Grouping is so easy in WOTLK

They supposedly found code for all these past expansions somewhere in a drawer or whatever after telling us they lost it for years, I don’t think they happened to lose the segment of code that has RDF in it within the last 2 months.


You don’t understand anything about coding, obviously from your posts. You need to stop being emotional and talking about things you don’t understand.

Okay Snowden lol.


Huh, now you’ve gone off the rails. Typical RDF enjoyer.

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For this excruciatingly hard content?

Neither does Blizzard, thats why they had to get outside help to get Classic even working.

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Which is why they aren’t adding back RDF after they cut it out with a dirty, jagged saw blade.

It can’t be put back. It’s too disfigured and gross now.

Its still on the table. They havent ruled it out completely. Im guessing they are going to wait for their heroic+ experiment (which people are going to do because raid gear in dungeons) to see if they should put RDF in.

And you are trolling. The second poster in this thread had it right.


They have ruled it out completely. They have said so.

No they havent. They said its still on the table.

No they haven’t. That is just copium.

They’re trying to assist you in your cope and keep you subbed long enough until DF hits and you can forget most of your classic woes, since most of us know you were using Wraths launch as a precursor for DFs launch


Just because you can slog through making something work, doesnt mean there isnt a better option.


This seems to be the newest Anti-RDFer narrative. To say that us original OG Wrath players who mostly quit during WoD, or even before then, are just here waiting all excitedly for dragonflight LOL.


It’s not a slog when it takes a couple of mins to form any dungeon group I want. I even play on FRESH.

Oh and I am in control and can kick people whom I want to kick when I want to kick them or not invite people I don’t want to invite.

What in the world are you talking about? DF isnt looking good at all.


No one cares, you belong there.

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Yet again, when i list for groups on my server (pre 70. Im 45 now) i see tons of people in queue. Often if i see a tank, I’ll invite him and a healer, then grab two other dps and poof! Group is formed. So how are you not seeing people in your dungeon list? Can you not build your own groups? I mean its only 5m’s so it shouldn’t be that difficult.

Sure, but there were a lot more servers back then too. Now there’s less of both. I do see people happily questing on my server frequently, so i don’t know where you’re playing but I’m happy to be on my server. I have absolutely no need for rdf.

Keep showing everyone you are just a troll.

Are you on a low pop or medium pop server? Are you trying to form a group at an hour of the day that isn’t peak time? Back in the day, people didn’t mind rolling on low pop servers because they didn’t intend on being serious in the end game, like raiding or doing Arena, so RDF was perfect for them even if their realm was dead.

Maybe you should play at peak hours if you want a group…