Grouping is so easy in WOTLK

Or was a fork… its been a while man. My brain has become a bit rotten.

And we’re totally “gearing up” through dungeons at this point.

It’s all a bunch of crap.

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They’re not worth it. Best to move on.

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So now you are using the “think of the children” argument…

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Then worry less about other peoples problems as a whole. Thats what Blizzard devs are paid to do. You can however log in and help new players learn to be social and use the tools we have.

At this point id like to see RDF added just to piss you all off. Purely for the entertainment factor. Could you imagine the meltdown these kids would have? :popcorn:

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She speaks like a socialist scum that thinks people should all be equal when we’re not. Life experience is the true currency of mmo’s as those that can adapt and make friends quick will always outshine those that refuse to get with the program.

There’s less anti-RDFs than you’d think. It’s more-so people admitting that the LFG tool isn’t as bad as it’s made out to be and pro-RDF people melting down because of it. As long as I can use LFG, RDF can be added to the game for all I care.

Right? I passed up the need for heroics a few weeks ago. My guild raids on Tuesdays, so… It’s almost all pvp from wed-mon.

They didn’t think their cunning plan all the way thru methinks.

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But by p4 it won’t piss us off as much as the content will be old. Just wait your turn.

The joke was, to me, even watching the movie there was no spoon. :slight_smile:

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Or they did and didn’t care that a few were going to be upset. In the end Blizzard still wins as you’re still subbed and actively playing.

I got ya. Lol Thanks for clarifying. :+1:

I dont care either way, i have no skin in this game. I just want to see the sock puppets meltdown like there’s a fire on a Jim Henson set.

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Blizzard not caring and overlooking the wants and needs of the player base is the root of their problems.

Sure, they’re making money, but the soul of this company is gone. Losing credibility hurts in the long run.


I’m a healer, I refuse to use the LFG tool, because I think it’s a massive piece of garbage. :woman_shrugging:


Its tough getting spammed incessantly the moment I hit that List button as a Holy Paladin. Few know the struggle.

About the only time I don’t get instant invites is to AN. Plate boys, I don’t want your trinket. Love watching a group stay listed for 30+ minutes because they refuse to take a potential loot rival. They always come crawling back in the end.

I do appreciate getting time to clear out my dailies though!

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Why would you list if you don’t want a group? Sounds like you are being entitled and arrogant.

Make your own group if you want to limit who’s in it.

How many factions are their in WoW? Two. As much as you feel they didn’t listen to your needs, they obviously did as they listened to people that disagree with you. So Blizzard went for the middle ground and gave us the modern lfg tool. Problem was solved.

And no one cares as what you won’t do, someone else is dirty enough to do what i want them to do. You’re just hurting your self in this fight. As a rogue i must say i love self inflicted wounds. Care to keep going?