Grouping is so easy in WOTLK

Its just an avatar. I do play retail just for gold to buy tokens to play classic.

I always enjoy people that dont actually have any point acting like they do.

In order for me to shill for Blizzard they’d have to put me on their payroll. As that’s not gonna happen, I’m not going to shill for them. I am rather annoyed with what they did with Diablo Immortal, not fancying D4 either, not interested in DF. So I’m okay with one game they offer and some how you’re at wits end and can’t get what you exactly want and I’m the shill. Maybe you’re a spoiled brat that only cares about your own selfish needs.

How tf is this a Troll? You’re the troll

How do you figure this toon isn’t a classic toon?

Now that’s what you call Gas-lighting, volume 25.

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That’s ironic, considering I’ve asked you to cite your claim here:

and you’ve refused to. So it was just a lie then?

People wanna be anti social braindead zombies in an MMO. Explain that to me :joy:

What? I know you are just a troll… but at least ask something that is coherent.

If you’re to weakminded to handle social debates, perhaps politics and forums aren’t the place for you. Run along lil moo cow, you’ve got a fresh toon to level.

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Hmmm, yea i said what I said. Try reading harder.

Explain to me why 99% of the anti-RDF people arent above level 50.

My rogue is 80 and 3900+ GS lul with BIS weapons.

This is what happens when you make your own groups.

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Oh, i’ve done quite a few political debates over the years, was pretty adamant about politics in my twenties even, not so much anymore, as I can see the circular arguments ten miles away and already know when a discussion is fruitless within a minute or so of talking to someone. I can ask someone 5 questions, and that would tell me basically everything I needed to know about them, politically.

I know you said what you said, I can read it for 50 years and it still wouldnt make sense because you just put words together expecting it to result in something.

Your dk there is only level 60. Nothing worth bragging about sweet cheeks.

Not understanding a point doesn’t erase it’s existence. Keep buying those tokens bud.

And its not a classic toon. Seriously try to hide your trolling better.

Wouldn’t be the first time I’ve seen someone spread complete lies that they’ve made up. Tends to be a common tactic for the pro-RDF side… I think we both know why that is.


If your vision of what politics is suppose to be was as clear as you percieve it to be, you’d clearly realize that lfg was a compromise between the two factions (rdf and anti rdf). Where you should be giving yourself a pat on the back, you sit here and complain that you didn’t get your way.

It’s crap, as it isn’t cross realm so it does not solve the original problem that RDF addressed, and not only that, it has weird bugs and isn’t even that good compared to the apparent retail one they have. Like, people have pointed out that it would have been more simple to just import that one instead, since either way it’s still considered a retail tool. They spent time and money developing something for no reason.