Grouping is so easy in WOTLK

I am not sure that “there is nothing to do”. I am busy doing things when the group is forming and I’m busy doing things when I’m flying… I guess it is all in how you approach the game.

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Sorry but you are wrong or lying. Manually finding a group has a disparate impact on everyone below 80 especially past p1. It was like this in TBC and vanilla too. We need RDF badly.


You’re describing cookie clicker.

Sure, you could sit on your computer clicking at the cookie, but you can afk and go do house chores and the game plays itself!

You’re not playing the game when you’re afk doing chores.

There is no evidence that there’s a coding related reason preventing RDF. Cope.


You need it like a crackhead needs his crack pipe.

Take the transfer or put up with the queue!

Why did you take the transfer you idiot?

Why are you leveling an alt, stupid?

Just play solo and quest!


What queue? I havent had a queue in over a week. Also a perk of playing on more then one server. If one server gets busy after a patch, play on your other server.

More like why did you take the transfer instead of giving it some time. My servers queue stopped after a week.

Level an alt by all means, but you don’t have to level it on the same server as your main.

No… if you want to go to a night club to meet people and mingle, go to one in a populated area.

Says he raids on an 80 Rogue.
Posts on a 61 Mage.
And has the nerve to insult other people’s intelligence.

But you do entertain me.
I keep you off ignore to laugh at your impossibly bad logic.

Keep saying you never post on an alt as you post on an alt, it’s hilarious.

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WotLKC has been out for over a month. If no one would have transferred, you’d still have a queue.

Like the dead/low pop servers you say no one should be playing on?

Like the dead/low pop servers you say no one should be playing on? BTW, another character on another realm is not an alt. It’s a main. :roll_eyes:

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And what of the people that created characters on highly populated servers that went to low pop for their faction?
The server was healthy when they joined it then died.

How does doing any research on a server fix that?


Many are raid logging as well, so there’s that.

There’s a difference between leveling and endgame. Low pop could mean most of the population is already at endgame.

I disagree. An alt can become a main depending on what the player does with it, but its just an alt if its a part time toon. The main is the one you mainly play.

By having other toons on other servers. Research which servers have faction balance or faction dominance to your liking. You’re playing wow to meet people and go on an epic journey. Like The Hobit. So go where the people are. I can’t tell you how many times i rerolled and switched factions just to meet new players.

Low pop means low pop.

Wtf i love crack now

The Classic forums are a toxic mess. I find it best to avoid the ones who pick your posts apart line by line. I think it makes them more angry if you don’t respond after they provoke you.

I may agree with OP’s post but it’s much more fun to watch him get roasted on all of his other posts.

LOL – That is one of the silliest things I’ve heard in a while.

It is called using your time wisely. If it takes 5 mins to fly there – then I spend that 5 mins feeding the dogs, taking a bio break, grabbing a drink, ordering my dinner, etc. If it takes 1 min then I’m able to clean out bags, repair, etc.

I can’t help you are not able to manage your time correctly or to your advantage or figure out how to do that - but that really is a you problem.

Further no one said I was AFK. If it takes 5 mins to fly there then it takes 5 mins to fly there. You should learn to comprehend before connecting dots that are not there.

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you forgot to put

#sponsoredadvertisement at the bottom of your post.

jfc this seriously looks like a scripted paid post.

That doesn’t work that way… You don’t just “remove code”, it’s simply just on a different repo. If they wanted to reimplement it, it would literally just get merged back into the game, and probably take a day or two of fixing some conflicts. Don’t speak for an entire company about what they will or wont do, because you really don’t know. You’re just kind of speaking out of your butt. I could careless about RDF, but it wouldn’t surprise me in the slightest to see Blizz decide to add it at some point, stop acting like they haven’t done crazier stuff before.


an argument that should be made FOR rdf.

ANOTHER good point FOR RDF.

yet if your server has ques and your playing on another server more… if you say the character you play more is your main, then youre main is no longer on the qued server and your main is the alt you created on another server that you now play more making it your main… woof… your logic is very like a whirlwind, you just invalidated your whole point.

so your solution to the whole situation is to have NO server loyalty, NO guild loyalty, just play on a dozen servers and accomplish nothing because youre too busy hopping servers to make friends or hit endgame.

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If you wish to interpret it that way, that’s exactly what you’ll do. As i see it, i still also see many leveling too. Ya see, some of us go where the crowds are. So we can group up. A better solution for you would be Blizzard to merge low pop servers and get them to mid pop or higher. You need access to people on yoir server, not access to everyone across all realms. You don’t have to be friends or bff’s but it is nice seeing those people again so you can go on an adventure again. That breeds a healthy game. Rdf makes the game a single player game, granted that’s what it feels like for you now. I understand, but grouping across all realms makes it a solo game with co-op options. That makes you a shallow person and self centered.