Grouping is so easy in WOTLK

At work and its slow.

So, here i am. Lol.

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i literally get spammed with messages when i post as a healer lol i ignore all messages and just join the first group that sends an invite. ps. stop talking to me when im in pve mode i just want a summon and ill do the rest

Thry wouldn’t need cross realm anything without faction restrictions though. As I’ve been leveling up in vanilla not a single alliance has tried to gank me. Not even once. That makes me a sad rogue. So if we aren’t going to gank each other. Just remove the faction restrictions. Problem solved on all realms and no cross server needed.

I’m failing to understand what your world PvP experiences have anything to do with what I’m suggesting. This thread is about forming parties at endgame using the LFG tool.

I’m saying if people aren’t going to care about wpvp then factions don’t matter. I wouldn’t expect some dumb, alliance, night elf to understand that. We don’t need faction limitations anymore. If your on a mid pop server but horde have the bulk of the player base, just run a dungeon or raid with them. Use your brain, night elf or barrow a gnomes.

Yeah, what cracked me up was when they were like you obviously don’t know how coding works while proving that they themselves don’t know how it works lol

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Oh, okay.


You have no idea how coding works stop talking about coding like you have any clue what is going on.

First of all, the game is running on an entirely different client meaning any RDF code from the original WOTLK wouldn’t work.

Secondly, the client has been changed from original classic release to WOTLK. It was legion client now it’s shadowlands client.

Meaning even if they had RDF code for legion client it would have to be rewritten for shadowlands client.

Most likely they would try and use the code from shadowlands tools and modify them kinda like they are doing for LFG…imagine that.

There is no RDF tool. It doesn’t exist for this client.

You are a know nothing troll who is salty they lost and doesn’t understand how things work and is just crying to others on the internet.

Stay in school kids.

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Alloance and horde team with each other on private servers all the time and wpvp does still happen some.

not 80 yet when I have used the thing i just pick a bunch pick dps and within about 3 get an invite while I quest med pop server horde favored tho. Would prefer rdf since I’m lazy but it hasn’t been an issue just have to quest a bit before someone invites or whisper me

Is your garmuck sockpuppet on vacation or something? Why all the sudden posting on this particular sock puppet?

Posting in epic Frosstfire thread.

It seems odd that my favorite flavor of Jello is lime, for ice cream its peach and Tic Tacs is orange. Seems like favorite flavor would be consistent among differing foods.

I never post on alts. Stay salty.

As you post this entire thread on an alt… :ok_hand:

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Your first mistake was thinking LFG is a queue.

I’d like to think his main is really a lvl 61 who can’t find their way out of Hellfire.

His posts would make much more sense that way.

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I know how trolling works. Bye now.

Well look at that. The origional post got restored and the one under it got removed by a mod

But trolling to you is someone posting something you don’t like.

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Well here lies the problem, everyone complains about the current direction of retail, so the developers acted on that in classic. They decide to change some things that they feel led the game astray. What do we all do, complain. IF they can’t ever be given a chance to fix past wrongs, this game will just become Shadowlands all over again. I feel like that’s what most forums users want.