Groups exploiting to bring premade into RANDOM bgs

Do you think either of those are relevant to the
complaint of premades in AV? Or are you just trying to pivot to complaining about your own personal issues?

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Of course, a random battleground is a random battleground. If you want organized groups, go do RBGs. Of course, if all you want to do is stomp undergeared casuals who are already having a hard enough time, then I perfectly understand why you’re being so defensive.

Because this is relevant to whether or not Blizzard setting queue restrictions, and intentionally circumventing them is an exploit or not.


So your partial premade “destroyed” another premade. Cool story, lol. I’m not sure what you are trying to prove with this.


It was relevant to the comment I responded to stating random people don’t have a chance against premades.

It’s also not an exploit to Que at the same time.

I wouldn’t call 3 people a premade.

End of the day I’d rather have quick losses against a premade than slow losses.

Where does it say random BGs aren’t allowed to have a group?

You do realize in order for you to join said rbg groups you have to grind the honor gear first right?

Op,that is nothing new,it plays on both ends ,one to rules the other ,so if you do see that log out of it ,it’s not wealth it.

They’re abusing a loophole. If they set a limit of 5 people, it wasn’t because they wanted people to get 8 groups of 5 together and press queue at the same time to end up in the same match together. Otherwise the limit wouldn’t exist in the first place.

Anyone with mild common sense wouldn’t even need to question this. Just sick of seeing players scorn solo BG players for disliking being at a disadvantage due to cheating.

RBGs exist for a reason.


Or because the algorithm of trying to Que a group size of 40 people into a bg can’t be handled.

You have zero proof that the 5 man group limit is due to not wanting people to be organized.

No one is “scorning” solo BGers. However when you chose to play solo you run the risk of being out manned against a premade.

End of the day it’s a random bg.

Again you seem to forget that rated BGs require people to honor grind. And doing random BGs with an organized group makes the honor grind faster.

This has been happening forever. Blizzard obviously doesn’t care.


You’re ridiculous. Lol

Right, out manned by a premade of 5. Not put against a group of 40 people in voice chat coordinating goes, etc.

Also, I don’t only post on GD, this topic comes up a lot and the poster is always attacked (case in point the other Rogue calling him a cry baby or whatever). How is asking for fair competition an issue with anyone?

This is true.

I’m not a billionaire, if I rob banks to earn money faster am I justified just because I can?

I do have to say ,which is faster pay both sides to win rbg or honor grind to the top?

The dumb part is I don’t even care, I don’t queue EBGs, just the dishonesty of the semantics of claiming it’s not an exploit when it’s so textbook drives me nuts. Lol

Like cheat all you want, but own it.


The people running premades are the same people who think twinking is fine.

It’s the same problem just at level cap. :joy:


Specific queing would have to be terminated. Even if they couldnt form groups they would just individually specific que simultaneously

This is a real hard perspective to argue because I feel both sides of the argument have valid arguments. Unfortunately, I feel that one of these options is a self consideration while the other is about the consideration of others. Which is wrong, which is right? Neither. One could be considered more selfish from one perspective while the other from a different perspective could also appear selfish.

Personally I feel that bads need a place to pvp against bads as much as goods deserve to fight goods. Organized efforts for players with advantages to go decimate bads is kind of a sad way to feel good, though. Unfortunately separating those players from one another is very hard.

Look at twinking. People love twinking until they are forced to fight other twinks. Then they want to find a way to twink and fight non-twinks. it’s kind of sad in my book.


I don’t think this happens very often. Obviously not fun to be on the losing side of a premade. I wish they would stick with rated when they want to go premade. I have enjoyed doing some BGs with a 5 man team, so don’t want to ban parties entirely.

They should get rid of the factions in random BGs just like they do in rated BGs that way premades would most likely get split up.


They can’t win in competitive PVP, so they attempt to stack the deck in their favor to boost their fragile egos. There are guilds that have been doing this for years. You’ll start to recognize the character names pretty quickly if you check the rosters.

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