Guardian druid “unpruning”

Apologies if I missed it; also, I’m pretty sure others would have missed it too - I mean Tical is trying to misrepresent what I was saying, after all. At any rate, I’m relieved: I’ve always enjoyed your presence on these forums.

Carry on, my fellow EDer.

Thanks for your time,


Well this is Awkward.

You’re shifting goal posts again.
More arguments in your head.
I fully admit to playing casually in BFA.
You’re making things up dude.

What does Role playing have to do with ones ability to clear content?


Take your time reading please.


Well, to be fair, perhaps we could all stop making personal jabs. Barespanks, I know you and I are on the same side of the core issues here, but let’s all try to keep focus on the issues, not the person presenting the issue.

I am a mediocre player. I am happy to admit that freely. A while back I was a little more hardcore, doing limited Mythic Raiding, but never Cutting Edge. Nowadays, I was doing keys in the 10-15 range. That’s enough of a challenge for me. I did a little Normal and Heroic raiding in Eternal Palace.

Why is this important? Because my opinion matters, too. I don’t need optimized abilities to compete in +28 keys or Mythic raids, because I don’t engage in that content. But I do want abilities that make the gameplay for the content I’m doing more fun.

Fae Silence was fun; I’d like to have that back.

Intimidating Roar (when it worked correctly) was fun; I’d like to have that back.

A simple snare was fun; I’d like to have that back.

I also dislike abilities that aren’t fun, and would like to see them changed.

Maul isn’t fun. Make it do something interesting; make me want to press that button.

Crit is not a fun stat. Make it do something interesting; make me want to get Crit on my gear.

Rage is not a fun mechanic. There’s many way to generate it but really only one thing to spend it on. Make it more interesting, more meaningful.

Fenzied Regen being on the GCD is not a fun ability. Having it not fire off because the GCD was still ticking is so annoying; having to pause and wait out the GCD before pressing the button is not fun.

Not being able to cast most spells in Bear form is not fun. Casting a Brez on the healer to save the day is fun. Last night on my Prot Paladin, I was chain running some M+. One run I saved myself with a Lay on Hands; another run I saved a DPS; and on another one the Healer. I even tossed out a few Flash Heals to help out. That was fun.

My point is that improvements to the spec aren’t only for the Mythic raiders or the M+25 players. They are for all of us. I don’t agree with all of Tical’s points, but that disagreement is on the issues, not because he’s not a Guardian main. Similarly, when he seemed to question my “credentials”, I pushed back, and I think he and I have had better discussions of late. The opinions of mediocre players matter. The opinions of casual players matter. And yes, the opinions of top tier players matter. Discuss the issues, not the credentials of the player posting about the issues.

edit: Skruffles, but I think most people knew that.
:bear: :bear: :bear: :bear: :bear: :bear:


Well said.

Let’s argue about the game. Not with eachother.

Happy reset day. May your weekly chest have the item you needed.


I don’t want to argue with Tical. I really don’t. All I had set out to do was to defend Tewa, and to defend others against Tical’s ridiculous insinuation that anyone who disagreed with him was, in effect, a mindless drone. That said, this argument has been nothing but a waste of time and effort. We have much bigger issues to attend to.

On the matter of thoughts and opinions: of course. That’s why I’m here, even though I be but a “Lowly casual.” I may not be anything special, but I’ve played the class/spec for long enough to see that it needs a bit of work. Actually, in thinking about it just now, it may very well prove to be the case that when low-end players begin to recognize there are problems with a class/spec, then there really are problems with a class/spec. High-end players will notice nuances, but low-end players will only notice bigger, or more generalized, issues. That’s when you know there really is a problem.

Thanks for your time,



How though? HDH lost one spell from legion to bfa, and going from bfa to sl have gained 1 talent spell as a baseline spell. Thats a net of 0 spells gained or lost.

Tiger dash is worthless to a guardian, which is what is being discussed. At no point as a guardian would you ever Tiger dash to escape a corruption eye. Vortex is the easy winner in the row for M+. That said Feral charge should be baseline.

The talent changes in SL are trash, the forcing you to choose between Vortex/typhoon is trash. Heart of the wild is trash.

If you’re running under 40 corruption, absolutely. You don’t even need to move at all.

