Group Loot.....bad!

But it does matter. You can’t offer a good opinion on content you don’t partake in.

That’s why no one takes your opinions seriously because you have no experience or clue what you’re talking about.

What you’d value as a good opinion is flavored in bias.

You need perspective from everyone who could come into contact with the system, not just the ones you deemed to have used it to your satisfying degree.

Which is why you’ll never work on their dev teams. You’re determined to push everyone out who isn’t your kind of player.


Your opinion has bias.

No I don’t. The game shouldn’t be balanced around people who barely play the game or are terrible at it.

Further proof why your opinion is worthless.

1: I have no desire to be on their dev team as I’m not taking a pay cut.

2: you continue to make things up and fail to read basic sentences

3: you try to post from a position of having an informed opinion when you have zero experience or clue what you’re talking about.

I don’t feel that you are often mentally competent enough to hold form a well reasoned opinion on anything. It would be silly to discount everything you say however because an argument can often be evaluated based on it’s merits alone divorced from the messenger.

The great wall of stupidity you’ve built around yourself is only protecting your fragile ego.

Is he a credible witness for what happens in your guild or house. Probably not.
Is he credible in what happens in snozy’s bedroom, or the raids that snozy is in, again, perhaps not.

But we aren’t discussing how changes effect snozy.
We are discussing how changes effect world of warcraft and all of it’s players as a whole.

The guy has been playing this game for 18 years. His opinion is quite valid in terms of how loot rules will change world of warcraft and it’s players as a whole.

If you want to continue advocating for your tiny little subset of wow players. That’s totally fine. But we, and the audience all know, you are speaking for a minuscule percentage of the player base.

So while you might be the worlds authority in your teeny tiny little subset of wow, the viewpoint base from which you argue, is too narrow in scope to add much value to the topic.

last i checked, hazzikostas and friends were millionaires.


I agree with the way you presented group loot. Although it can also be fun on occasion. I can see the return of the dreaded “loot council” and I will not be part of such a system.

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Says the guy that refuses to answer a simple question.

Good thing your opinion is just as valuable as Bloodys. O wait you’re the same person :joy:

My ego isn’t fragile. If it was I’d be hiding on a classic toon :joy:

Never said we were. I’m saying people who don’t raid don’t really have a credible opinion on what affects or doesn’t affect raiding. I’m not saying you can’t have an opinion because everyone can have an opinion. I’m just saying it’s not credible.

How do you know how long he’s been playing? O wait it’s because you are him.

Also playing for 18 years means absolutely nothing. You can have played that long and still be terrible at the game and not have even basic understanding of the game itself.

Over 60% of the player base has raid boss achievements

So either raiders are a minuscule subset and a loot change to only raiding doesn’t matter


Raiders aren’t the minuscule population and it affects everyone.

Make up your mind.

Those aren’t entry level devs so again another terrible comparison Bloody.

This is not how it works. If you’re loot locked, you don’t count towards the item pool, and thus the item pool is diminished and less winners are selected.

This literally cannot happen. Loot chance used to be 20% per person in Legion and BfA (it’s less now in SL, don’t want to bother to figure out the actual number).

10 people raid is 2 pieces. 15 people raid is 3 pieces. Etc…

If you have a 16 person raid, but 2 locked persons, you get 2 garanteed pieces of loot each boss and 80% of a 3rd one (14 eligible players).

It will never happen that you get just 1 because the 2 locked persons “won”. You’ll always get 2 no matter what, and a 3rd most of the time (80% chance).

Since changes were done to Flex tech in WoD, loot has been flexible, and the number of drops is based on the eligible raid members.

Bosses don’t drop a static number of items anymore

More false information. If you have higher ilvl, you absolutely can roll.

You do realize the majority of guilds already have loot councils right?

Lets remove all gear from raiding.
Does that affect m+ and pvp? Yes
So changing the loot rules for raiding, has an affect on the rest of the game. The sudden influx of raiders looking for loot in places where they wouldn’t otherwise would change things.

It’s not hard to understand.

No it wouldn’t.

Raiders already do mplus to get gear for raiding so that wouldn’t change. (This is where that credibility matters)

If raiders are already doing mplus and pvp for gear it doesn’t change anything :man_facepalming:t3:

Apparently for you it is. If it weren’t you wouldn’t make an argument that a loot system in raiding affects other avenues of the game considering raiders already do mplus for gear especially at the start of the season.

I’m well aware that SOME raiders do that. The raiders you care about. Not all of them. This is that narrow viewpoint you have showing through.

You love to talk about raiders, when really, you are talking about a subset of those that raid, which is a subset of wow players.


Even if it were only some raiders that gear up by spamming mplus that’s still a good thing.

That’s more players added to the mplus pool. More groups equals good.

Even heroic guilds usually have a minimum of one mplus key completed per week.

So again you provide a terrible argument about how raiders getting group loot is a bad thing.

Still waiting for a valid reason that’s negative.

At least I raid and have a clue what I’m talking about. Sorry not sorry Bloody but you’re wrong again.

Do you imagine that M+'s would be happy with a ton of clueless unskilled raiders suddenly added at the start of say, s3 because their gear no longer drops. They don’t know the skips, don’t know the routes. It would be pandemonium.

All raiders includes normal raiders, and lfr raiders.

You said 60% have a raid achievement eh. Yet a much smaller percentage of players have the achieve for finishing nathria on any diff normal or above and it gets worse season by season.

Seems to say the vast majority of your raiders, are LFR raiders. Whom you love to say don’t count.

In that case … what you have left, Is a teeny weeny tiny little itty bitty portion of the player base.

Most raiders already know this stuff. You’re making a huge reach assuming raiders don’t know this stuff.

Didn’t say they weren’t. Most normal and LFR raiders aren’t going to be doing 15s early season and there’s this thing called raider io.

60% have raid boss kill achievements. Not everyone fully clears nor did I say that they all do. Either way that’s over 50% participating in the content at some capacity.

I say I don’t consider LFR raiding. I’m also not advocating for LFR removal either.

Proof the majority of raiders are from LFR?

3rd grade math

That’s not proof. So more unsubstantiated claims from you.

And cheery picking statements

I don’t feel you are a valid member of the human race.

Does that change anything.


It’s as worthless as you saying that LFR raiders aren’t raiders.

The point is, you’ve narrow your scope to the point where it’s irrelevant to the topic.
It’s only relevant to you.


Even the devs had said that LFR is theatremode.

I haven’t narrowed anything. You clearly can’t comprehend my statements.

Your right. Occasionally for work I have to compose my reports at a 5th grade writing level so the C-suite will understand them. I don’t really have the patience to interface with you on the level you require.

Ahh even more childish insults because you can’t refute anything.

Bloody swapping characters to protect his “image” :joy: