Grouping is so easy in WOTLK

Oh look another anti RFD thread with a hidden profile, may as well just say I am an alt of ***


Want to see something funny? Do a simple YouTube search for wotlk classic no rdf. I found like two videos with really low sub numbers even talking about it.

Granted Blizzard is hyper liberal and supports minirities in every possible way. But those results really made me giggle.

A true ‘‘Middle ground’’ would have simply been RDF, but server only. The new LFG tool is basically the same as they had in TBC but with a player interface. Thing is, this ‘‘comprimise’’ still would promote mega servers, due to not being cross realm, so basically all we would get is easier teleportation to the dungeon, the queue times would be crazy since its same server still for certain level brackets.

Some of us wouldnt even mind hopping on a mount/walking there still, its just really a need for more players of all levels to do the content, so it comes down to cross server.

So how about… Cross server grouping, but you all have to go there yourself, then the group merges once inside the instance. Solves the logistical problem of bodies in this case, keeps the world outside cities full of people traveling across it, so there’s your community aspect retained.

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Get a job when you’re older, you’ll think differently.


Well that’s what happens when you have people who fundamentally disagree with you. A third party (Blizzard) looks at both sides and says, “we can do xyz” and that’s what we got. A compromise. It wasn’t the one we wanted, but it was the one we were given. Moral of the story? Don’t trust the government… err Blizzard to resolve your problems.

I wasn’t aware RDF let you instantly raid and get 24 random people to raid with.

You’re thinking of LFR, chum.

You ain’t getting 3900+ GS with dungeons only, lul


You missed other parts of their post where she was talking about forming her own groups for dungeons and raids.

And? What about it? Irrelevent to the fraudulent boasting that I’m seeing.

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The new LFG tool wasn’t nearly an even sided comprimise. The majority of us want it for pre-max level content. It helped really enable alternative forms of leveling. It’s still only really good for max level content alone, assuming you are on a decently populated realm. Anything lower, you might see 3 people listed in it at certain levels. They could easily make things cross realm for pre-max level, and then make it realm only for max level. This alone would solve 80 percent of the issues people have with all this, and still conserve realm identity. That’s a real middle ground.


With pre-max level LFG cross realm, it enables more of the population of all realms to level up, thus creating more at max level. Realm choice still matters for those that are wanting to be serious about end game content, but the casual can still benefit from this. Then, once max level, realms and guilds remain important, because you’ll no longer be a part of cross realm. It’s not perfect, but it solves some issues, without seriously degrading others. And notice, I say cross realm LFG. There’s no teleportation here. So the world will still have people running across it all the time, and they could even match people with their own server first, and fill in the gaps with other servers if needed. You see what i’m getting at right? We aren’t as rigid on this issue as you guys think, it’s just, the current realm only system does not solve our major problem. It was not a comprimise of any kind to start with.

“Alternative ways of leveling” you mean you want speed leveling like they’ve done in retail over the years. Yeah i took part in that too as i leveled healers and tanks to swap to dps at endgame. Funny thing is that’s what brought me to here. I’m so burnt out of rushing dungeons its been nice having a slower approach. Ive gotten to take my time leveling and enjoy the game as a whole and i just know if rdf was in the game i wouldn’t enjoy the game as a whole. I’d level yet again another dk or priest and burn out the limited content their is in a matter of a few weeks and have nothing else left to do.

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What’s more is they were posted months ago too.

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Having an opinion that contradicts the narrative of the angry mob is trolling now? Please go back to twitter.


It’s really about the same in terms of time spent, when you compare dungeon spamming to questing at lower levels, it just gives you more options, and breaks apart the boredom. Yes, dungeon leveling COULD be quicker, if you did it right, but that’s a skill issue there, same with someone who can knock out quests the best way. I personally just liked doing dungeons. As a DPS, it took a while with queue times, but you could just go out and quest at the same time or mob grind, and as a tank or heals, I enjoyed gearing up my alts in the good ole enchanted BOA gear and carrying the group. Some of them didn’t have BOA gear, and it was nice for them because I passed on most drops. You got to really have some fun pre-max level, helping others out and slaying monsters.

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Most of the time when I’m queued its the healer that joins after the 3rd dps or tank.
Healers are often more picky than tanks and wait until a group is full and waiting for them before they consider joining.


Can comfirm, respecced heals on this druid, got groups fairly easily, it was basically my only avenue for leveling though, as a full good resto spec sucks for questing. But it was time of day dependent, if it wasn’t peak times I was kinda out of luck and then what am I gonna do? I havn’t the gold to buy dual spec. I did the healing thing for a whole level and a half, then went right back to my PvP boomkin spec and have been doing AV again ever since.

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I kinda get that but that’s what also lead to my burn out. I was easily out pacing the group by a long shot. I was a player on steroids and it left me feeling hollow as we didn’t have to try.

Later on as i played on private servers thst didn’t offer boa gear it was amazing getting to watch the team have to work together and just try or wipe and oh man a wipe actually meant something again. Want a great feeling? Teach new players to really play without all the advantages. Max player toons mean nothing if the majority suck because they got carried. That pretty much defines retail these days. Zero skill to level to hit endgame and find out they really suck.

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Wrong, they don’t list themselves because they are lazy, incompetent, or entitled.

Every other spec lists themselves in the tool regularly.

I always have to go to chat for healer. There are plenty of them, they are just sitting in a city AFK staring at chat.

You can get instant groups as a healer if you just list yourself. Healers are the bottleneck. You not listing yourself is making you getting a group take longer.

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Oh BOA gear I have never liked. I like the exp boost aspect of it, but blizz could easily just keep up the buff like they did before recently, or straight up boost exp via code without a buff like most private servers do. BOA gear looks stupid for the most part, it’s vanilla recolors in Wrath, and also, it’s stats are stupid OP. Devalues the game, and also makes half the actual items in the game useless. Like, all those cool blue weapon drops from dungeons become meaningless when you can just keep using the BOA weapon, and especially shoulder slots for the first 30 levels. Certain quests like the WC quest gives good shoulders and the list goes on. I’m a twinker, ive twinked low level characters for years and BOA gear just added on the requirement for having a max level character, and made actual quest chains at low levels useless for certain slots. No need whatsoever for that gear and it’s bonuses. They should have nerfed it like they did with booster gear in the classic revamp, give it subpar stats that way actual in game gear is better.


You said I’m wrong but literally just agreed with everything I said. Maybe you misunderstood me and think I’m talking about queueing as a healer, I play tank and dps and most of the time its healers joining the party last.