Grouping is so easy in WOTLK

tyvm. i appreciate it and i get it but the “my guy” thing that has suddenly started popping up on forums has always been used to mock folks in the posts ive been reading. i appreciate your understanding. i have been enjoying an actual discussion this time out rather than the typical lol

It ain’t a thing bud. Just foing my thing. You do yours.

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Saying “my guy” is a form of mockery to you?

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At 50 patreon subscribers, I’ll play my priest with my shirt off.

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I don’t like it. They should have used the SL group finder.

It’s easy to say you have no issue getting groups when you are on a mega server and you’re doing level 80 content.

Spoken like a true elf.

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OP in LFG.

queue into, get invited after 1h, in this time he is in the WoW forums trolling every post about RDF, he doesn’t farm, he doesn’t do open world content, he just wait, get an invite FINALLY, he doesn’t move to the stone, nonono, he likes be summoned, and after that run the dungeon. Make a portal to dalaran and sit there again, come back to the forums and play forumcraft. thats the life of anti rdfers, all of them wanna be summoned.

The fact this is getting reported is proof the rdf zealots are abusing the report function.


or the proof that anti rdf zealots doesn’t have enought people to even flag a simple post LOL.

My healer and my dps have wildly different LFG experiences. My healer gets in a group with zero effort. My hunter usually has to answer 3-5 questions, and a probable ghosting or 2.

So, under five for my healer. Longer for my hunter depending on the time of day.

There’s always sub-optimal players, and if RDF is implemented, this would happen tenfold since you can’t choose who’ll wind up in your party. At least with LFG you’re able to hand-pick your party members, and cross-realm LFG would help speed the process up.

More people go to the forums to complain. The one’s enjoying the game are in game. The rest of us are posting while at work.

I mean, it takes a lot to get me to report something. I dont report a post because it has an opinion i don’t like. I report when it actually deserves it, like RL threats, genuine spam (someone makes 5 new rdf threads in a day, yes i am reporting it, even if its anti rdf)

But glad you indirectly admit you are abusing the report function…

anti rdfers should be enjoying the game, but they post more than pro rdf do and share their experience like if someone cares about it, how is that possible?

Nah, i like my server. My wait times aren’t bad. I’m okay. Thats a hard pass but with your way of thinking, Blizzard could just remove faction restrictions and let us communicate in party. That’d be even more people.

Or they simply quit without saying a word.

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Happens all the time. Maybe more people join without a word.

mmmmm, this guy is in every post he is a professional troll, he is not kind nor is he someone empathic, just like anti RDF are reporting a dwarf that is here every day, just the same.

bads for you, i’ve never reported someone because i don’t care about it, a GM should prove it.

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I like my server, too. I’m suggesting what I think would be best for Classic WoW as a whole, and Blizzard wouldn’t need to “remove faction restrictions” for cross-realm LFG to be a success. Here’s another possibility: have both normal LFG and cross-realm LFG, and throw RDF in there too for the people who want to use that. More options is a good thing.