Group Loot.....bad!

Im just gonna say group loot terrible, TERRIBLE idea. Casuals with multiple alts are screwed. Only person gonna benefit from this is raid leaders distributing gear and my wife. My wife because ill be playing far less and not playing my alts.


She was spending time with me while you were on the alts so she loses out too.

But I agree with the intent of this thread!


okay… can someone please explain to me the difference between group and personal loot. I know that sounds like a stupid question… i just don’t really raid but i see this vs alot and don’t understand it, and I’d like to. you know the learn new things everyday kind of thing. lol

coming from a “i don’t know anything” standpoint, it just seems like personal loot would be better because group loot seems like more people get less items they can use? is that it in a nutshell? doesn’t seem a fair way to reward those who work hard during the raids, etc?


When a boss dies with personal loot, you’re rolling against the table unseen to get loot. Just you versus the RNG put in the game.

The problem with this is a perceived lower loot drop amount. Not sure if true or not.

When a boss dies with group loot, all the items are on the boss’ corpse and each person rolls against each other based on a need before greed system. Players can select need greed or pass. All the players that select need roll on the item.

The trouble with group loot comes from players not agreeing on what they actually need. Also, players will make any excuse on why they need it more. Personally, I feel like enchanting mats and tmogs are necessary too.


OP you’ve confused Group Loot with Master Loot.


How do you figure?

I genuinely think Blizzard has explained this very poorly and has tried to clarify, but it’s just not sinking in.

Group Loot =/ Master Loot. Raid Leaders aren’t going to be distributing anything.

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I assume you didn’t even read the blog post from Blizz that explains everything.

This isn’t Master Loot. If you win the roll the drops go in your Bag. No one distributes anything. This is the same as PL with more transparency but less curated drops.

My only gripe is we’ll have more wasted gear early on since loot can drop for specs that aren’t in the Raid. Hopefully this comes with an increase to drop rates.

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Guilds or groups are still going to want to distribute loot with consequences if you don’t participate.


When you kill a boss, you want a reward, right?
As weird as it sounds. Seeing a Bow drop is exciting for all Hunters. Rolling on it is exciting. Sure, you may not win it, which can be disappointing. But you felt like you almost got it. You almost won it.
And in DF, only BM and MM will get prio rolls on Bows.
Offspecs (aka SV) is second.
Then greed (aka a Warrior wanting it for tmog) is last.

Personal Loot is depressing when you don’t get an item. It feels like you defeated that boss for nothing. You’re not even part of the fun of your (potential) friends getting loot.


So? They’d have those same rules with PL and expect you to trade your drops based on those rules. Either way the gear is yours until you choose to trade it away.


You can still see the loot in the chat window, just like before.

Then it is master looter. With extra steps.

Not many people are wanting to go against a raid just so you can have group loot for absolutely no good reason.


You do understand that is not how “group” loot works right? The raid leader isn’t handing out loot to anyone.


But what does that have to do with Need/Greed vs PL?

In the end both are just ways to roll on drops. One the roll is done in the background and one the roll is transparent to all.

Why do you want group loot?

I’m fine with that. They should be allowed that option if they want it.

If your guild attempts to do that and you suspect them of playing favorites or can’t get behind surrendering your roll because Big Brother told you to, you don’t have to. You can still get your roll and then can tell your guild where to stick it.

Other guildies will fast get sick of having to constantly replace people because the leadership is trying to herd cats and create drama on loot rolls

Like I said, not everyone is going to want to discard raids and friends just so you can have group loot for no reason.

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A flood of messages with no meaning.
It isn’t the same as seeing the actual loot pop up on your screen, which has yet to be assigned, where you can take action against each item.

It also means you wont have people whispering you. Nor will you have to ask people to /roll on loot you were given, when you don’t even want it.

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Uh… What?

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It’s the exact same thing minus a window. And people will still whisper or complain about who’s rolling.

If you can’t follow the logic of what happens when you don’t participate with a raid or group’s loot rules I’m not going to discuss further with you.


I don’t care either way. It’s all the same.

I just find these misinformed posts to be amusing. We have posters like the OP conflating Need/Greed with Master Looter for example.

I am happy though with removing Trade restrictions and as an old school player I do admit I miss the rolling on drops after a Boss is dead.