Grouping is so easy in WOTLK

You don’t understand english. They would get a full group faster if they just listed themselves in the tool.

Learn to read.

I swear people on this forum mostly haven’t probably graduated high school.


Wow somebody needs a nap

I didn’t dispute anything you said. I agree that grouping is easy in wotlk and simply added that the healer tends to be the last player to join the run… because they like to cherry pick a full group and not wait for one to fill up normally. Literally agreeing with you dude I dont get why you are being a jerk over this.

…and you are going to hurl insults at me for whatever reason when I was being courteous and diplomatic with you.


Nah I need to stop replying to clueless people like you who obviously never form their own group and want to be led everywhere in life.


I made it to the 9th grade, but I still have a diploma, courtesy of the government, only took 6 months. High test scores, but just didn’t fit into normal school.


This post being flagged just shows how hypersensitive anti-RDF bots are. There is nothing even slightly trolling in this, its nothing but the complete truth. Every max level group has taken me less than 5 minutes to get, less than 10 minutes for lobie content.

It’s almost like reality shattered their world view, but just like climate change deniers, when evidence is in their face against them they respond by strengthening their preconceived views.


You’re late to the party here though, bloom and all the usual suspects arrived hours ago.


Frost I don’t know what your deal is I was in agreement with your OP and now you are going full in being nasty for no reason what so ever. Chill out


For very low levels until around 50’ish you can heal effectively just fine in balance spec. Like ret or arms can tank. As long as you carry some mana pots for back up and grab a mana replenish talent some where you’re golden. Classic vanilla wasnt heavily spec dependent at low levels. I didn’t really feel like a combat rogue until i was 40.


Oh no, I boosted this bad boy to 58, leveled to 70 in the prepatch with all those good ole fast, exp boosted Av games, so When I went resto it was at like level 72, still had level 60 pvp gear at the time, and still didnt dip below 70 percent mana unless the group went crazy and pulled a lot. The ful resto spec with glyphs just handles so much it’s easy af. Was doing it NP with classic pvp gear. The problem wasn’t skill, or even gear, it was logistics. Yes, at peak times, groups could be poppin, but most other times, not poppin, and respeccing goes up every time.

First druid btw, I just looked up an icy veins guide and went through the rotations, came up with a few macros, and boom, dungeons were easy from number 1. Nowadays I use a specific PvP spec to level I came up with just for AV, I spec just far enough into feral to get the extra stealth bonus and speed in cat form, and rest in balance, and I just always go east frostwolf tower and typhoon people off and delay so we can cap towers first and win, I have a 46 percent win percentage as horde after 290 AV battles according to the statistics tab.

15 year old game or whatever bro, I just want RDF so I can level alts because servers don’t have enough players at any given level and merged, it results in enough, simple math and logistics.


See i waited. I knew a head of time that servers were gonna be wonky and people were gonna hit endgame and start raid logging or quitting. Thats what always happens. So i carefully planned where and what i wanted to play. Sure i wish i could see more people questing or out and about, but with lfg i get a dungeon in here and there and its been a really sweet experience and for a level 45 rogue I’ve made over 400g. Have all training and professions current. Have epic riding and doing really sweet for myself. My guild is raiding Naxx and i touch base with my GL when i can and he seems like a nice guy and wants me to come to Naxx with the guild just because i can talk the talk. Sad i won’t really get to do the real heroic experence but i may put off on doing naxx just for the joy of doing things right.

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So you’re saying the devs are idiots or lazy.

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Oh I waited too, kinda still am. I reserved a bunch of cool names on a fresh start server, then made another account, and am on a medium pop server. I barely play now. Just too much going on irl. We have inspections at work, I got a three week course coming up on tuesday where I work 7 days a week, I actually go out and have fun with friends on fridays, I just dont have the time to devote that I did back in OG wrath because I was in my early twenties back then working part time, living with family. But even now, having cross realm or RDF would allow me to basically be on the same footing as I was back then for the most part. This new wrath reforged thing is too vanilla like for me, and retail is, well, it’s retail.

Like I looked forward to Wrath classic while I was in iraq deployed and it was announced, and then when I came back it released and low and behold it’s not casual friendly, which is what I resubbed for.

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Grouping would be worlds better with RDF.

Who said anything about retail?


I train people to drive tractor trailers for a living. I have a wife, two girls, and a semi stripper gf i get to talk to and hang out with time to time (yes my wife knows). I spend most of my days driving or sleeping across country. Ive been to all 48 continental states multi times. I really don’t have time for wow, but here i am suckered into this mess again. I feel if anyone shouldn’t have an opinion on rdf or no rdf its me. I just don’t play enough for it over all to matter.

I did the same for 2 years, been to most states, did over the road driving. I worked expedited freight for panther logistics, came home, did concrete trucking for a while, then went back into the military again. Now I travel to other countries at times as well in my line of work. My lifestyle goes from plenty of time off to not so much time off depending on where I am, and what my job is. I’m single.

Why would you ask for healers to use the lfg tool. Didn’t you say it was already working fine and you have no difficulty finding groups? Clearly no one needs more healers to find groups.


I’m not too lazy to list my healers. I only do guild runs because there’s no rdf. You can’t force people to play the way you want them to. Give me rdf and I’ll join groups as a healer all the time.


I get healers from chat easily. No one is talking to you if you are a stuck up loser. I’m talking to the people who join pugs.

I’m asking them to just list themselves like a normal person.

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Yes, exactly. Everyone who can’t play at peak hours should unsub. In fact I don’t get why blizzard runs the servers 24 hours a day. They have the numbers and can easily just run the servers for a few hours a day, just the peak hours.