Grouping is so easy in WOTLK

We just want the original Wrath features, they didn’t have to change anything.

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I want a perpetual Wrath with RDF. That’s it. And unlike many, I will never tell people to leave.

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LoL yeah, The code is lost for all time and the devs are too stupid to write another one!

It was probably just luck that they were able to do the same thing for PvP. You know, find the “lost” code or whatever.

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It’s almost like this isn’t a troll thread…

Mods taking care of their own lol.

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P1 in wotlk didn’t have rdf. That was implemented a year later with icc. They updated the classic lfg tool. This argument about wotlk features doesn’t hold water as if they released 3.0 as it was back in the day it still wouldn’t have rdf and you’d still be waiting and you’d still be complaining.

RDF wasn’t a past wrong. But Wintergrasp sure is a current one.

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I wouldn’t mind waiting until ICC for RDF, but they straight up nixxed plans to do that up front with us, so can’t even look forward to it. I’d use the time until then to just make gold and get all the BOA gear for each class and set everything up.

Got any other conspiracy theories?

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Subjective opinion is subjective. Obviously you can’t see past the scope of your world view.

Plenty actually, like the actual reasoning behind gatekeeping players, aka money money money, and the possibility of an advanced AI system taking over blizzard, and that’s why there’s no human interaction with us anymore.

How are you being gate kept?

You not being invited to a group does not prevent you from finding another group or making your own. So in reality, the only one gatekeeping you is yourself.

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Just for the record they said they’d never do progressive server too. But here we are.

No, it costs too much. You aren’t understanding because you probably work at McDonalds.

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No cross realm, to support mega servers, and customers playing musical chairs every month or so with paid transfers. Makes ten times as much money as subscriptions.

Classic launched with cross-realm. Classic andies complained (a LOT) so Blizzard removed it.

except 3 weeks into Wrath, there was no rdf yet, so what y’all really want is them to change how Wrath was, not stay the same. I wonder how all those millions of players survived without it.

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He’s a delusional person who thinks everyone is out to get him.

Except that RDF has not been shown to be wrong by anyone. It is, in fact, beneficial. It would make a world of difference to:

  • New players
  • Players on low pop servers
  • People playing on minority factions
  • Alts who want to run appropriate level dungeons

Nice opinions not supported by facts.