Groups exploiting to bring premade into RANDOM bgs

Ikr… dude has to be a troll because nobody capable of installing the game and posting on the forums is this dumb.

Some people just want to watch the world burn. I bet this dude also twinks or is a former twink. It’s the exact same mindset.

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I don’t admit things that aren’t true.

I have had multiple classes above 2200 and even more above 1800 in arena.

Most people in BGs are bots.

Yet it wasn’t. Muting just proves you can’t refute facts.

Well yeah I’m sure that’s fun. I’ve been in some recent bgs that seemed much better organized and steamrolled our group.

I’ve been trying to avoid insults, but yeah, he’s no one I would want to spend much time around if I’m having to point out why a crappy college baseball team is probably not a fair match against pick up beer league players statistically. Lol

This is the same point people brought up against twinks but then turn around and que randoms in full conq lol

It is your problem as you’re the one throwing a hissy fit about it and assuming it’s exploiting.

You can’t Que into any bg with a raid group that’s not rated BGs. Therefore your point is irrelevant.

Yes your point is completely irrelevant

I haven’t joined a bg premade in probably three expansions. I’d rather just afk while defending a node and watch a tv show or movie while the bg goes on.

Ps the one getting emotional and “needing to throw insults” is the one who cares more.

The real funny thing is most of the people in arguing with have probably never broken 1500 in any bracket :+1:

You’ve only hit Rival 5 times in the last 4 expansions, and all of your highest XP took place back when you could roll on easy battlegroups and hardly anyone knew how to play anyway.

Is this really the direction you want to take the conversation?

People don’t realize that you have to farm honor gear in order to get into rated BGs.

Some people are just so bad they think random BGs should be everything rated is without the rating.

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Taking a look at their profile, they don’t PVE either… So yeah pretty much just a toxic individual.


I was on sargeras. Wasn’t an easy battle group lol.

And yes I only push classes up to 1800 for mogs. No need to push further as I primarily pve now.

I have zero desire to try and use lfg to find people to push with.

I can say they can’t ,it is evenly split on both sides but they can be rigged before hand so one side always wins. That is processed outside of the bg before hand.

You didn’t look very hard. 5/9 mythic isn’t pve?

Grey parsing. :confused:

I never claimed to be good.

But just proves you guys are the toxic ones if you can’t refute points without personal attacks :joy:

I’m just commenting on things you bring up in a boasting fashion.

Ok,why are you subjecting everyone with this statement?

I didn’t boast about anything.

Dude said I don’t pve.

I asked if 5/9 mythic wasn’t pve?

No where did I boast or say I was good. Nice job moving goalposts and trying to deflect though.

Both of your heroic parses are pretty close so thumbs up

If you weren’t being toxic that statement doesn’t apply to you.

If you feel it applies to you then you might want to think about what you posted.