Grouping is so easy in WOTLK

Did Brian Birmingham write this to avoid having to do work

im guessing youre a twitch kid by the way you talk to people. wake up, you arent cool, it doesnt make you look smart, and it certainly doesnt make you someone people want to socialize with.

as a tip, you may want to read the WHOLE statement and realize you just repeated that i knew it was around pre streaming but in nowhere near the amount it is today. it was POPULARIZED by streamers who taught kids it was cool to be a jerk and it taught kids it was funny and cool to make their sole goal to go out there and ruin others gaming experience. you may want to take your own advice.

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Thanks. I appreciate it.

buh bye. you have just proven yourself to be a liar and a troll. welcome to the no fly list.

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