Group Loot.....bad!

My Tanks won’t be pissed because no one will roll on something like that until the main specs get what they need. That’s what happens in Guild runs.

The hand wringing your having about Loot Drama already happens with PUGS and PL. What fantasy land do you live in to think otherwise?


That works in organized groups.

Now try that in a pug.

But that’s not what people are talking about. People are talking about pugs and LFR.

Never seen it. Never seen a tank mad that the Ret got a tank trinket, because he knows the Ret would have won anything else if his loot spec wasn’t Prot.

Since PL selects winners first, then assigns loot.

But now that the tank trinket dropped off the boss, and it’s the group’s loot, the Tank will ask the Ret to trade the trinket or get kicked.

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I see it all the time. Not that the DPS won a Tank Trinket because they swapped Loot Specs but more that they won’t trade it to the Tank that also wanted it.

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So you see all the time something you’ve never seen.

GG, you played yourself.

Loot drama is almost inexistent since Legion and the forced PL into Pugs. Like the threads about it have died down to 1 every 6 months on GD, and I’ve literally not seen a single pug argue over loot in 3 expansions.

But we’re about to go back to WoD levels of loot drama. Strangely enough, when I’m in your normal pug run, and I roll need on Tier gloves, and you inspect me, you’ll notice all Mythic raid level gear except stange PvP Honor gloves. I hope you don’t question it too much.

I suggest using these alts of yours to craft your own herioc/ mythic quality gear. Did you miss on reading the profession overhaul?

Everyone screaming about Group loot like its the end if the world. Stop whining, make your alts useful and get into crafting professions, while your add it make some gold too!

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LOL what? I see drama in PUGs all the time when players won’t trade off spec items they’ve won genius.

The end result is the same whether the anger is directed at a player for Main Spec rolling for something they aren’t currently playing with NEED/Greed or that they won’t trade an item after they’ve won something that’s for a different spec than they are currently playing with PL.

The difference is you can switch your loot spec every boss.

Personal loot you only get one chance of loot. If you win the loot it auto geberates something you can use for the spec you chose.

I often gear my tank/healing specs by dpsing first. Because thats my preference. I dont like tanking lfr raods but I like it in keystones.

I will definetly be needing stuff and changing based on bosses.

Because we all have a lockout. We all have one chance a week.

Also transmog hunting has me switching my main spec all the time in group content.

Now in your guilds you may have that priority system. In pugs it isnt like that. We all have different reasons for coming in. Some want ilvl upgrades, some just want a few items. Some want transmog since transmog heavily outlasts any item lvl gain.

I will need for transmog.

Personal loot let me hide my loot so I wouldnt be harassed if something dropped.

N/G basically shows you everyone who rolled against you. And yea you lost to someone you didnt expect to because everyone has different reasons for being there.

Even someone rolling need for gold would happen since its pugs/lfr.

Guilds can control that behavior with threats to kick people from the guild.

Pugs arent as socially constricted.

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You can switch specs every Boss right now.


No you don’t.

If there was loot drama “all the time” in pugs, there would be mass GD threads about it. I would have seen it having run many pugs since Legion launched.

If you see loot drama in pugs all the time, I would hazard a guess it’s you making drama.

But I’ll stick to “r/ThatHappened”.

But it’s quite different, because there is no drama now. Ret wins tank trinkets, tank asks if he needs, Ret says “yeah, it’s an upgrade for my tank set” and Tank says “gg, it is a good trinket”.

When that trinket drops off the boss, Tank will say “You can’t roll OS over me!” and they’ll start fighting.

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Here we go! Another thread about players whining about Group loot. Craft your own gear or request a work order. Hello?

Yup. And its going to offend healers/tanks when they see dps rolling on there stuff.

Personal loot you have the option to hide your loot and not offend anyone.

N/G shows everyone who rolled. Drama starts usually after that happens. PL allows you to avoid that by not looting.

You can try for yourself in stuff like lfr.

We have been using personal loot since it’s inception for our raids and it has worked well. Group loot will work better in my opinion for simply the change with trading loot as I couldn’t give someone loot I got from Personal due to having a legendary in the same slot.

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i am going pug and need for transmog or trinkets I want.

Drama is going to happen. Ill probably get kicked a few times.

I hate how people who dont pug basically tell me to stop enjoying the game. Or not to play anymore.

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The drama posts in the past came from Master Loot issues in PUGS which was a big reason for the change to PL. NEED/GREED drama has been a minor annoyance since Vanilla and was never a forum worthy complaint.

Yeah, exactly, PL solved loot drama for pugs. Now there is none.

Lots of the drama were over things you’ll see under need/greed. People needing things they don’t really need (mog, vendor gold from rings) and people actually swapping loot specs, basically making MS > OS completely impossible to enforce.

It will still be casual friendly.

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As long as those casuals don’t lose it when their upgrades are won by people wanting them for transmog.

So, the same thing that goes on now when people get loot they dont need but want for mog.


Psychologically completely different when it’s going to be on the boss’ corpse, and someone rolls on it vs when the system just declares them the winner and gives them something.


Thats totally fine, its going happen not only by you but other players too, I know this. So, I’m just going to enjoy the game, craft pieces and not let Group loot criers sour my game. There are other options to gear afterall, including world content, creation catalyst, farming raids for tranmog, oh my gosh, but people have narrow thinking and not accepting it is what it is and deal with it, take responsibility.

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