Ransoms are designed with no rating rules enforced.
What is your experience with twinks? I did twinks at 29 during bc and wrath. We always had organized games against each other and qued at the same time in an effort to have twink only BGs.
I’m not saying that there weren’t some bad apples but the majority of the 29 group were wanting to fight other twinks
There used to be an addon that would pretty consistently queue everyone together and blizz broke it.
Have you ever been in an AV against a premade who only farms HKs? It’s miserable to be on the recieving end of that because you are 100% powerless to stop it.
All you can do is sit GY until it ends (this could take a while sometimes) or /afk.
Premades in normal bgs I think is fine, my main issue with epics is that if blizzard wanted you to you should be able to just que as a raid, the fact you can’t and have to sync que multiple groups with an add on to help that is what’s off putting to me.
My experience is mine and only my own. I take long and frequent breaks, so time and game evolution may not make total sense seeing I was gone for near 10 years. Only recently (2021) did I start to play again.
My experience with twinks is that they were abundant before the XP was able to get turned off. Then when I leveled a 39 and killed EXP I never saw a BG on that toon ever. I even joined a level 39 community : /
I’m not even talking about RBG’s though. I’m talking about the real bottom of the barrel (the ground) in terms of BG’s - unrated queue up and go.
I am definitely not saying all twinks are dinks. I see the fun in wanting to simply max out and keep it there. I like the idea of a lower level battle with limited abilities and so on. Personally, I find no joy in one shotting someone because they are under geared, though.
I have no doubt there are good apples in the mix, but it’s the bad apples that ruin things for everyone.
That’s not my problem. Companies are supposed to invest some revenue back into infrastructure. If Blizzard are using the same set of servers, etc. that they setup in 2004 (which is impossible, by the way, but I’m
playing along) maybe we should be asking where our $15/month is being spent?
Ohhhhh, okay. Press H on your keyboard, go to the ‘Epic Battlegrounds’ tab then try to queue with more than 5 people in your party.
Completely irrelevant.
You’re arguing nonsense so you can join EBG premades to honor gear, per your own admission. I don’t even play EBGs and am just arguing definitions. Who do you think cares more here? (Not that it’s relevant, like almost anything you’ve said in this thread)
Not sure what they’re doing other than farming honor for some reason? Maybe they need honor to upgrade their gear I guess and this is a way to cheese the process?