your time,


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It’s one thing to think you’re better than long timer Tewa, but to not only think that but be a condescending know-it-all on top of it? Good lord talk about cringy.


Ok, nicely said, I’ll take this.


“unpruning” was a scam to get people interested in SL since SL really doesnt have much interesting stuff to offer.

DH actually got pruned even more, LMFAO.


I want to debate this post cause I feel it’s overly conspiratorial. But at the same time I think it’s sort of true. I wouldn’t call it a scam so much as a strategy.

But yes, I think Shadowlands seems really light on content and class changes. And I think someone was given the job of selling it despite that.

The leveling from 50-60 being so short doesn’t strike me as a positive at all. Many classes/specs are getting little to no changes.

I still want to play it, but it does feel like they are trying to sell less Value for the same cost.



There’s a method to my maddness, even if its an unpopular opinion. It works.
I can say that with certainty because iv tested it with success. There is value in that talent, even if people refuse to see it. They’re unable to argue my points though their own experience, through facts, or even hypothetical arguments. Instead they dismiss it outright and attempt to throw mud at me, then cry when it gets tossed back.

Case in point.

Thats willful ignorance.

I can read the description and make a fairly reasonable assessment based on that alone.

You quite clearly couldn’t.

I was able to list just a few of the several ways in which tiger dash has value from just one instance and you outright rejected them as anecdotal. My examples were factual and can be easily replicated by any individual to be proven true. Thats not what anecdotal means.

You keep shifting goal posts and having arguments with yourself.

I never disagreed with this.

I use FC 80% of the time.
Im an avid user whos been pushing for it to be baseline long before you even joined this forum. You somehow think youre schooling me in the value of Vortex/FC, and I find it all rather hilarious.

That was never the argument.

Heres the original quote.

Objectively false.

Its not.

Lunar beam, by comparison, is completely worthless.

See the difference?

Thats not the argument. I said its not worthless.
Even if I use it 20% of the time. Im still using it. Therefore, not useless.

By comparison, I only use vortex for necrotic/raging weeks. By your definition, since its only “situational”, its not a good overall talent? Yeah… that argument fell apart pretty fast, didnt it?

So… why are you here then?

Then why arent you? If theyre “so easy”.
(also objectively false)

Not sure who youre trying to insult here…
Your friends?
People who RP in general?

They sound like a group of people who enjoy playing the game and have lots of fun doing it. Quite successfully at that.

Right in the feels man. When I run any dungeon on my bear I RP that I am a bear running a dungeon with 4 other people and they can’t figure out why I am there either. I also “bear bag” any DPS that die to mechanics.

You are misunderstanding me.

When I said to Tical, “You’re at the level of Emerald Dream RPers” I was indicating the casual players on ED who do little more than RP. That’s most of the people I know. They do a lot of RP, and very little of anything else… and, yet, they’re successfully clearing +15s on the reg.

Tical does the same content, but pretends like this is a big achievement separating him from the so-called, “99%”, from the majority of the player-base, and gives him the right to talk down to people like Tewa, who happens to be an accomplished Mythic raider. The reality is that Tical is at about the same level as the majority of the player-base - a fact he just doesn’t want to admit. That was my point.

Could people please stop trying to feel insulted? Perhaps I could have worded things better - I certainly agree; however, my readers could also try to grasp what I was meaning, could give me the benefit of the doubt, as opposed to jumping to the erroneous conclusion that I was intending to insult the very community I, myself, happen to be a part of.

Thanks for your time,



I am just pulling your chain. Being from ED I had to fire back. I thought that you would catch the poke.

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