Grouping is so easy in WOTLK

The modern LFG version in retail actually works. This version is gussied up UI. It’s a half measure at best because they knew looking for groups with chat wasn’t going to cut it.

To me it seems to serve its functions. I’ve experienced one bug at best. Its functionality is great. I just don’t see what all the fuss is about. Maybe you’re over thinking it.

It is possible for something to simultaneously be functional and disliked. The LFG tool is one of those things.

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Honestly, same here. It’s not instant, often it can be as much as 10 minutes. I’m dual spec, but at least 25% of the invites are as DPS.

You’d be surprised how much time is wasted afking on a flight path and waiting for someone else to show to summon to then run a dungeon.

MUCH worse in Vanilla dungeons before fast mounts or flying.

I hoof them every day… sometimes 2 or 3 times a day…most of time I go do something else while I’m flying – feed dog, bio break, read news (if you can call it news) etc…

Doesn’t change that’s a lot of downtime of doing nothing that can be cut down.

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Systems are working great. I’m having a blast. Anyone not finding groups isn’t trying.


Exactly right

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That’s a forum alt if I ever saw one. Nice 5 posts.

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Lol I love it … these retail kids. Children of social media, quickly looking up you on logs to find something to attack you with. Oh You did X amount of dps on that bullcrap easy boss who nobody cared about. So you aren’t qualified to talk about anything on forums. Go back home to retail and take that ridiculous childish logic with you.

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No thanks.

How are your grey parses doing?

Yeah especially this mage (Drunkandblink). The only thing he has in his life is his mediocre parses to look forward to.

It’s kind sad.

Ahh yes, i see. Like how rdf is generally disliked, but it is functional.

Weird coming from someone who created a thread to complain about toxic parse culture.

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Weird from a paladin who can probably barely operate his PC.

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how many mara runs are you able to get into?

oh look, a random sock puppet level 13 account who posts stupid comments. This is how I know when you are really mad, you log onto your alt to post more.

Try this on a low pop server or even a “dead” one, try to find groups while leveling alts for like Uldaman or LBRS and etc by just “Listing yourself” and then come back to us here, the LFG tool is only good for high/full/mega server otherwise its literal trash and if you are on lower pop servers RDF is 100% require otherwise you won’t do a single dungeon until you are minimum level 58 and in some case its no dungeon period until you reach level 70+

I though this LFG tool was made to increase social interactions and RDF destroy it? Well the way I see it RDF at least allow me to get groups while leveling which at the very least give me a tiny chance of social interactions no matter how small it may be, I’ll take zombies from RDF over be solo questing 1-70.


Counter argument; try not leveling toons on low pop/dead servers. Try being mindful of what you’re doing before your doing. Also apply a little research and time into what server and faction you want to play. Also try having more then one toon on one server. If leveling an alt is your thing, try going to a new server and see how its doing with whatever faction you so choose. The best way to ensure that you have a great gaming experience is to do a little gaming research.

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