I’m talking about 80+
TD 9-10 lvls

Big difference.

Yes please! I’ve always wanted to break people’s spines show my love for other players again.

(Especially since Incarn will have +30% max health as a bonus and pairs really well with the Rage of the Sleeper lego, which would make Bear Hug deal even more damage)

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I actually wish this would make a return because I do miss having a way to both ranged silence casters but more importantly pull from ranged with an ability that generated a decent amount of threat.

Now-a-days, only an empowered GG Moonfire can somewhat generate threat.

No, this was removed at the behest of the Guardian community. It was simply a filler spell that eventually got baked into Thrash.

I honestly think it would be good to either see MotW return or at the very least the return of LotP, provided by Guardian and Feral druids only.

I guess the reasoning is that Feral Charge was a talent back in the old talent tree days and keeping it as a talent just feels nostalgic. That’s literally the only reason I can fathom why its still a talent today.

My biggest beef with Guardian talents is that some rows frankly are just a mix of unthemed abilities that really should not belong in the same row. For example, in Shadowlands what’s the real theme now for Level 30:

  • Tiger’s Dash
  • Renewal
  • Wild Charge

At least with the first & last, they’re movement focused. When Intimidating Roar was the second option on that row, that at least somewhat fit. When they added Vortex, it fit about as well as Roar did; however what does Renewal have to do with movement.

Then don’t get me started on the out-right dead talents that need to be removed entirely because they simply can’t compete with the other options.


jfc why doesn’t maul act like revenge already? Why are we spending 40 rage for nothing when they get a massive frontal cleave?


At this point nothing is hard to believe.

They’re planning on changing this.

They’re fine with this.

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I don’t think I’d want to give up Wild Charge for it, but I could honestly see it being useful at just 60+. Those eyes start to hurt if a Thing or two hit you and you end up with 2 or 3 of them at once hitting you and stacking the debuff.

Big difference sure, but what Guardian would be running that corruption level in anything that isn’t considered trivial content.

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The ones running mythic nya every week?

The ones who like to have fun!

I know Tewa and her band of prima donnas would have you think that having fun isn’t synonymous with playing guardian.

Case in point…

Imagine being THAT bitter all the time?
Even worse… imagine being one of her guildmates and having to suffer though it every single week.

Those poor souls.


Well I guess being that shadowlands drops 10/27 we are not getting any changes to guardian. GG BLIZZARD

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Good lord man you are a train wreck. Do you recognize the irony in complaining about Tewa’s complaining? If you’re a quarter as bright as you want people on these forums to think you are then surely you do. I’m also wondering why what Tewa says personally offends you so much? Are you aware of the years of history providing feedback trying to make Guardian better? What are you doing to make Guardian better?

Get off your soap box, I haven’t seen Tewa, or really anyone else on here with a shred of credibility say that Guardian is bad at the moment; it’s not. I also personally find it to be the most enjoyable tank class, but fun is subjective and there isn’t any point debating that.

What is absolutely not subjective is that the state of Guardian without layers of borrowed power band aids needs work. What is absolutely not subjective is that more quality feedback than you could possibly fathom has been provided over 2 betas and an entire expansion cycle. What is absolutely not subjective is how Blizzard will not even acknowledge Guardian, at all, not a single word has been said about it.

I’m glad you love Guardian the way it is and have fun with your weird builds and whatever else, that’s great, but for the love of god stop attacking people who are here trying to make things better for all of us, yourself included.


They’re a resto druid who dabbles in feral and guardian. Their hot take on the state of guardian is based solely on their current state, where multiple layers of borrowed power, in trivial content, has made them determine that they’re just fine.

When you point that out, you get a “back in highschool, I did this amazing touchdown pass!” Talk about their experience from WOTLK or something. It’s just not worth engaging. It’s either low effort trolling, or just very misinformed opinions.


More like…feral/guardian who swapped to resto in bfa to make LFG tolerable.

Show me where iv said this…

I have agreed with all of the guardian/feral issues, offered feedback on abilities I’d like changed and suggested new ideas, and I am equally frustrated with the lack of response from blizzard.

That being said, this is a game and I’m not going to let it keep me from enjoying myself.