Group Loot.....bad!

Its not a weak argument. Its just you will never see past your nose. Even when you eventually encounter the issue.

Players are generally greedy when its a highly competitive game. You almost have to be, if not someone will step on you because they can.

Again, I will repeat this again. Because you seem to be slow about understanding the problem with GL. Most Guilds will be fine as long as they have proper leadership. Group Loot can be helpful for those guilds. Lord knows I ran 6 bosses with my guild last night in Mythic CN and I didnt see any personal drops. Group loot would have been good for us that night as what items did drop other players just kept.

But in PUGS where everyone will roll NEED on every eligible item (KEY WORD ELIGIBLE, if your not sure what that means, you need to stop and go look it up) or risk walking away with nothing. If you do not, then your not very smart. This will however cause friction as people get loot and others do not. Which will cause players to be toxic.

I really feel like I am becoming a broken record with you on this. Not sure why I or anyone else even takes the time to bother. You either can not understand or refuse to understand. Regardless, I hope someone else at least understands this. Hopefully a Dev.

I would really like an explanation from Ion why he allowed this change back when he said in 2018 the move to forced Personal Loot was to give players more agency over their characters and make them feel like THEY looted an item from a boss instead of an item being passed to them. But I digress. He is wishy washy anyway.

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But it is. You just can’t see passed your bias due to not understanding how the system works.

If you actively pass on loot the only one to blame is you.

Stop thinking about OLD group loot and actually read about the NEW group loot.

That’s because you’re too busy trying to sound smart to realize that yin clearly haven’t read how the new GL system works.

Even then everyone has the same right to roll need on every eligible piece they can. Don’t like it then join a guild.

Because they didn’t foresee the multiple issues that have happened from being personal loot.

Thats what you keep saying because you have no valid argument.

I have explained the difference, but your refuse to admit it since all you want to do to is troll.


  • In the past, Need/Greed only knew if something was equippable or the right armor type, not if it was meant for your spec or not. This is now changed.

  • First off, you can never Need for anything your class cannot wear. No warriors sniping cloth robes with a need roll and giving it away or trolling.

  • We also have mainspec and offspec functionality built-in, which changes based on the current loot spec you set.

  • Main spec takes priority, then Off spec, then greed. So while a Ret paladin can’t off-spec loot a shield away from a main-spec roll from the Tank, anyone rolling greed could never win it over them. This also means that if you swap specs for a specific fight, like going Holy, you can still main spec roll for your desired items if they come from that boss without having to worry about hurting yourself by being flexible to your group.

  • Players won’t be able to win multiples of the same item - say that 2 sets of Shoulders drop. While you can roll Need on both of them, winning one will ‘remove’ your roll from the other.

  • Additionally, players can’t Need on a piece of loot if they’re wearing the exact piece at the exact item level, though in the event where this occurs but the dropped piece has a Tertiary stat or Socket, that roll would be possible (as those are upgrades).

  • Lastly, even after winning the roll, items remain fully tradeable without restrictions to any player that was eligible as a looter - as-in, if you weren’t locked to that boss previously. Inversely, this means that players who have already killed Boss 1 on Normal for the week can’t join for that boss and have loot traded to them (similarly, the need/greed pane won’t appear for that player).

 Just incase you want to keep arguing saying I do not know

Everything we have been explaining still shows flaws in the new GROUP LOOT 2.0

If you keep saying I do not know how group loot works, you may as well say the Devs do not know how group loot works. Because that’s how folly your argument is

Mythic still uses instance ID lockouts, not boss loot lockouts. One you kill a mythic boss, that is the only instance you can enter for the reset.

This is unconfirmed, but they have given no indication that the number of items that drops under GL is calculated in a different way than PL, which is to simply pretend the locked players aren’t there.

So 10 unlocked and 5 locked would drop 2 items in both systems.

I have yet to meet one who does anymore, right?

You don’t know.

The gains outweighs the perceived issues.

You don’t know how it works.

Literally every guild I have been in minus one has used rc loot council since BFA.

You must struggle with the concept of scope a lot.

This game isn’t just for you and your raid buddies.

It’s for everyone to play and enjoy.


You clearly struggle with basic sentences.

Never claimed it was.

Again never said it wasn’t.

The streamers asked for it and that’s all who Blizzard listens to.

Every time you mention creditability that’s all you’re reinforcing.

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A lot more than just the streamers have been asking for it.

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You’re reaching.

You have zero credibility to comment a valid opinion on raiding because 
you don’t raid.

I know basic common sense concepts are hard for you but it isn’t this complicated.

Then stop trying to create a divide.

That’s clearly what you want when you keep mentioning players have to have credibility to make valid feedback. Very narrow and shortsighted.

Not everyone needs a badge pass or resume history to give valid feedback.

Stop making stuff up.

No what’s shortsighted is someone who doesn’t raid trying to give an informed opinion on raiding or mplus or arena.

Actually yes you do. You need to have experienced the content and actually know what you’re doing to give an informed opinion.

How could you give an honest informed opinion on reviewing a movie if you haven’t seen the movie?

You can kick and scream all day but it doesn’t defeat the fact that only getting the perspective of players who have engaged successfully with the system is missing the overall objective of improving the system for everyone who plays the game.

Improving the game for everyone’s experience (hopefully) should be Blizzards goal, not just for the power hungry, adrenaline junkies that the likes of you or Ion enjoy through raiding alone.

I’m not the one kicking and screaming throwing a tantrum. That would be you.

PS you don’t even partake in the system so you don’t have any valid improvement ideas.

Catering to people who refuse to play the majority of the game should be the least prioritized group period.

As long as you’re looking to create divide then no is going to be happy.

Good. Nobody wants loot to rot on your low dps alts that make occasional appearances. tf outta here.

I’m not going anywhere.