Grouping is so easy in WOTLK

I don’t follow your logic with this gate keeping nonsense. No one has to invite you to a party. They aren’t obligated to catering to your needs. It is however healthy for the game and community to have some form of natural barriers. I think you just want wow (and an older wow at that) to be a perfect sandbox mmorpg. Your way of thinking is flawed as it doesn’t fit this type of game.

You’re a former truck driver, right? Does the government just scrape the idea of cdl’s and all the requirements to own one? Just imagine if anyone could jump into a tractor trailer. Why is our government gatekeeping people from driving these bug trucks? Its so terrible. Thats you in a nutshell.

They won’t fix the issue of a lack of player pool for content by putting in cross realm grouping because the players flock to mega servers as a way to have others to play with, thus creating far more revenue than subscription costs via the paid services. There’s no real motivation to change anything because it makes more money for them.

Thats why they have offered free transfers on multiple occassions right? Because nothing makes more money than free transfers…

Also, none of that is gatekeeping you.

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You know what else would help players

1.People making better more informed choices.

2.Owning up to their mistakes.

3.Stop asking everyone else to fix their bad decision making.

  1. Solving their own problems.

  2. Being an adult.

  3. Being wise enough to know that asking someone else to come between you and your opposition to resolve an issue isn’t going to get you exactly what you want.

It is gatekeeping me, because i’m not going to play the musical chairs game they want us all to. Not when a simple fix is to just go after the underlying cause and link the realms for content grouping. None of this is the players fault, the gas lighting on this whole thing is unreal.

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Then don’t. We don’t care and we don’t have to care about your problems. A simpler solution would you being responsible and fixing your problems or coping with what you have. This is your burden to wear. Enjoy it.

Not my problem to fix, they are the ones providing the product.


Their contract to you is to grant you access to their servers. Thats it. You agreed to it when you hit accept. Don’t like it? Spend your money more wisely.

I have changed realms once in all of classic because they were scraping my realm, smolderweb. You dont have to realm transfer constantly. Thats just you making an excuse for you gatekeeping yourself.

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Not sure what this has to do with RDF but w/e.

I grew up watching the matrix. I learned there is no spoon.

Over the years millions of people have agreed with you and done just that.

To prove that rdf isn’t needed. You are the source of your own problems.

They aren’t my problems. I’m not so myopic that I don’t see the need for other people, though.

In a mmo you do. :wink:

Make sense.

Oh i did. You said you don’t need other people, but in a mmo you do need other people. That’s the onlynway to ensure you get the most bang for your buck.

How did we survive without rdf in OG wrath? We asked for it to make grouping easy, and then blizzard said they were working on it, and put it into the game.

The only reason it’s not in now is because they don’t want us gearing too fast. All of that muh social community was a steaming plie of lies.

I watched the entire movie and i never saw one spoon in it. :wink:

No I didn’t. I said the problems I listed aren’t MY problems. They are problems that a lot of other people have. If you weren’t so selfish you would see that.