Grouping is so easy in WOTLK

Yes because a more accessible game is a bad thing right?


So you want to dictate when people play the game, and limit them to only playing it a certain time of the day, and also, as I read above, you want to have enough control over the group you are in to kick people without it being put to a vote. Yep, sounds about right, the Anti-Rdfer side is full of gatekeepers. Nothing but selfishness.


If you’re that concerned about your server pop reroll else where. Don’t make excuses, be a man and solve your own problem. This toon right here was a reroll because i just didn’t want to play my paladin or alliance. Now i love my undead rogue.

No one’s dictating anything but we also all have choices to make or prices to pay for making poor choices.

Re-roll on a mega server right? And then if queue times skyrocket when a patch hits and it takes 4 hours or more to login, ya’ll tell us it’s our fault for rolling on said mega server.

Those queues at best last a week or two. When i first played on my server I’d log in, hit queue, go shower and eat and come play wow. Time management.

Rallying others to flag your post is actually a violation of the CoC, more so than your post is. It’s a form of witch hunting and harassment.

Where did they say it’s still on the table?

Why do we have to manage our time to play a game? It should already be playable at any time.

As much as i keep up to date with Blizzard i have yet to see any of the top streamers mention anything about rdf being on the table. I claim shannigans!

Oh that’s easy, because you’re not managing your time to play a game, your managing your time to when other people are playing the game. All Blizzadd has ever offered is access to their servers. That’s their only obligation to their subscribers.

and here you out yourself as not understanding how original progression MMOs worked and instead are caught up in the modern day retail mindset. And you wonder why I call you what you are

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I just figure, it’s not my job to make the game work 24 hours a day, it’s the companies. I pay them, not the other way around. They have a feature, which basically did that, and they removed it, and now we are being gas lighted into being the ones at fault.

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You want retail -----> Door

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And the game works 24/7 minus short pause for maintance. So they’ve upheld their end of the bargain. See the difference in our mindsets is I’m an adult and decided to take on responsibility for my actions as i realize they have consequences. You on the other hand want everyone else to take care of you. That we call being a child.

Fyi, everything is your fault. Accept that and you’ll do just fine in life.

No you guys are just shilling for a corporation, and admittedly half of you want to have enough control over groups to kick people on a whim instead of voting on it. That’s basically what it stems down to.


They are just toxic trolls with no argument.


Lol that’s your comeback? C’monan, you can do better than that. If we were shilling we’d be bragging about how much we can’t wait to play DF (that which i don’t want to play). But hey i do work for a mega corporation in real life and get paid damn well and love my company. Now that is shilling, but i make dat money.

Lie, lie, lie until the people believe you, huh? Here you sit qq’ing about rdf when you could be solving your own problems. Try acting like an adult as there’s no telling when or if Blizz will even put in rdf. Ever.

Well i’m in the same boat, I work for perhaps the biggest corporation, the good ole US of A, I make far less, but it’s a job. I still recognize when people shill.

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What in the world is your problem? You preach so much you forget to look in the mirror.

You dont even play classic. You are probably one of those retail players that dont like the fact that Wrath is popular.

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I always enjoy a retail avatar calling someone else a retail player.