Grouping is so easy in WOTLK

You are clueless of how coding works. Shut your dumb opinions.

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Self-gratification is also easier in WotLK. I can’t pinpoint the “why” of it but I have had quicker, easier, overall smoother sessions of autoerotica than in TBC. Diet is the same, no medication changes…I dunno…but I like it! Thanks Lich King!

merging has never been a solution. people migrate to different servers for a reason. alot of the times its because the mainstream mega servers have so much stomach turning ridiculous toxicity that they cant stand it. and i dont know why folks think you dont see people you meet in rdf again. hell, i built a guild from people i met in rdf. they transferred servers to join our guild. not all stayed but enough did that i still talk to 15 years later that you cant ever convince me rdf was a bad thing. and i would NEVER have met those folks without rdf, even server hopping they would have been a needle in a haystack where as rdf put me in groups with em. were there idiots in rdf… sure there were, but not nearly in the number that lfg had before it went belly up on maladath with hardly anyone listing anymore. and not nearly the number of idiots that hang around every public chat channel on mega servers.

i would heavily disagree there because lack of anyone in LFG tool unless your 80 running end game makes it nothing but questing alone in zones where you MAY get a shot at seeing a group of 5 run by you on the way to a dungeon without saying a word to you.
LFG has turned the game into a solo questing game, unless you want to join a guild of a bunch of hardcore players who will ignore you because you want to play the lower level stuff, or treat you like a second class citizen because you arent a hardcore raider and lock bank tabs for use only by the “elite raider class”. or you form a small guild of like minded players that you get to run with, foregoing the garbage lfg tool in favor of twice weekly nights of running dungeons and not being able to help your faction out because a small group of elitist gatekeepers were tapped as “feedback” for the entire customer base.

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I do, and I ALWAYS get a group within 5mins.

Listen man, no one can validate your own personal experiences. Its best to leave them out of a conversation as they can’t be proven or disproven and weight no merit on a public conversation without both parties witnessing the same phenomenon.

“But my…”

No buts! Fun fact, people lie all the time and we don’t know each other enough to trust each other. I could simply counter with, “well i never…” and that alone invalidates your whole statemrnt.

Furthermore, if people "choose to play on low pop servers because of their own thin skin, then thats a them problem. They must choose to pay the price for their own decisions. And finally if your most compelling argument is, “to much toxicity” on mega servers, then that same behavior waits for them in rdf as well as that’s every toxic player in the game using the same feature to go to the same instances you are going through. Your best solution would be to join a nice guild that upholds your same standards.

Making one mid pop server out of two or three low pop server and starting your own guild with your own standards is without a doubt your best option. Invite a pug here and there to run dungeons with. If they behave offer them a guild invite. Grow and groom your guild to meet yiur vision of good gaming experience.

Boy, have I got the games for you, then chum. Mobile games!

Oops, can’t play anymore, you ran out of insert energy system here either wait X minutes or pay in insert currency to refill your insert energy system here to play instantly again!

Mythic says Hi.

What is it with these classic andies?

Imagine wrath players wanting wrath.

Edit: Also coming from a retail poster, lul

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never asked you to validate it, telling you where im coming from on my opinion does NOT require you to validate anything, maybe to understand might be possible.
but i find it hilarious you would take that tactic when you are expressing your own experiences in your statements. so now you are coming across as “i can say what i want, but you shouldnt say anything.”

no, thats a society problem. folks have been taught by streamers that being toxic is cool and that there arent repercussions to being a donkey online.

but they arent, by blizzard removing a tool that would allow everyone to do their own thing, they are paying the price for a, and i quote brian birmingham here, “small soft selected group who weve listened to their feedback” aka we all are paying the price for what brians elitists jerks guild wants the game to be.

will there be some? sure, i dont deny it, but rdf doesnt encourage toxicity and gatekeeping like the LFG tool did when folks were using it.

this is being willfully ignorant, obtuse, and condescending. the tri fecta of the typical anti rdf rhetoric. way to go with offering absolutely no valid solution and blaming it on the players not the community or blizzard. think we are done here, youve exposed your true colors. thanks for wasting my time. this is why it gets harder and harder to have respectful discussions.

invariably anti rdf end up being insulting, condescending, and offering no solution other than to blame the players as a “you problem” but failing to face the reality of the situation.


you may want to take a break from the forums… you cant afford to lose anymore braincells. you were able to have a current conversation, now your just coming across as a belligerent child using anti rdf talking points. sad to see.

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No idea who Mythic is but ok tell him Hi
If Classic Andy is supposed to be an insult - mkay
Imagine wanting WoTLK Classic wanting to be just like retail.
What character I post on has zero to do with the price of beans in Texas. I have always posted on this one and nothing else but if you don’t like it Karen, that is on you.

But Classic Andy here is enjoying you not getting your way w/your temper tantrums you are having all over the forums. Every time you do, it brings a big smile to my face.

When you pay my bills then we can talk, but until then…yea, not so much.


Validation would be the only way a person could understand where you’re coming from. Without it, i could justbas easily assume you’re making poop up. That’s how this works. I get it, you’re a know it that really doesn’t know it all.

You really think toxicity only came about by streaming? Sir, just no. Back in pre rdf days people could be toxic, but if you wanted a chance to accomplish things, you had to behave. Word could get around quickly and no one would want you in their group. Rdf didn’t just invite toxic behavior, it escalated.

I’d need more context from that quote, but even then its not like i haven’t been known for diaagreeing with a Blizzard dev before. Even Dev’s have had to walk back their own words over the years. My statement still stands, you either go where the people are or miss out on the party. That’s just a life lesson. If you refuse to adapt you get left behind.

No, it escalated it and made Blizzards job twice as hard. They chased the all mighty dollar in order to try and keep their subscribers and paid a dear price by reducing the difficulty of their content. There was a big battle over this in Cata because the dungeons were way to hard and yet again in mop with raids and LFR. They preemptively dumbed down the Wotlk content in both dungeons and raids that which is amusing to me as i figurednas long as they’ve been in game and done on private servers, I’d think they’d up the difficulty by a lot.

I’ll make it easy on you.

Mythic is a difficult above Heroic.

A difficult you can’t use RDF for.

A difficulty you have to make your own group for, like what we have to do now (although cross-realm is available)

Once you hit the level cap in retail, you will never touch RDF again. Some don’t even touch it during levelling because you level so fast and hit cap so fast.

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Havent felt any issue with this. Then again i use engineer wormhole and i am within a 2 min flight of most of the dungeons.

Obviously 4 hour CD, but still. proper planning and route makes this very efficent, especially for world tours.

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Well. I’ve been a software developer for about 5 years. But you’re right. What do I know.

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Less than me apparently.

Grouping do be easy af

no, i said that streaming popularized it and taught kids it was cool and funny to ruin other peoples days. so before you go writing a book on that statement, try comprehending whats being said instead of latching onto something you half read and filling in the gaps with what you wish it had said.

Daysgoneby is a big dumb giant idiot

Dude, it was around long before streaming. Jeez, i already addressed this point. Get your head examined.