Group Loot.....bad!

If you want to look like absolute fools then go right ahead cause that booster isn’t mine.

Your whole argument is that players who don’t do your content doesn’t have a say.

Do you realize how crazy a pitch that is?

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You’re trying way to hard to deny it.

It’s ok the sooner you accept that you’re mad about being wrong over everything the better you will be.

That’s not what my argument is.

Considering that’s not what I have said at all I think it’s crazy you’re this disconnected from reality.

…how many times have you mentioned creditability now?

Has anyone here actually given the new group loot a try/chance? Or are we going straight to the qqstorm?

^ This

That mob pays the bills around here.

NO -totally incorrect .

Personal loot:

  1. kill boss
  2. game rolls for EVERYONE in group to determine who get loots ( number of pieces that drop asre exactly te same in all loot systems )
  3. if teh game decides you get loot it then rolls on teh bosses loot table to see what loot you get - it may or may not be useful for you . It may or may not be an upgrade for you .
  4. if for some reason you are loot locked ( ie cannot recieve loot from that boss because you have killed it before that week on this dificulty ) and teh game selects you to get loot you will not get any loot , however the game does NOT select another person . So say a boss drops 4 pieces of loot , 2 people in teh group cannot get loot from that kill , game will only distribute 2 pieces of loot not 4 .

Group loot :

  1. kill boss
  2. game decides what pieces of loot drop .
  3. people who can USE an item that drops ( ie shaman/hunters /evokers for mail item , everyone for rings etc ) , is an ILVL or tertiary stat upgrade ( so if you have a higher item level at any time you wont be able to roll need ) , is for your spec ( a ret pally for example wont get precidence on a shield over a prot pally/warrior etc BUT will get precidence over a hunter on a greed roll - system is smart and determines if off specs can use the item ) will be able to roll need , rest can roll greed . So only the people who can actually use the loot will win teh loot .
  4. If two of teh same items drop and you can roll need you are able to roll for both , game determines winner one at a time an dteh person who won the roll for the first item will have their roll for teh second cancelled ( so you cant win two of teh same item from teh one boss kill )
  5. there is a chance that nobody can roll need on a piece of loot that drops .

So lets now look at a couple of senarios to compare the two systems .

Myself and two others join a fresh 15 man pug under teh current personal loot system , we have already killed boss one , but that group fell apart so we join this group . We kill the boss and it selects two of us to win loot . We are ineligable for loot so only1 person in teh group gets loot from that boss. Wont happen with group loot.

A person joins an LFR to farm currency/mog . They far out gear the instance and wont use any gear that drops . The get selected for loot and get a piece that would be a huge upgrade for someone else in teh raid . But being a seagull from Finding Nemo they scream " MIne Mine MIne " and refuse to trade it -happens all teh time . Again wont happen with group loot - teh selfish person wont be able to roll need on it .

While this does mean it’s possible for a bow to drop in a group without a hunter, the belief is that this rewards groups for playing with a diverse set of classes - as well as the normalizing factor above (mail wearers from the last few years know how hard it is to get loot comparatively).

Don’t need to play with it to know that viewpoint is awful. Groups are goings to be punished for not having 1 of every class in their makeup for every boss.

hahahaha well with GL

theres 2 options

  • if u 3 are locked u wont even able to join a instance where the 1 boss is still alive.
  • u reduce the chance of loot by at least 1 item so instead of 3 items the raid will get 2

ofc the raid will receive a warning A, B , C are locked out, u will receive reduced loot.

3s later u guys are kicked out ,

The get selected for loot and get a piece that would be a huge upgrade for someone else in teh raid . But being a seagull from Finding Nemo they scream " MIne Mine MIne " and refuse to trade it -happens all teh time . Again wont happen with group loot - teh selfish person wont be able to roll need on it .

ehm im afraid we dont know if thats true

X boots normal 350 ilvl , u got this already , so if it drops again u cant roll , u can roll need if has tertiary stats (like leech) or gem slot.

X boots LFR 336 ilvl . even if u have the 350 boots u can roll , is not an upgrade but they arent the same boots, so let u roll for transmog

otherwise LFR sets are out of reach for any1 that does m+ / normal+ , u will be forced to roll an alt of same gear not gear him at all and only do LFR with him in order to being able to need for the set. And how that makes sense?

BLUF: perfect world for me is allowing the option to opt in to personal, group or master at the beginning and prevent it from changing after the decision has been made by vote.


I beg to differ as I never liked personal loot.

I never liked a situation were you have a person who shows up with minimal effort in gear, dies at every boss, soaks up more damage than the tank and just waits to rez to just collect loot.

You can’t make everyone happy with limiting to just one style of loot rules, but creating situations where this does exist is not ideal imo.

I never liked a situation were you have a person who shows up with minimal effort in gear, dies at every boss, soaks up more damage than the tank and just waits to rez to just collect loot.

now instead will die , boss gets killed release, roll need and win the item lol

Only if they can use it as an upgrade.

This is where it works the best imo.

The one who put in the effort and the slouch still have access to the item this way if it is usable

TOTALLY INCORRECT - with group loot teh same amount of loot will drop – we just wont be able to roll on it --please learn how the game works before making rediculous comments

again read what blizz says --if you have higher ilvl you cant roll

becaause using loot is miles ahead of playing dress ups . Tramsmog has never and never will be a legitimate reason to roll need on anything

How many times have you not comprehended the difference between an opinion and a credible opinion?

TOTALLY INCORRECT - with group loot teh same amount of loot will drop – we just wont be able to roll on it --please learn how the game works before making rediculous comments

what stop 19 players to run mythic for a 20th player and again for another ? over and over and over ??? or 16 and carry 1 of each armor type

That you make the difference infers that you want to create division.

But there is a difference. The fact that you can’t tell the difference between a credible informed opinion and a non informed opinion is sad.

You’re a prime example of a non informed opinion because you don’t do any of the content you have an opinion on.

It doesn’t matter. It shouldn’t matter.

You’re a making a big deal over nothing.